
Friday, November 28, 2014

Fall Colors in Hewitt, TX 11.28.14

                You just thought we didn’t have fall colors in the “City of Hewitt, TX.”
I went out to get the morning paper, yes we still get a so called newspaper. Have you seen a newspaper lately? The pages have gotten much smaller over the years to what I estimate to be about 2/3 the original size and I am being generous. 
I know, your family was rich and did not have an outdoor privy (for those who don’t know what a privy is, it is an outdoor toilet, the outhouse). Back in the day, a page from the newspaper could be used in the privy, for something other than reading.
I surveyed the neighborhood and observed the trees at the north end of the street. I returned to the security of, “The Ford Homestead” where I procured my camera. Returning to the street, I took several well laid out, and might I say, “flawless photos”, one of which is below.
Fall colors in Hewitt.
                As I hope you can see, there are a couple red oaks in the neighborhood that are changing colors. Our red oaks have not stopped dropping millions of acorns yet, so they are not yet turning colors.
                Today is black Friday, I do not plan to go anywhere shopping.
Happy Friday to you.
Do you get it, Friday is in black, thus “Happy black Friday to you”.
Don Ford               

Monday, November 24, 2014

Nursery Rhyme 11.23.14

                For those of you who are younger than 50, you may not have learned this, or other nursery rhymes as a child.  For those of us who often or occasionally feel as if we are younger than 50, I am sure you are familiar with many old nursery rhymes.
                Today I would like to evaluate one, so called” nursery rhyme.
The first line states;             
“There was an old woman who lived in a shoe”.
The first thing we need to examine, was it a shoe or was it a boot? Personally, if the foot wear comes above the ankle, I consider it as a boot. As our artist’s rendering depicts, it was more of a boot than a shoe.
                It is not stated in this so called nursery rhyme, why did she live in the shoe? I believe it was her choice.
                Please do not be sidetracked by the artist’s rendering, the woman and her children did not live, inside a shoe”. They would have been the size of mice, if they were to live in a shoe. What the rhyme states is, and I am quoting now, “there was an old woman who lived in a shoe”. The term woman is singular meaning one female person.
The rhyme does not state as a fact whether she had one or two shoes. After careful research on this subject, we at, “The Ford Institute for Debunking Nursery Rhymes”, found that the old woman had only one shoe. (If you what to review the complete study go to our web site and click on the button “Shoe Study”.) 
The reason she lived in her shoe, is the same reason that she only had one shoe and that is, “she had removed her shoes one night and during her sleep, someone stole the one shoe”. To keep any one from steeling her other and only shoe she wore it all the time, thus, “she lived in her shoe”.
If I were her, I would not want to take the shoe off, imagine how it must have smelled now that she lived in it, (kept it on all the time).
Second line states;
         “She had so many children, she didn’t know what to do”.
                In the above line, we see that your government was involved, and that she, in fact, knew how to get money. She had all these children and your government was paying her a lot of money each month as long as she did not try to get a job.
                Another point to consider; the first line indicated that she was, “an old woman”. If she was old why did she have so many kids?
                I know that one person has a question and I will answer it now before you ask.
Question: If she was receiving all that money each month, why didn’t she purchase a pair of shoes? The rhyme states and I am quoting now, “she didn’t know what to do”. 
Question: Why didn’t she know what to do? Think about it, she smoked dope and that kept her mind messed up, thus she didn’t know what to do.
Let’s move on and not get bogged down by these questions. 
Third line states:
She gave them some broth without any bred;
As we see in the statement above, it was getting toward the end of the month and she was out of money (bread). She did have a couple cans of soup (chicken noodle) that she warmed up and fed to the children. There were no clean spoons in the house so the kids actually drink the soup.
Last line states;
And whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.
                We see in this last line of the rhyme that this woman was influenced by the NFL. Don’t even ask how, it is simple, even to the untrained eye.
Although it is not stated, it is implied, she had a switch from a willow tree. How hard did she whip the children, “soundly”, meaning she left marks on their posteriors? 
Why would Mother Goose make up a so called nursery rhyme about someone who uses dope, lives off government welfare and abuses her children? 
Below is the Mother Goose nursery rhyme in its entirety.
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children, she didn’t know what to do.
She gave them some broth without any bred;
And whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.               
Use your bread wisely!
Don Ford

