Mindful of my critics, I want to make this story short as possible, but informative.
Being a person on a fixed income, I must try to save a penny when I can. A couple years ago I purchased a Coleman battery powered lantern. It was still in a box but it had defective written on the box. I took a chance and purchased the unit for the sum of $2.00, hoping to be able to repair it for little or nothing.
As you should know, I am very mechanically inclined which, “qualifies me to do anything with nothing”!
On a close examination of the lantern, I determined the problem to be the recharging plug. The unit had two methods to recharge, one using a wall charger, and the other using the cigarette lighter in a vehicle.
Now that I have written that, it occurs to me that vehicles no longer have ash trays or cigarette lighters. I would assume these holes in the dash and other places in the newer vehicles, may now be referred to as power outlets.
I digress, I quickly determined the only problem was the plug from the wall charger. Being almost a genius, I quickly solved the problem, repaired the plug and charged the lantern.
That was two years ago. I tried to charge the unit last week, and the battery would no longer accept a charge.
The above info has provided you with background, so I can now tell my short story.
I tried to charge the lantern but the battery would not accept the charge. I had to order a new battery. It is now installed and the lantern works as expected.
The end
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New thought: as I walked to the recycle bin I heard a sound that at first, sounded as if it were coming from the recycle bin. I approached in a very cautious mode, not wanting to be attacked by a bear or other carnivorous creature. Arriving at the recycle bin, I determined the sound was not coming from the bin, so I place the corrugated item into the bin.
At this point, I began to survey the area for the knocking sound. The mystery was solved. The sound was birds in the old metal bird house. The bird house is on a ten foot piece of pipe that is secured to a fence post. I placed this bird house there, probably 20 or so years ago. The post and house leans just a little to the neighbor’s side of the fence. That means the neighbor gets all the fertilizer from the birds.
The temp is supposed to be in the mid-70s this weekend, so these, “early birds” (do you like the play on words) may start laying eggs.
Would you believe these birds are cleaning the house in preparation for building new nests? I guess the warm weather has them getting an early start on home making. It sounded as if the birds were pecking on the floor and walls of the metal bird house.
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Different subject: I occasionally consider seeking employment in an effort to keep me busy through the day. Needing something to do other than chores that my wife of 46 years forces, I mean allows me to do, I have considered getting back into the hobby of ham radio. It would be easier and more fun than working.
I checked the web site of the Club I use to be a member of (HOTARC, Heart O Texas Amateur Radio Club), and it happen that they were having a meeting last night. I decided to attend the meeting to determine whether I want to join, and if so become an active Ham again.
I was a member of this club when I first became a ham, a quarter century ago (that is back in 1991, didn’t what you to have to do the math). Not all members were in attendance, but of those who were, there was 5 people that I recognized who were still members from 25 years ago.
I was going through some old files and I found a printed list of radio and related equipment I had purchased over a two year period. The list may not have been all inclusive, but it totaled almost $5,000.00. That was a lot of money, a quarter century ago.
All of my equipment is old, and being on a fixed income I may not be able to afford to be an active ham again. Donations will be accepted, please identify them for, “the revitalizing of the ham radio station”.
All donations over $100.00 will be strongly appreciated!
Donations under $100.00 will be accepted.
Have a generous day, donate to a needy ham!
Don Ford