
Monday, January 25, 2016

Dirty White 01.25.16

                Let us get started off on the right foot. The exciting title, “Dirty White”, could stir up certain thoughts and even be seen as referring to, a bad white person, but that is not even close to the subject matter in this more than delightful journalistic endeavor.  
                Before we get into the meat of this story, I want to note that I found the first 10 minutes of my morning exercise somewhat difficult. It was hard getting started this morning, but after completing the 30 minutes and a second cup of coffee, I feel wonderful!
                Now that I have thought about the title line if this more than interesting tail, I mean tale, the title could have been White and Dirty. It’s too late now so let’s go with Dirty White. 
                Last Friday the weather, “prognosticators”, that is a politically correct term inclusive of both male and female weather guessers, were predicting heavy snow falls and blizzard for the north east. Heck, I didn’t know they had Dairy Queens in the northeast, but if they were going to have a Blizzard, I guess they do.
                Anyway, the snow did occur in copious amounts. The so called news programs on TV were delighted, they had something to talk about other than politics. That being said, would you believe that one TV announcer said, “The heavy snow was nature’s way of telling liberals in the northeast that they should not vote for a democrat?”
                One of the so called TV news programs noted this morning, that the Washington DC government was shut down today due to the snow. Why do some people get upset when the so called government is shut down for a day or two due to the so called congress not passing a bill to fund them but they don’t complain when the snow shuts them down?
                Having all the snow scenes on TV caused me to begin thinking about snow. Have you noticed how quite it is when the snow first starts falling? You can’t hear the snow, and the snow seems to block out all the other noises. It is peacefully quiet, and all seems to be right with the world.
When the snow starts to cover the roads and everything is becoming white, if you look around color seems to go away, and all one sees is white, black or shades of gray. It is about this time that adults start complaining, and the once pleasant surprise of a gentle snow is now becoming an obstacle that they must overcome. Many adults consider a snow fall during the week as a problem but ok, due to the possibility of not having to go to work. The same snow fall on a weekend is just plain unacceptable.
The pretty clean white snow becomes and ugly dirty mess when the snow movers and removal people get involved. That is where the title of this journalistic delight comes from. As I began to consider the ugly gray dirt, on what was once clean white snow, it dawned on me that the Ford’s Chevy was once a clean white, but is now covered with ugly gray dirt. Since today is going to be a warn and sunny day, with temps of 68 degrees, I decided to wash the Colorado.
                I might get a blizzard after I wash the Colorado!
May your day be warm and bright!   
       Don Ford

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