Friday, November 21, 2014

Wrong? No, Miscalculated? Maybe 11.21.14

                There are some in this world who would say I had miscalculated, or was incorrect, possibly just plain wrong in my estimation of time and distance.
                Back on October 24th, 2014 in a most excellent article, written by yours truly, that believe it or not, was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, I made an estimate about time and distance. Below is an excerpt from that article.
Predawn hours             10.24.2014
As almost everyone knows, I am a very observant person who enjoys commenting on things that truly do not involve me. This morning, after the above events had unfolded, I once again was considering the coming day’s activities. I noticed a tree limb, which is about 8 foot long and covered with dead leaves, which had been laying in the neighbor’s yard near the curb for a couple weeks now, had been moved. It was now in the middle of their yard, approximately 12 feet from where it had been. That movement is a positive, and it shows progress. By my calculations, at that rate of movement, the limb may be totally out of the front yard in four weeks. Did I state that they mowed around the limb about ten days ago?
                   No, I am not being judgmental, merely observant.
                Let me start by saying the limb has not been touched by a human since the article of 10/24/2014. By my calculations, it has been four weeks to the day, and not only is the limb still there, two other limbs have joined it, although they are in different locations of the yard.
                Did I explain that this is a front yard, open to be viewed by all?
In a recent national study prepared by, “The Ford Homestead of Hewitt”, it was found; in 87% of homes whether owned or rented, their front yards reflected the cleanliness and organization or lack thereof, which exists inside their homes. (The previous statement, is from the national study and not necessarily a comment from me.)
                To read highlights from the study you may go to our website “”, or if you would like the entire study please send $19.99 to, “The Ford Homestead of Hewitt” and request Study 408.b, yards and interiors by Don Ford.  You can receive a second copy Free, just pay additional shipping and handling of $19.99.                  Please allow 6 years for delivery. 
May your front yard be clean and well organized!
Don Ford

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

New cell phone 11.18.14

I have tried to find a reason to have a smart phone but I can’t justify having one.
                I was in a store the other day and I looked at their prepaid phones. I had thought that I might purchase one if I could move my sims card from my present phone to the new phone and have everything continue to work.
                Possibly I could get Santa to bring me a new phone. Speaking of Santa, my spouse of 45 years allowed me to go to the shed and get the Christmas decorations out today.
                It isn’t easy getting the Christmas decorations out. The first thing that needs to be done is to remove all the things that are in front of or on top if the decorations.
                Next I remove the cartons and totes that have Christmas trees or other decorative items.
                Then I remove the plastic sheep, goats and other items for the manger scene.
                I then carry all the “decretive items to the garage”.
                Now I sweep all the dirt out of the shed, this is the annual cleaning.
                Lastly, I put all the non-Christmas items back into the shed.
                I have roughly calculated that I made 47 trips in and out of the shed, and I hit my head on the shovels that I keep hanging from the rafters 68 times. You would think that after the first twenty or thirty times I would have learned to duck, but…
                Back to my original thought; there was several phones on the rack and one did not have a price. I ask a clerk what the price might be and he checked. The price was $4.99.   Heck, at that price a person on a fixed income could take a chance.
                I paid the $4.99 and now had a new phone. As I read the instructions it stated that I could move the sims card from my flip phone and use it in the phone.
          The phone looks like a small black berry.
It has a zoom on the camera.
There is a flash, with red eye reduction.
Yes it will take videos.
It can be set to automatically lock the keys so you will not butt dial.
You can record sound with it.
As with most phones you can send text and photos.
It will play FM radio.
There is a flash light.
You can plug in ear phones.
It has blue tooth.
It came with a charger that plugs into the wall, and it has a wire to charge it from the USB port.
I can hear someone calling me much better on this phone than the old phone.
I was surprised that this cheap inexpensive phone would work as well as it does and has the features it does.
It is and off brand phone and does not have a droid operating system, but for the price it is good for a person like me, on a fixed income.
I learned something; I have played with this little phone learning how to use its features much of my free time this weekend. If I were to get a smart phone, I would be one of those people that set around looking at, and keying into their phones.
Have a very nice day!
Don Ford

