
Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Look 01.28.16

                “Hideous”, not a word that I would often, if ever use, but it was used to describe me if…
                This story originates, as many of my tales do, while driving to school. Grandpa (me) likes to be silly during the trip and this particular morning I had commented to The Gabi, “I think I should have a pony tail.”
                Gabi slowly turned her head in my direction and proceeded to, “Give me the look”. This look, was a look of disbelief, and total disgust. I knew I was about to be on the receiving end of a comment that would put me in my place!
                I wasn’t aware that all females of the species, regardless of age, were able to deliver the look. I have wrongly thought it was something that was achieved only after being married to a male of the species.
                Remember, I had said, “I think I should have a pony tail.” Gabi gave me the look and then explained that I did not need a pony tail and the reason why, using only one word, “Hideous”.
                I had been verbally beaten, like a red haired step child, using only one word. Truthfully, I think most old men who have a gray pony tail do look odd. I can only assume these old males of the species can’t get the hippy from the 60s out of their system.
                Being a silly grandpa, I am usually ready for these verbal assaults. My comeback was, “how do you spell hideous?” Heck, I wasn’t sure how to spell it myself. From the back seat of the pickup Alex noted that the word ended in “S”. Not being surprised that my grandson who is in kindergarten knew that it ended in “S”, I said you are right. That is when Gabi spelled the word. I acknowledged that she was correct.
                I am glad that both of my grandkids can spell better than me. If I didn’t have spell check, I couldn’t compose these wonderful journalistic masterpieces. NO, those last three words are not open for debate!
                Being a naturalized Texan, who was originally from Missouri, I still keep track of some things that happen in Cape Girardeau, MO, by reading and online version of the Southeast Missourian Newspaper. I realize I have commented on this in the past but, I worked at this News Paper in the 60s.
                While scanning through the posting I saw a photo of a person who looked familiar to me. Upon closer inspection, I found that this person was one of my nephews. The photos were taken in what is now the Central Junior High School, which was the High School when I went there in the 60s.
                I will post two of the photos of my nephew, Terry Kitchen, who was a student and later a coach at Central High. Terry has retired from teaching but continues to work for the school system. 
I guess it is time for a cup of coffee so I will stop now. I know, you’re happy that I have stopped, big deal!
I am back, yes the coffee was good!
My wife pulled a couple shirts out of the closet that use to belong to our son Dave. He was a big kids so the shirt fits me, it is a little tight but I got it on.  I thought you should see this colorful shirt with cartoon characters, and how I make it look good!
Do you think the grandkids will think grandpa is silly, or just cool, with this shirt on? No it is not a PJ top, why do you always try to disrupt my wonderful musings! Yes, I do know what the word musings means, do you!

                Sorry for that outburst, I occasionally need to put that person in their place. Ok, all is well here at The Ford Homestead, I think I will take a nap.

May your day be enjoyable, colorful and safe!

Don Ford

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