
Friday, January 29, 2016

Repairman 01.29.16

            Mindful of my critics, I want to make this story short as possible, but informative.
            Being a person on a fixed income, I must try to save a penny when I can. A couple years ago I purchased a Coleman battery powered lantern. It was still in a box but it had defective written on the box. I took a chance and purchased the unit for the sum of $2.00, hoping to be able to repair it for little or nothing.
As you should know, I am very mechanically inclined which, “qualifies me to do anything with nothing”! 
            On a close examination of the lantern, I determined the problem to be the recharging plug. The unit had two methods to recharge, one using a wall charger, and the other using the cigarette lighter in a vehicle.
Now that I have written that, it occurs to me that vehicles no longer have ash trays or cigarette lighters. I would assume these holes in the dash and other places in the newer vehicles, may now be referred to as power outlets. 
            I digress, I quickly determined the only problem was the plug from the wall charger. Being almost a genius, I quickly solved the problem, repaired the plug and charged the lantern.
That was two years ago. I tried to charge the unit last week, and the battery would no longer accept a charge.
            The above info has provided you with background, so I can now tell my short story.

I tried to charge the lantern but the battery would not accept the charge. I had to order a new battery. It is now installed and the lantern works as expected.
                                                The end
*             *             *             *             *             *             *             *             *             *            

            New thought: as I walked to the recycle bin I heard a sound that at first, sounded as if it were coming from the recycle bin. I approached in a very cautious mode, not wanting to be attacked by a bear or other carnivorous creature. Arriving at the recycle bin, I determined the sound was not coming from the bin, so I place the corrugated item into the bin. 
            At this point, I began to survey the area for the knocking sound. The mystery was solved. The sound was birds in the old metal bird house. The bird house is on a ten foot piece of pipe that is secured to a fence post. I placed this bird house there, probably 20 or so years ago. The post and house leans just a little to the neighbor’s side of the fence. That means the neighbor gets all the fertilizer from the birds.
            The temp is supposed to be in the mid-70s this weekend, so these, “early birds” (do you like the play on words) may start laying eggs.
Would you believe these birds are cleaning the house in preparation for building new nests? I guess the warm weather has them getting an early start on home making. It sounded as if the birds were pecking on the floor and walls of the metal bird house.

*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *          *
Different subject: I occasionally consider seeking employment in an effort to keep me busy through the day. Needing something to do other than chores that my wife of 46 years forces, I mean allows me to do, I have considered getting back into the hobby of ham radio. It would be easier and more fun than working.
I checked the web site of the Club I use to be a member of (HOTARC, Heart O Texas Amateur Radio Club), and it happen that they were having a meeting last night. I decided to attend the meeting to determine whether I want to join, and if so become an active Ham again.
I was a member of this club when I first became a ham, a quarter century ago (that is back in 1991, didn’t what you to have to do the math). Not all members were in attendance, but of those who were, there was 5 people that I recognized who were still members from 25 years ago.
I was going through some old files and I found a printed list of radio and related equipment I had purchased over a two year period. The list may not have been all inclusive, but it totaled almost $5,000.00. That was a lot of money, a quarter century ago.  
All of my equipment is old, and being on a fixed income I may not be able to afford to be an active ham again. Donations will be accepted, please identify them for, “the revitalizing of the ham radio station”.
All donations over $100.00 will be strongly appreciated!
Donations under $100.00 will be accepted.

Have a generous day, donate to a needy ham!

