
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Two Seasons at once 12.05.13

               We live in a wonder filled world here in the state of confusion Texas and I will attempt to provide photographic proof.
As I was working here at The Ford Homestead I was struck by the visual effects of seeing our Red oak trees, all in color (more orange than red) while the shrubs and flowers on the opposite side of the house were green and almost summer like in appearance. I noticed that we still have red roses in bloom near the tower and white roses near the garage door.
Click on photo to see larger version.
Photos can be enlightening. I have observed that I have a directional micro wave amateur radio antenna still on the tower. That antenna was use to transmit TV signals during the time when I was active in Ham radio. Armature radio (AKA Ham Radio) is varied in the ways it may be used. The trees were not as tall when I put the antenna up, it was actually transmitting over the top of the trees.
               I remember when I pasted my first test and received my first call sign KB5PAC I decided to keep a record of anything I purchased for the hobby. In less than 2 years I had spent over $5,000.00.
               I haven’t been active for many years now but I still have radio equipment. A fellow called the other day wanting to know if I would sell one of the radios and I respectfully declined, I may want to become active again.
               My call sign is KJ5OD, I hold an Advanced Operator Privileges.
Wow, I got of the main subject of two seasons.
I hope you have a spring like day.
Don Ford

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