
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Compare 07.25.17

                The title wants you to compare the two following photos. These two photos are of the same Pot Hound (aka German Shepard) (aka Tres). When one uses the term Pot Hound, they may have a couple pictures in mind. The one I think of is, any dog that licks a pot from the kitchen clean. Others may have a vision of the dog drinking from the toilet! L
                The first photo is of a puppy, Tres 5 weeks old. The second is of the puppy Tres, 12 weeks old.

   At times Tres is a fun filled puppy. Other times he is a total pain in the back side. He lays around and sleeps a lot but when he is a wake he wants your attention. You can’t eat anything without being watched. He will also jump up with his front feet on your chair, hoping you will feed him some of your food.
                We, and by we I mean, both me and my first wife, have allowed Tres to get in the recliner with us. While he is still reasonably small, this is not too bad, but this will likely lead to having a full grown German Sheppard unexpectedly jump onto our lap. That has happen in the past with other Shepard’s we have had.
                A neighbor asked, “How’s the new baby doing”? I responded with, it is very much like having a new human baby in the house. With a new human baby one tries to child proof everything. New human babies try to put everything in their mouth. Guess what, Tres don’t try, he actually puts everything in his mouth and then chews on it.
                When I say everything, I am not stretching the truth! Last night he went into one room and got a mouth full of decorations and took them in to the bed room. We were in the living room when I began to hear some crunching sounds. I went into the bed room and he was chewing these decorations into pieces. They were small glass balls that looked like cherries, and the stems were made of wire. All of which were not good things to have a puppy trying to eat. When I was picking these things up, he was also trying to get to them.
                Different subject:
                It rained here Sunday, a short rain of ¼ inch, and I had not been outside doing the rain dance. We are thankful for any amount of rain we can get. Over the past couple weeks the rain has been going around us but finally we got a little rain.
                It has been hot here and probably where you are also. We have had a couple days of 100 / 101degrees. The rain, although appreciated, increases the humidity which increases the torturous, “feels like” temperature!
                Why do they have a feels like temp? Why can’t they just use one temp and allow us citizens to complain, “It feels hotter than they say it is”!  

Bad guys beware, attack dog on duty!

Don Ford

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