Don Ford

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Look 01.28.16

                “Hideous”, not a word that I would often, if ever use, but it was used to describe me if…
                This story originates, as many of my tales do, while driving to school. Grandpa (me) likes to be silly during the trip and this particular morning I had commented to The Gabi, “I think I should have a pony tail.”
                Gabi slowly turned her head in my direction and proceeded to, “Give me the look”. This look, was a look of disbelief, and total disgust. I knew I was about to be on the receiving end of a comment that would put me in my place!
                I wasn’t aware that all females of the species, regardless of age, were able to deliver the look. I have wrongly thought it was something that was achieved only after being married to a male of the species.
                Remember, I had said, “I think I should have a pony tail.” Gabi gave me the look and then explained that I did not need a pony tail and the reason why, using only one word, “Hideous”.
                I had been verbally beaten, like a red haired step child, using only one word. Truthfully, I think most old men who have a gray pony tail do look odd. I can only assume these old males of the species can’t get the hippy from the 60s out of their system.
                Being a silly grandpa, I am usually ready for these verbal assaults. My comeback was, “how do you spell hideous?” Heck, I wasn’t sure how to spell it myself. From the back seat of the pickup Alex noted that the word ended in “S”. Not being surprised that my grandson who is in kindergarten knew that it ended in “S”, I said you are right. That is when Gabi spelled the word. I acknowledged that she was correct.
                I am glad that both of my grandkids can spell better than me. If I didn’t have spell check, I couldn’t compose these wonderful journalistic masterpieces. NO, those last three words are not open for debate!
                Being a naturalized Texan, who was originally from Missouri, I still keep track of some things that happen in Cape Girardeau, MO, by reading and online version of the Southeast Missourian Newspaper. I realize I have commented on this in the past but, I worked at this News Paper in the 60s.
                While scanning through the posting I saw a photo of a person who looked familiar to me. Upon closer inspection, I found that this person was one of my nephews. The photos were taken in what is now the Central Junior High School, which was the High School when I went there in the 60s.
                I will post two of the photos of my nephew, Terry Kitchen, who was a student and later a coach at Central High. Terry has retired from teaching but continues to work for the school system. 
I guess it is time for a cup of coffee so I will stop now. I know, you’re happy that I have stopped, big deal!
I am back, yes the coffee was good!
My wife pulled a couple shirts out of the closet that use to belong to our son Dave. He was a big kids so the shirt fits me, it is a little tight but I got it on.  I thought you should see this colorful shirt with cartoon characters, and how I make it look good!
Do you think the grandkids will think grandpa is silly, or just cool, with this shirt on? No it is not a PJ top, why do you always try to disrupt my wonderful musings! Yes, I do know what the word musings means, do you!

                Sorry for that outburst, I occasionally need to put that person in their place. Ok, all is well here at The Ford Homestead, I think I will take a nap.

May your day be enjoyable, colorful and safe!

Don Ford

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

It don't get any better 01.26.16

This photo must be worth a thousand words!
What more can I say!
The Donald

Monday, January 25, 2016

Dirty White 01.25.16

                Let us get started off on the right foot. The exciting title, “Dirty White”, could stir up certain thoughts and even be seen as referring to, a bad white person, but that is not even close to the subject matter in this more than delightful journalistic endeavor.  
                Before we get into the meat of this story, I want to note that I found the first 10 minutes of my morning exercise somewhat difficult. It was hard getting started this morning, but after completing the 30 minutes and a second cup of coffee, I feel wonderful!
                Now that I have thought about the title line if this more than interesting tail, I mean tale, the title could have been White and Dirty. It’s too late now so let’s go with Dirty White. 
                Last Friday the weather, “prognosticators”, that is a politically correct term inclusive of both male and female weather guessers, were predicting heavy snow falls and blizzard for the north east. Heck, I didn’t know they had Dairy Queens in the northeast, but if they were going to have a Blizzard, I guess they do.
                Anyway, the snow did occur in copious amounts. The so called news programs on TV were delighted, they had something to talk about other than politics. That being said, would you believe that one TV announcer said, “The heavy snow was nature’s way of telling liberals in the northeast that they should not vote for a democrat?”
                One of the so called TV news programs noted this morning, that the Washington DC government was shut down today due to the snow. Why do some people get upset when the so called government is shut down for a day or two due to the so called congress not passing a bill to fund them but they don’t complain when the snow shuts them down?
                Having all the snow scenes on TV caused me to begin thinking about snow. Have you noticed how quite it is when the snow first starts falling? You can’t hear the snow, and the snow seems to block out all the other noises. It is peacefully quiet, and all seems to be right with the world.
When the snow starts to cover the roads and everything is becoming white, if you look around color seems to go away, and all one sees is white, black or shades of gray. It is about this time that adults start complaining, and the once pleasant surprise of a gentle snow is now becoming an obstacle that they must overcome. Many adults consider a snow fall during the week as a problem but ok, due to the possibility of not having to go to work. The same snow fall on a weekend is just plain unacceptable.
The pretty clean white snow becomes and ugly dirty mess when the snow movers and removal people get involved. That is where the title of this journalistic delight comes from. As I began to consider the ugly gray dirt, on what was once clean white snow, it dawned on me that the Ford’s Chevy was once a clean white, but is now covered with ugly gray dirt. Since today is going to be a warn and sunny day, with temps of 68 degrees, I decided to wash the Colorado.
                I might get a blizzard after I wash the Colorado!
May your day be warm and bright!   
       Don Ford