Monday, November 17, 2014

Tamales / Christmas 11.17.14

            How many tamales can my present spouse make in a weekend? We now have the answer to this question and many other inquiries.
            It has become somewhat of a tradition at, “The Ford Homestead” to have tamales on Christmas Eve before the presents are opened.
            Yes you read it correctly, we do not wait until Christmas morning to open presents. In the olden days at the Ford house in Missouri we had to wait until Christmas morning to open presents and there were very few presents to be opened.
            My first wife’s family always opened their presents on Christmas Eve. I am not saying they were cheating but it did give them a head start on the rest of us, more traditional families. The early opening has now become the accepted procedure at, “The Ford Homestead”, which allows the family to sleep in on Christmas morning.
            What? You want me to tell you how many tamales my first wife can make in a weekend.
Ok, keep your shorts on, I can’t believe how impatient some readers are! There needs to be a disclaimer or two stated prior to giving you the number.
            Miss Ford had to purchase the shucks and masa mix ahead of the, “assembly day”. Why call it “assembly day”, because it is an assembly process to make the tamale.
    The misses cooked the meat a day or two ahead of the actual manufacturing of the tamales. My present wife is very particular about the type of meat use in the tamales. It is reported that dog or cat meat had been used in the making of tamales, but my present spouse refused to use dog or cat in her recipe.
    She is very particular when it comes to cooking, only the best road kill is used. She prefers raccoon (coon) or opossum (possum) as they both have a little extra fat which enhances the taste of the tamale. She has been known to use deer meat if it hasn’t been dead for more than a couple days before she finds it.
    The process is somewhat as follows.
    Soak the shucks in water to get them soft and pliable.
    Get the precooked meat from the refrigerator.
    Mix the masa.
    Put everything on the table.
    Take a shuck (corn shuck if you were wondering) and wipe the excess water off.
    Spread the masa on the shuck to the perfect thickness (about 3/8 of an inch)
    Apply the meat.
    Fold the shuck and masa around the meat making the tamale shape.
    Repeat the process until all tamales are manufactured.
    When the manufacturing is complete cook the tamales.
    Let them cool after cooking and place them in units of one dozen.
    Wrap the units of one dozen in aluminum foil, put them in the freezer if you aren’t going to eat them right away.
         At the end of two strenuous afternoons of manufacturing the tamales, her final count was 24 dozen. Keep in mind we did have to sample some of them for quality assurance.
         She gives many of them away to friends and family, we keep some to eat.
Have a fulfilling day.
Don Ford    

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Excellent meal 11.14.14

                As I noted in my previous posting, I had been invited to a Thanksgiving lunch at Do it Best Corp, Waco, TX. I would like to state for the record that the food was excellent and it is always good to see so many friends.
                If you would viewed the above photo, you should have notice that I have a, “happy smile” on my hansom face. I know that one person is wondering why I said, “happy smile”, I will try to explain.
Often, when a subject is being photographed, someone says, “Smile for the camera” and that subject puts on their fake smile. I wanted you to know there is a difference between a camera fake smile and a “happy smile”.
Please look at me in the photo, I believe you can tell that I am truly happy.
Now let’s consider, “the rest of the photo”. The food looks great, the lunch room was very clean and orderly and the centerpieces on each table were very pretty.
For the observant among you, there is another part to this photo which I will point out.
This morning as I was driving Gabi to school we had a conversation about being observant. Gabi commented about how a car was driving less than safely. I said to Gabi, “you are observant. I went on to say that she may be both, “observant and absorbent”. I then explained how I defined both words, that she not only sees what’s happening observant, she also understand what’s happening which is absorbent (it soaks in)
Back to the excellent photo of me. If you are observant, you have noticed that I have three arms. I am just a special person.
A good friend noted that my spouse was not in the photo. I would like to state that my wife of 45 years was busy that day. What was she doing?
As you well know, we are on a fixed income and my spouse of 45 years was out on highway 84 picking up aluminum cans. We need all the money we can get, especially since Christmas is only 6 weeks away.
I would be less than truthful, if I didn’t explain that my spouse of 45 years did find two squirrels and a skunk on HWY 84 while picking up the cans. They were fresh road kills.
Tonight we are going to have, “skunk burgers” for supper. I must say, there is a fresh, “skunk burger” smell which permeates throughout the house.
My present wife plans to keep the two squirrels so she can cook them for Thanksgiving.
May all your photos have happy smiles.
Don Ford 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

