
Friday, January 22, 2016

Fire 01/22/16

First I want to say Thank You to those of you who have given feedback as to whether I send one spam-mail for several posting, or a spam-mail for each posting. I will decide which way to continue, when the opinions cease being presented.

Was there a fire in the back yard at The Ford Homestead, yes!
Did I call the Fire Department, no!
At one time, in a past life, I was a member of, “The Hewitt Volunteer Fire Department”. Having all that past experience, I did not feel the need to have a paid, fire department, come to The Ford Homestead
It was a cold day, that 21st of January, although the sun had been shining during part of the day, when I decided to venture to the shed and get my chain saws, (more than one) which I will loan to both sons. Each of the sons have small trees that need to be removed and or trimmed. I just had a thought, I should have also acquired my ax, as I am sure it may be needed to remove some stumps from below the ground.
Patrick and Karla will be here this weekend, as we will be celebrating his upcoming birthday. Pete (nick name I have given to Patrick) will be able to get a chain saw at that time. David is going to be building a shed at his house and must remove a small tree prior to the construction project.
Having completed the procurement of the saws, I then decided to attempt to destroy some incriminating, I mean personal information type documentation.
Before that one person asks, yes I have a shredder, but I had years of old documentation which would take hours, if not days, of shredding one page at a time. I decided to attempt to build a fire and then burn all the paper.
I have the fire pit and I decided to use it as a paper burner. I put some charcoal in the pit and started a small fire. I took a small bag of papers out to see if I could effectively burn the paper without too much ash or smoke. After determining which way the wind was blowing, I placed a chair on the opposite side of the pit. Taking a seat I began feeding small amounts of paper into the fire.
The fire pit worked better than expected, so I returned to the house for another stack of paper. It wasn’t very long until the old adage, “smoke follows beauty”, proved itself correct again. The smoke was blowing in my face. It only took a few minutes of that darn smoke to cause me to move to the other side of the pit. The smoke must have thought I was very beautiful because, I had to move three times.
Finally, I moved away from the pit and the smoke could not find this beauty. 
It took better than an hour of burning to get rid of all the old paper. I hate to say it but, one bag of the documents had been sitting in the garage for about a year.

Let’s hope, smoke follows you, too!
Don Ford

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