Friday, January 22, 2016

Fire 01/22/16

First I want to say Thank You to those of you who have given feedback as to whether I send one spam-mail for several posting, or a spam-mail for each posting. I will decide which way to continue, when the opinions cease being presented.

Was there a fire in the back yard at The Ford Homestead, yes!
Did I call the Fire Department, no!
At one time, in a past life, I was a member of, “The Hewitt Volunteer Fire Department”. Having all that past experience, I did not feel the need to have a paid, fire department, come to The Ford Homestead
It was a cold day, that 21st of January, although the sun had been shining during part of the day, when I decided to venture to the shed and get my chain saws, (more than one) which I will loan to both sons. Each of the sons have small trees that need to be removed and or trimmed. I just had a thought, I should have also acquired my ax, as I am sure it may be needed to remove some stumps from below the ground.
Patrick and Karla will be here this weekend, as we will be celebrating his upcoming birthday. Pete (nick name I have given to Patrick) will be able to get a chain saw at that time. David is going to be building a shed at his house and must remove a small tree prior to the construction project.
Having completed the procurement of the saws, I then decided to attempt to destroy some incriminating, I mean personal information type documentation.
Before that one person asks, yes I have a shredder, but I had years of old documentation which would take hours, if not days, of shredding one page at a time. I decided to attempt to build a fire and then burn all the paper.
I have the fire pit and I decided to use it as a paper burner. I put some charcoal in the pit and started a small fire. I took a small bag of papers out to see if I could effectively burn the paper without too much ash or smoke. After determining which way the wind was blowing, I placed a chair on the opposite side of the pit. Taking a seat I began feeding small amounts of paper into the fire.
The fire pit worked better than expected, so I returned to the house for another stack of paper. It wasn’t very long until the old adage, “smoke follows beauty”, proved itself correct again. The smoke was blowing in my face. It only took a few minutes of that darn smoke to cause me to move to the other side of the pit. The smoke must have thought I was very beautiful because, I had to move three times.
Finally, I moved away from the pit and the smoke could not find this beauty. 
It took better than an hour of burning to get rid of all the old paper. I hate to say it but, one bag of the documents had been sitting in the garage for about a year.