High Flying 11.13.14

Who is having more fun in their daily lives, someone paying for peanuts on a jet or,
The Buzzard floating in the sky waiting for a free lunch?
Speaking of free lunches, I am getting a free lunch today. How, you ask, well listen and I will impart the facts to you. The company I retired from has a thanksgiving lunch each year and I have been invited.
                I believe they are thankful that I am retired.  Whatever the reason for their thanksgiving lunch, it is free and being on a “fixed income”, almost any reason for a free lunch is good.
Things are not always bigger in Texas, as we see in the photo below.
I hope your lunch is free.
Don Ford

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bah Humbug 11.11.14

                Winter is knocking at the door! That is an incorrect statement. Winter is kicking in the door, and that means it is colder than, well; “it is colder than a well diggers shovel”.
                Now, I along with many other unfortunate citizens, must try to find a way to keep warm, while existing on a fixed income.  There are plants that need to be protected from the cold air that is descending on our state, and don’t forget the faucets need to be protected. Will I be able to afford the heating bill? People on a fixed income have a difficult life.
                I am trying to find a way to get my first wife to go outside in the cold and do all the things that need to be done, while I supervise from inside the house. Yes, it is possible to do that, if she would take a walkie talkie with her, I can watch her on the security cameras and direct her when she makes a mistake.
                I haven’t decided as to how I would approach her with that idea.
It is 2 weeks till Thanksgiving and 6 weeks till Christmas. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Are you feeling as if you are a little behind?
If you haven’t purchased my Christmas present yet, or if you need suggestions as to what to get me, you may be able to access, “The Ford Homestead web site”, and click on the, “gifts for Don Button”. Cash gifts or gift cards, which are good at any store, are always appreciated.
I hope your day is warm and cozy!
Don Ford
--------- Did the blue font give you a cool wintery feeling? -------

