
Friday, December 20, 2013

Child labor alive and well or Alex at work 12.20.13

               Living on a fixed income one must save money where they can. It is very helpful to have assistance doing the daily chores around the house, even if the helper is 3.5 years old. I am surprised daily by the amount of work this young man produces.
               In the photo below we see Alex sanding with his Papa. I should note that he was sanding with the grain and producing excellent results.
               Our “overseer” Tejas (that is the first time I have written the word “overseer” in my entire life, I did not know how to spell overseer) was actually under the table advising us on the proper procedures and attempting to stay out of the way.     (Tejas: may refer to the Native American spelling and pronunciation for Texas)
Sanding outside in the open air helps keep the dust out of the garage and house.
               The item we were sanding on is a project Alex and I have been working on. If we are able to put it together and make it look at least acceptable we will post photos and other info about the project.
I hope you have a cheerful day with a quiet nap this afternoon.
Don Ford

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