Let’s hope, smoke follows you, too!
Don Ford

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Distracted again? 01.20.16

            On the 19th day of January, 2016, I, Donald R. Ford was returning home from the local trim shop, also known as a hair stylist, in the olden days it was the barber shop.
Before we get to any comments about the main topic of this soon to be, well written and almost perfect blog posting, I feel the need to share a brief comment.
            At the trim shop this morning, a female person with scissors and hair clippers ask me how I want my hair cut. I explained that when she finished I wanted to look smarter, younger and richer! This person replied, “I can’t do that”, I can make you look better! I then said, I would settle for better if that is all she could do.
            Now back to the subject of this, “exceptional journalistic endeavor”.
            After leaving the trim shop, I ventured to the Star Bucks for a cup of coffee. The coffee was free, due to a Christmas gift card for Star Bucks. I was pleasantly surprised that there was only one car in front of me in the drive through.
            Tall coffee in hand, I began my return trip home. I drove past the Do it Best building and again noticed the very small state and federal flags that are flown at the building. Yes, I know they say size doesn’t matter (like heck it don’t) but putting a 3 foot flag at the top of a 30 foot pole just doesn’t say I am proud of my state or my country. It does say, “I am cheap”!
            Passing the DIB building I was stopped at the traffic light for a short time. I took a sip of my hot coffee and the light changed. I, not being in a hurry, moved away from the light, somewhat slower than the traffic to the left side of me, that is when I first noticed a vehicle that was being driven illegally, “displaying a handicapped placard by hanging it from the mirror of a vehicle, that is being driven”.
I also caught a quick glance in my mirror of the driver, a female subject who appeared to be using a cell phone while driving.
            In the olden days, a female subject driving with a short skirt, provided a major distraction for most male drivers. Not true anymore!
What? I knew it, you feel it would not be fun reading this if you couldn’t interrupt me! Ok I will explain for this one person! It is not true due to three reasons. First, fewer ladies where skirts, and fewer yet have short skirts. Second, vehicles are designed smaller which restricts the viewing area. Third, those darn tented windows.
Distraction over, let’s get back to my story.
There was something else that caught my attention about the female driver that just passed me. I wasn’t sure, but the quick glance caused me to believe that she might be an older female, who was using the cell phone.
I accelerated a little and eventually caught up to the vehicle. I could see this little, old, gray haired lady, with one hand on the steering wheel and one on the cell phone.
To help you understand what I saw, when I say little, this little old lady driving her black Toyota, was not big enough to see over the steering wheel, she appeared to be looking through the steering wheel. I would estimate her to be at least 80 years old, which might indicate her reflexes could be slowed. She had one hand on the steering wheel and one on the cell phone and her mouth was moving, indicating that she was either talking, or chewing tobacco.  
You talk about distracted driving, I was being distracted by this senior female, illegally displaying her handicapped placard, using a cell phone, mouth moving, looking through the steering wheel of her vehicle!

May your driving be focused on the road, not other drivers!

Don Ford

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Sidewalk 01.19.16

            Walk, is something that people and animals alike do, it is a way to get from one location to another. As we all know, most people walk less than we should, and drive or ride most of the time.
            I have occasionally wondered if I could pick a subject at random, and then write something about that subject. The subject I picked is, “sidewalk”, and I will write something about it. 
            Sidewalk is a term used for cemented areas that people walk on. If you live in a poor neighborhood like those of us who are retired and on a fixed income, you might be lucky enough to have a walk from the street to your front porch, but there is no walkway along the street.
            I remember in the olden days when I was a children, (I like saying I was a children more than saying I was a child) there were sidewalks along most paved streets. Also in those days, if you lived on a gravel street, you were poor and there were no sidewalks. At some point in time it was decided that the builders could save money by not installing sidewalks, regardless of what your income was.       
As a kid we could usually ride our bikes, roller skate and just run and play on the sidewalks and not be in the street. If we were going to a friend’s house a couple blocks away, we did not need to walk in the street, as people in our neighborhood do now. 
As I think about this subject, there were not a lot of grown people walking on the sidewalks, even in the olden days. There was a city bus system in Cape Girardeau, MO. I am not sure but I think it cost a nickel to ride the bus. 
            It may have been pointed out to you, “Most likely incorrectly”, that the sidewalk has leaves on it and it needs to be swept. A walkway from the street to the house is just that, a walkway, and not a sidewalk.         The term, “Sidewalk”, indicates that you would be walking beside something, like a street, that is why, “side” is in front of, “walk”
            In our neighborhood the kids play on the street. There are teenage boys that throw the football around and younger kids that ride their bikes and scooters on the street. People who are out for exercise, whether it is for them, or their dogs, they walk in the street.
            An interesting factoid, the city owns about 10 feet of everyone’s front yard here in Hewitt, but is someone was walking up and down the street and if they were in that 10 foot area the home owners would be upset, especially if they had a dog. The area is owned by the city but taken care of by the home owner.
            A couple times I found myself saying something like, “playing in the street”, but to be correct shouldn’t we say, “Playing on the street”.  If one was in the street, wouldn’t that mean they were a part of the street itself? 
If, being on the street, is considered to be like being in a room, then we would in fact say, “In the street”. Please feel free to provide instructions to me as to which is correct!
Would you believe, that had I have won the 1.6 billion from the Powerball, I would have paid to have sidewalks throughout Hewitt? I would not believe it, I just wondered if you would.

