
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Synchronized 07.08.17

                As I sat in the old Ford’s rocker and considered the need for synchronization, I thought of those female subjects that get in a swimming pool and attempt to be, “synchronized swimmers”! They are usually good at what they do, but I can’t understand why they would want to be synchronized swimmers. They put in an untold number of hours learning to do the same moves, as a group, at the same time. For those who watch these performances, we are usually amazed that they could do the things they do. What good is it?

                Do they get paid for synchronized swimming? They must be rich people to put all that time into something like that. I can see it now, their resume states, “in a synchronized swimming group for 6 years”! I guess that might be good if they want to be a life guard at the local pool.

                I should note, I do not understand why anyone would go to a professional game. Don’t the word professional make it not a game? Why do people pay money to see baseball, basketball, football or soccer? I understand going to high school games, one usually knows someone playing in the game.

                My thoughts about this thing called, “synchronization”, has a value to it, and has nothing to do with scantily dressed female subjects in a swimming pool!

                I have been trying to get the home owners in our neighborhood to synchronize our lawn mowing. Would you believe, I have been able to convince some of the neighbors to mow their lawn on Friday of each week? That is the day that I see as the best for the neighborhood.

                Would you believe, this was not an easy task and I am still working on others? If we all mowed our lawns on the same day, and at the same height, then all the lawns would basically look the same and likely grow at about the same rate (accept for those rich people who have sprinkler systems, theirs would grow a little quicker). Imagine if you will, driving down Oklahoma Avenue and all the lawns were mowed, they were all mowed at the same height and they were all mowed properly!

                Would you believe, getting the neighborhood to understand what proper mowing is, has become a larger problem that one would think. It should be easy for a home owner to look at a properly mowed lawn, “The Ford Homestead”, and then look at theirs, and see the difference.

                I am not going into any detail of properly mowing the lawn, just know there is a right and wrong way. Ok, I will state one fact about improperly mowing a lawn and that is, a person allows grass clippings to get on to the street and does not clean them up after mowing. In Hewitt, I am told, that is not only bad management of the mowing process, it is considered as littering and a Class C misdemeanor.

                Why am I the only one who sees all these less than desirable situations in our neighborhood? Possibly I am not the only one but I may be the only one working to improve these situations!


May your day be free of situations!


Don Ford

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