
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Promoted to Chaperon

Chaperon; an adult who accompanies or supervises young people on social occasions.

      Chaperon, how can I be chaperon; I don’t consider myself an adult. 
Have you ever been invited to attend a kindergarten school trip to the zoo? Kinda sounds like fun spending a day at the Zoo with 5 year old kids.
We see all the kids (I use the word kids and not children) unloading from the school bus. (Click on the photos and see a clearer version)
Gabi in the pink coat, with a couple friends. It was cool when we arrived at 9:00am, we all has our jackets on.
This is a group picture; the tall on is the teacher.
Gabi descending like a rock on the slide.
Gabi kept an eye on me; she didn’t want an elderly senior to get lost.
 Lunch was eaten on the ground; it was the brown bag special. Each kid brought their own. We chaperons had nothing to eat and I was hungry.
You can’t believe the amount of noise that screaming kids can make inside a TP.
Gabi came out of the cocoon and turned into a beautiful butterfly.
This photo is of Gabi and others having a drink of water before boarding the bus to go back to the school.
               Other than being so tired I could hardly walk and hungry enough to eat a double cheese burger with fry and a root beer, (which I purchased on the way home) it was a good day.
From the Chaperon mind of                         Don Ford
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