In or On, Walkway or Sidewalk, enjoy the day!

Don Ford 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Mathematician 01.18.2016

            I am not a mathematician! Who came up with this word, they spelled it wrong! The correct spelling should be, “mathmatishun” pronounced as, “math ma ti shun”. Why don’t they come to me before they try to spell a word?
            During a conversation with my grandees, Gabi and Alex” on the way home from school, I learned that the so-called mathematicians have made a mistake in how some math is used. 
            I, innocently asked if they had learned anything new in school today. I then followed up with, “you know, like 2 plus 2 equals. I got the look from Gabi as if I was silly and that math problem was way below her, when Alex chimed in with 2 + 2 = 4. I was happy to know that Alex has been paying attention in kindergarten.
            Gabi then chimed in saying “2 + 2 = 4 and 2 X 2 = 4. I interrupted Gabi and said, wait a minute, your saying if you add 2 and 2 it is 4 and if you multiply 2 times 2 it is 4, Gabi’s response was, “yes”.
            I thought for a minute and then I said, “1 + 1 = 2, but 1 times 1 = 1, how can that be”. I went on saying if, 2 times  2 = 4 then why don’t 1 times  1 = 2?
            Gabi explained it to me and it sounded like the teacher was instructing me. Even though what she said seems correct in an educational setting, I believe the mathematics people got it wrong years ago!

                        Multiply means,to increase, to grow, to reproduce or to enlarge.

            Any number multiplied by 1 is the same number, so saying you are multiplying by 1 is a misnomer, it does not change anything. With this information, you should now understand, “You can’t multiply by 1.
            I suggest you take this information to your local school board and insist they stop teaching things that are not true!

Learning is easy, when you listen to The Donald!
Don Ford

Friday, January 15, 2016

Buds 01.15.16

            Buds could be “BFFs”, which is an acronym that I have not used in my writing, text messages or verbally. I even had to call a friend to verify that the abbreviation, “BFF” stood for, “Best Friends Forever.”
            There are many of these acronyms used now days by the texting public. Shortening a few words by using only the first letter of each word, is definitely a time savings, and shortens the text or written message considerably. One acronym that is used a lot is, “LOL” (laugh out Loud).
            Thankfully, I do not have or know of a lot of these acronyms, so that should shorten this posting considerably.
            Many of you may know that the Ham Radio operators were, for many years before the cell phone was invented, and still are, using acronyms to shorten their transmissions. Radio operators who worked in Morris code (you know, dots and dashes) found it much easier and faster to key three letters representing three normally used words. As an example, the acronym “QTH” meant, what is your location or, this is my location.
            Now, I believe that one reader is asking, “What does this have to do with the title of this most wonderful article?”  Well, I am here to answer that question for you.
            Acronyms and ham radio has nothing to do with the title of this most excellent posting.
            As I was resting in the old rocker yesterday afternoon, after moving all the decorations to the shed, I happened to look up, possibly to give thanks for helping me get through all that forced labor, when I noticed that the trees (red oak and pecan) seem to be starting to bud out.
            I have a photo but it is difficult to see these buds. I should note that we have not had a severe frost yet, heck I have small green tomatoes on the vine in the garden. 

Well that is all for today and we hope you have a very nice weekend!

Don Ford               

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Allowed to... 01.14.16

            When you are allowed to take down the Christmas decorations from in front of the house, is that the same as forced labor? You may think the word “forced” should not be used to define the work being performed! Possibly you should consider this, if I did not voluntarily removed the decorations, there would be no meals cooked at The Ford Homestead.
            Now you tell me, voluntary, or forced!
            The decorations have been removed and are now in the garage. I will need to bring all the cartons and other containers from the shed to the garage. My spouse of 46 years will then pack the items. After the packing process, I will then take the cartons and containers filled with decorations back to the shed, for my professional placement of each container.
            There might be a question as to, “how will Mr. Ford (me) move all the containers, empty and then filled, from point “A” to point “B” and then back to point “A”.
            I have a trailer that I attached to the Fords Chevy, and it will be used in the movement of the decorations, both ways, saving me many steps and carrying those enormously heavy cartons / containers.
            Think before you work, it will save you steps and backaches. In other words, use common sense, work smarter not harder.
            Above we see the Ford’s Trailer loaded with empty cartons and plastic containers. Many of the cartons are placed inside other cartons, which provided the appearance of fewer cartons than were actually there. On the ground are decorations that will be placed in the shed first. 

