
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Snakes this time of the year 12.23.14

                Our newest resident at, “The Ford Homestead Foundation for Abandoned and Mistreated Felines”, is Charlie.  Occasionally he is referred to as, “Sorry Charlie”, depending on what he is doing or has done.
                Charlie has found, played with, and finally executed 4 snakes since he has been here. These snakes are not the prolific and I should say, poisonous, “Rattle Head Copper Moccasin”, but merely the common garden snake.
                Charlie had one of these snakes yesterday afternoon playing with it in the garage. You would have thought he was given a new toy the way he was running, jumping and sliding across the floor.
                This morning Charley did not eat all his cat food which is very uncommon for this glutton. He also did not want to come into the house which made us very suspicious.
                It was time for action on my part! I ventured forth into the garage looking for Charlie. Then I saw it, there he sat like a statue, and even his enormous tail was motionless, seemingly frozen in time. As he sat there stationary, I began to see a slight movement on the floor in front of him. Yes, Charlie had scored again.
This was his fourth acquisition and soon to be extermination. Will we have any garden snakes left when spring arrives?
I can see your hand raised, you do not need to snap your fingers, I see you! I will answer the rude reader’s question.
Why, are their snakes out this time of year, after all today is the second day of winter? That is easy to answer. Yesterday, the first full day of winter, it was 70 degrees. There were bugs flying around and obviously some snakes were also moving.
Are there any other questions?
Thank you that is a good question. Yes we will accept donations for the rescued felines at, “The Ford Homestead”. Identify all donations for the, “Abandoned and Mistreated Felines” fund.
Your non tax deductible donations will be put to good use, and we will send you a photo of a, “rescued Feline domesticate”, aka cat. Allow 6 years for non-delivery. 
May your Christmas Eve, Eve be full of Shopping!
Don Ford

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