
Monday, January 18, 2016

Mathematician 01.18.2016

            I am not a mathematician! Who came up with this word, they spelled it wrong! The correct spelling should be, “mathmatishun” pronounced as, “math ma ti shun”. Why don’t they come to me before they try to spell a word?
            During a conversation with my grandees, Gabi and Alex” on the way home from school, I learned that the so-called mathematicians have made a mistake in how some math is used. 
            I, innocently asked if they had learned anything new in school today. I then followed up with, “you know, like 2 plus 2 equals. I got the look from Gabi as if I was silly and that math problem was way below her, when Alex chimed in with 2 + 2 = 4. I was happy to know that Alex has been paying attention in kindergarten.
            Gabi then chimed in saying “2 + 2 = 4 and 2 X 2 = 4. I interrupted Gabi and said, wait a minute, your saying if you add 2 and 2 it is 4 and if you multiply 2 times 2 it is 4, Gabi’s response was, “yes”.
            I thought for a minute and then I said, “1 + 1 = 2, but 1 times 1 = 1, how can that be”. I went on saying if, 2 times  2 = 4 then why don’t 1 times  1 = 2?
            Gabi explained it to me and it sounded like the teacher was instructing me. Even though what she said seems correct in an educational setting, I believe the mathematics people got it wrong years ago!

                        Multiply means,to increase, to grow, to reproduce or to enlarge.

            Any number multiplied by 1 is the same number, so saying you are multiplying by 1 is a misnomer, it does not change anything. With this information, you should now understand, “You can’t multiply by 1.
            I suggest you take this information to your local school board and insist they stop teaching things that are not true!

Learning is easy, when you listen to The Donald!
Don Ford

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