                Next Day!
                I have recently been informed that I will be forced, I mean, “allowed” to pack some of the decorations.
            I thought retired meant, I could sit around and do nothing, while others do all the work. Contrary to that, I am forced in to labor all the time, almost never having time, for a senior’s nap!
If I am not good, (good defined as, “doing all the work and not complaining”) I lose my computer time, which means, I can’t provide the public with all these interesting topics.
            Well, I have the trailer loaded and ready to back it out to the shed and then attempt to unload. Warehouse experience is my key to properly stacking all these cartons in a small area.
            Would you believe the trailer has 8,531 pounds of Christmas decorations on it?                 
Hopefully I will not injure my fragile body in the unloading, carrying and placement of these items.  

May all your decorations be properly stored!

Don Ford

Monday, January 11, 2016

The Curse 01.11.16

            Most everyone who knows the Ford’s, also knows of the Ford curse. For that one person that may not know of the Ford Curse, we will happily explain, what it is, and how you may contract it.
            To be exposed to the Ford curse, all one needs to do is to eat a meal with anyone from the Ford family. I should also state, once you have been exposed to the Ford curse, the curse will attach itself to you, and follow you for the rest of your life.
            In some recent studies performed at, “The Ford Homestead for Lower Education”, it has been discovered that there is more, than one Ford Curse. The study has not determined how many Ford Curses there are, but the study did establish, there are two curses, identified at this time.
            There was a family discussion of the recently found second curse, during lunch this past Saturday. My first wife and I had lunch at a local restaurant with Dave, Claire, Gabi and Alex, in celebration of Dave’s upcoming day of birth, Jan. 12th.
If I tell you how old Dave will be, it might make my spouse of 46 years sound older than she really is. I can tell you that Dave is the younger of two sons, his older brother Patrick, has a birthday this month also. Patrick will be 45 this month, and is 4 years older than Dave.
The first curse, for that one person who doesn’t know, goes something like this. “Any time a member of the Ford family partakes in food, and anyone else who eats with a member of the Ford family, someone will get a food stain on some part of their clothing”.
This curse, once activated, will reoccur each and every time there is food eaten. If you are eating alone, the curse will present to you, regardless of what you are eating. When eating in a group, someone in the group, and some times more than one person in that group, will have a presentation (aka, food stain on some article of clothing). At this time, there is no known cure!
As bad as the first curse is, the second curse may be more agitating. I should warn you, the second curse seems to be activated by the first curse. In other words, it is somewhat like chicken pox and shingles, if the first curse has you in its grip, the second curse is already there.
The second curse occurs when you are doing something like, washing dishes and you have soapy water on your hands, or working on a car where you have grease all over your hands. It can happen when you have something in your hands that you can’t put down.
If you are in any of the above situations and your nose, eye, ear or other part of your body starts itching, requiring immediate scratching or rubbing, you have a manifestation of the second Ford curse. This curse will likely occur multiple times after the first presentation!
On behalf of the Ford Family, I would like to apologize if these curses have impacted you personally. The scientists at The Ford Homestead are not working on an antidote. 

