
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What's in a word 02.03.15

                As I was taking my granddaughter to school, I was, as usual, acting silly. At a stop sign I allowed my hand to configure itself, as if it was a monster’s hand and was attempting to attack my face. I turned my eyes toward my hand and I made a face as I screamed in fear. I then looked back at Gabi and she was grinning and shaking her head. 
                I asked Gabi if she thinks I am silly, to which she replied, “Yes”. I said, “Good, I like to be silly”.
                Later, I was thinking about what I remember about my grandpa on mom’s side of the family. I remember he sat in a rocking chair near the potbellied stove and that he had lots of hair growing out of his ears. I never met the grand parents on Dad’s side of the family.
                I hope the grandkids remember Donna and me as being different, silly is ok, doing things with them. The garden last year was for the most part for the grandkids, in an effort for them to have memories.
                I was talking to my present wife this morning about the grandkids and what their memories of us might be. I suggested that Alex, when he was 40 years old might be talking with friends and he might say, “My Papaw was a swinger”.
Now that statement might get someone’s attention, and I must say, he would be correct.  Recently Alex explained to my first wife that, “she was the cooker and that Papaw is the swinger”.
To explain, Donna makes all the food including ice cream cones (cooker), and Papaw pushes him in the swing (swinger).
Even the little things we do, may turn out to be great memories for someone.  
Don Ford

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