
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Last Chance to make the "RIGHT" decision

            Being on a fixed income has caused me to draw instead of using a camera.

               Tejas, my constant companion and I were just talking about the fact that today is our last chance to make the, “RIGHT” decision (the word RIGHT is a political comment).
Today is Tuesday November 6, 2012, the day to vote.
Tejas commented that he had voted early (last week) and was going to vote again today. He believes (as many Chicagoans do) in voting early and often. I suggested that he should not do that as it could be seen as being wrong by some humans.
No photos in this posting but as you can see there will be an excellent drawing or two.
         Tejas and I continued to talk about the day and I noted that I had enough pecans for a couple pecan pies.  We will not need to gather any additional pecans so the squirrels can have them.
Tejas was watching a squirrel that was getting ready to enjoy a pecan and the squirrel was barking at Tejas. Tejas noted that he wished he could climb a tree; if he could, there would be far less squirrels in the neighborhood.
There are many more squirrels in the area now due to the surplus of food. Our three oak trees provide acorns by the ton and our little pecan tree along with the neighbors three large pecan trees keep the squirrel population fat and happy.
On a different subject I need to take my prescription to the store to get it filled. This will be my first attempt to get a prescription filled under Medicare. Yes I am one of those people that now rely on your government to take care of me.
My recent visit to the doctor went well. He said my cataracts were ready to be removed. Then he said he would leave that up to me. When they bother me enough, I should call him and he will take care of the rest. Sounds like fun, not
From a previous posting about the motorcycle ride there were questions.
The restaurant was in Glen Rose, home of the nuclear power plant.
The ride covered 291 miles.
We arrived home about 5:00pm
From the campaign weary but hopeful mind of      Don Ford
All rights reserved; any reproduction or distribution without written permission is strictly prohibited.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Hoping, and much praying for the right results today!