“Curse not, lest ye be cursed!”
Don Ford

Friday, January 8, 2016

Foggy 01.08.16

                You may be right, it might be me that is foggy, and not the weather. Be that as it may, the weather has also been foggy the last two mornings. Alex has reminded me to turn on the fog lights on The Ford’s Chevy each morning prior to the drive to school.
            There was an agreement between myself and a friend (Wayne) to ride out to the bunk house yesterday (Thursday) for our noon repast and some enlightening conversation. 
            It was very foggy Thursday morning, the weather prognosticator had indicated that the fog would lift and the day would be sunny and nice, with a temp as high as 68. That sounded like a good day for a ride.
            Wayne and I had agreed to meet at the usual location (highway 6 and 185) at 11:30. I had gotten a somewhat late start leaving the Homestead at 11:10am. The streets were still wet, and the fog had lifted some, but it was not a clear and sunny day, which made riding a bike, less than enjoyable.
            Being the adventurous type, I rode toward the meeting place but in a careful manner. I arrived at 11:30 on the dot (per my windows phone) and Wayne was not there. Wayne arrived about 3 minutes later. We discussed arriving on time, he did not accept responsibility for being late, and blamed the late arrival on the clock on his Gold Wing. Keeping the clock set to the right time, is the owner’s responsibility, not the Gold Wings! J
            Greetings completed, it was decided that Wayne would lead (there has to be a lead bike anytime there is more than one bike). He pulled out on the highway before I was ready so there was a pickup and a car between Wayne and me.
            We had hardly ridden a mile when Wayne made a quick comment on the CB. I looked to see what was going on and Wayne was moving quickly to the shoulder of the road as he was being forced over by a pickup.
            What had happened was, a car in front of Wayne was attempting to turn left off highway 6, Normally Wayne would have moved to the right a little and went around the vehicle. The pickup that was supposed to be behind Wayne must have been texting or something because he was now beside Wayne. The truck moving quickly to the right in an effort to miss the car making the left turn, was forcing Wayne off the highway.
            Luckily Wayne saw the pickup and was able to avoid contact.
            Wayne and I slowed down and pulled onto the shoulder of the road. I listened to Wayne talk bad about the pickup truck driver over the CB radio. After the traffic all cleared, we continued our ride to the Bunk House. I am not sure whether there was any soiled garments or not!
            We did notice shortly after the, “near death episode(as it is now known), the fog had dissipated and there was not a cloud in the sky. The rest of the ride was uneventful.
            On Thursday, the bunk house offers a discount to mature bikers (and probably normal people too) which has a tendency to entice bikers on a fixed income to congregate there for lunch.
            Wayne and I found a table and were preparing to indulge in some very fine, “chopped brisket”. At the table next to us there was 6 more senior bikers. We swapped a few stories and enjoyed the biker fellowship, even though one of the other bikers was on a Harley.
            The fact that they allowed a Harley rider to not only ride with them, but eat at the same table, should indicate that the Honda riders are not prejudice. 

Observation: The Harley rider was possibly the senior in the group (oldest) he walked with a cane, and he was on a Harley trike.
When we are small children most of us have trikes, aka tricycles. When we are young we ride trikes that cost $50,00 or less and as we get older, we revert back to riding trikes that cost $30,000.00 or more. 

            After a find chopped brisket sandwich, we bid a farewell to the other bikers, and began our journey home. The sky was blue and there was no clouds. The temp on the ride home was 71 degrees, what a day for a ride!

May your day be warm, and the sky blue!

Don Ford

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Observation 01.07.16

                As I mature, I have noticed that male and female persons wear different size shorts and swim suits.

                This applies to the entire species, regardless of age.

                A general comment; the female’s wear almost nothing when it comes to shorts, while the male covers up. 

I don’t have a problem with the adult female of the species wearing little or nothing, heck, I kinda like it.

I do have a problem with children, and young females, wearing little!

Why are the Fathers of these children and young ladies not putting their foot down, and teaching them to wear more clothing.


Yes, I did draw the swim suits, seen above. 


You are correct, I am multi-talented.


Dress appropriately!


Don Ford

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Two questions 01.06.16

                As usual, I have the natural ability to see things that many would just ignore. The question I have, has caused me to consider possible answers for several years. I have decided to present this query to you, the reading public. 
            I have observed many times, that frost will form on house tops, evenly spread over the roof, unless there is a tree with limbs that protrude over a portion/s of the roof. The portions of the roof that have tree limbs over it do not get covered by the frost.
Note: it is winter and there are no leaves on these trees.
            This morning, I have observed a similar situation on grass. The neighbor’s back yard has no trees or plants other than grass, and the grass is covered with frost. The back yard at The Ford Homestead has trees with no leaves, and there is no frost on the ground under the trees. Out from under the limbs, there is frost.
            Question #1, Why does a tree, with no leaves, help prevent frost?        

Question #2, do you want to keep receiving my emails about my blog posting?

If you want to be removed from the mailing list, send me a note, and I will take your name off the VIP list.

If you know someone who wants to be added to the mailing list, have them send me an email, and I will add them to the VIP list.             (VIP is, Very Important Person)

My critic may like this posting, as it is short.

Be nice to someone today!
Don Ford

Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year's Resolution 01.04.16

            Thanks to a critic, I have broken my standing resolve to not have a, “New Year’s Resolution”. I hope you noticed the play on words. 
            One of the many readers of my well written, and usually spot on up-to-date information, has offered a critical review of a recent posting. That review has cause me to reflect on the comment, and also provide a reaction from, yours truly.
            The critic, will remain unnamed, because my wife might be embarrassed if anyone knew that she was the critic.
            I must say, after reviewing the criticism from this well-known journalistic critic, I am in complete agreement. It isn’t often that an author (me) will agree with someone who is being critical of their work. I, being open to comments and suggestions, welcomed the comment, and then decided to post the information for your edification.
            In truth, I am always happy to get a response about something I have written, even when it is critical of my journalistic abilities, as it is an indication that someone is reading my postings.
            The one part of this that I do not enjoy is the fact that I am making a, “New Year’s Resolution”, and I am not a proponent of New Year’s Resolutions! Most New Year’s Resolutions are broken and completely forgotten somewhere between 30 and 60 days after they are made. I do not intend to, “backslide”, on my resolution!
            The unnamed journalistic critic stated, “It takes you to long, to get to the point!”
            I agree with the criticism, and I will make a New Year’s Resolution regarding this critical review.
            I believe, that anyone who wants to keep a resolution, should make it publically, and with others knowing of their resolve, they have a better chance of staying on track. A person trying to quit smoking will have a greater chance of succeeding if they involve all their friends and family. It is the same with New Year’s Resolutions!

            Without further delay, I announce my New Year’s Resolution for 2016.

“I will endeavor, to continue writing as I have, not changing anything!”
Don Ford                            

(I believe I can keep this resolution!)

Saturday, January 2, 2016

You can't give it away 01.02.16

            I believe someone said, “You can’t give it away”, and I believe that is almost true. I have tried to give it away many times, and most often it comes back. The truth is, things would be better if we all tried to give it away.
            There are exceptions to the rule, one exception occurs when I try to give it to my present wife. Very often I make the offer to her, in a positive and gentlemen like manner, and she takes it and walks away, no reciprocation.
            I am sure it is not my method of presentation, as I have used the same irresistible presentation for many years.
            I have come to the conclusion that my present spouse, at times, is just not in the mood for an intense interchange of that type.
            I have intentionally given it to a person who was upset, ranting about things, using language that would cause a normal person to react by also becoming upset. When you intentionally give it to an upset person, you do not expect to get it back!
Truth be known, I have used this method several times during my employment. I found, that giving it to someone who was upset, was often unraveling to their argument, and it kept me from entering into a debate with the upset person.
            If you have never tried to give it to an upset person, it usually goes something like this. The upset person who may also be belligerent, will be presenting their case in a very loud voice, most likely using words that they shouldn’t, and hoping to draw you into the argument.
After a few minutes of their unprofessional and loud presentation, they realize that you are not going to, withdraw it, they will likely get even more upset for a short period of time. As you look them in the eye and continue to present it, during their entire shouting session, they become more agitated and in disgust they finally, “shut up”.  
I shouldn’t say this, but I often enjoyed making a bold presentation of it to others!
_          _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _          _                     
I am writing this on the first day of January, 2016. I did not stay up to see the New Year in. I have not participated in the process for many years now.
The first day of the year has been mostly boring, as I have had very little to do. My spouse of 46 years went to town looking for some bargains and left me, “home alone”. I have seen a couple good old time movies on TV today.

Try to give it away!

Don Ford                                                                       It, is a smile, everyone knows that!