Monday, November 10, 2014

There are Angels 11.10.14

                As you may well know, I am a hard worker and I am always considering opportunities to energetically work on a project, yesterday was no exception.
I was forced allowed to help my, “first wife” work on one of her many Christmas decorations. This decoration is an angel, over 6 foot tall, which weighs about 40 pounds and is made of steel rod. The angel has about 500 lights on it.
My spouse of 45 years had decided that she was going to remove the old lights and replace them, as some of the old lights were burned out.
                A little history on this decoration. It was purchased used, at an estate sell possibly 6 years ago. If handled properly, will fold down into a 2 X 4 foot space for storage (the wings will fold to the back and then the bottom half [skirt] will fold to the front).
                I brought the angel into the garage and we placed it on a couple small tables for easier access. My present wife began by removing the lighting from the skirt. There were about 150 wire ties which held the lights on, and they all needed to be cut off. Removing the wire ties allowed my spouse to remove the old lighting.
It was at this point that I began to consider how many wire ties I would need for this project. I had previously purchased 200 wire ties assuming that would be more than needed for the project. I should have done my homework on this project, we will need about 500 wire ties.
I ran to the truck and headed for the “Walmart” in hopes of purchasing the wire ties and returning home without a long drive.
Wally world did have the wire ties at more than twice the price I had paid at Harbor Freight. I didn’t want to drive all the way to the Harbor Freight but I did. I purchased 300 more wire ties (3 packages) and received a free, 4 outlet power strip, for less than half what I would have paid at Wally world.
Returning home I found the lady of the house still working on the angel. She had replaced about 150 lights on the skirt of the angel and now it was up to me to wire tie the wire and lights in place.
I completed the skirt as my first wife removed more of the lights from one of the wings. We put in about two hours of work and decided to stop for the day. I was left to sweep the garage floor and bring the van into the garage as my spouse of 45 years vanished (she had another small project in the front yard).
When the project is complete I will post a photo.
Acorn retribution
Daylight saving time fell back and I have not yet adjusted to the time change. The time change does provide me with enough light to see when I go for my early morning speed walk. You may be correct in your assumption. My speed walk may be somewhat less than speedy.
To top it off, the weather has decided to become more like winter than fall. The cold weather makes it more difficult for a senior citizen to get their needed exercise.
I have thought about going to the mall and becoming a Mall Walker. I could get behind a young lady mall walker and enjoy my walk but, the ladies who mall walk are not usually young. End of Subject.    
Back to my original subject, it seems to me that the acorns have become irritated with the time change and are falling at an alarming rate. Would you believe, we have found it necessary to carry an umbrella when walking on the side walk to get the mail? I didn’t say it was true, I just asked if you would believe.
Would you believe I have picked up 49 buckets of acorns with an average weight of 11 pounds or approximately 582 pounds? That is 1,239,617 individual acorns that have been picked up.
It is a proven fact that more acorns fall if you trim the tree. It is the tree’s way to get even with me for cutting the limbs off. These trees know when a human is outside and they drop even more acorns. I was picking up acorns the other day and an acorn dropped into the bucket. I am sure it was an error on the trees part, these Red Oaks do not want to help a human.
I had explained in a previous article that, “trees do make a sound when they fall in the forest even if there is no one around to hear”. Along that same line of thought, “do acorns make a sound when they fall if there is no one around?  What do you think?
May your angel not be a decoration!
Don Ford

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Overpass? 11.05.14

                Why do they call it an, “overpass”?              
                Before I get into that subject, I would like to relate an event from yesterday. As you may well know, I drive Gabi to school each morning. I often ask her about the previous day’s school and what did they learn in science class. This usually fills the short ride with conversation.
                Yesterday as we were driving up the street I noticed two sheriff’s SUVs parked in front of a house. I found it a bit unusual to see sheriff’s vehicles but no police cars at a house in Hewitt.
I commented to Gabi, “They may be there to arrest someone who robbed a bank”. There was no comment from the back seat.  I then changed the tactic and said, “Maybe they are there to arrest a kid who didn’t go to school yesterday”. 
Gabi explained, “They don’t arrest kids for not going to school”. The rest of the trip was uneventful.
After dropping Gabi off at school, I drove the same route to get back home. This time as I was approaching the house, there was an additional sheriff’s vehicle in front of the house, and they had a man in handcuffs putting him in one of the vehicles.
I guess that means there are bad people living in our community.
Back to the original subject, Overpass. As I understand it, an overpass is a bridge that allows pedestrians, vehicles or trains to pass over another road, train track or water way etc.
As I sat in my recliner this morning pondering why coffee is so good, and how nice the recent rains have been, the thought of an overpass came to mind. I truthfully do not know why I thought of an overpass, unless it was this beneficial rain of a little more than an inch, with more coming.
I guess it is possible that I may have inadvertently thought about crossing a wet area and then overpass came to mind.
Let’s say, one is in a conversation, using proper grammar, would they say, “on the bridge we overpassed the river’, or possibly, “on the bridge we passed over the river”?
I know, all but one of you would say passed over, but that one person reading this commentary is now thinking how to word their rebuke to me.
So why do they call these bridges that pass over other roads etc. “overpass”? As usual, I am here to enlighten and entertain you.
It all started back when Eisenhower was president and they started the interstate highway system. Up to that time these bridges were called bridges regardless of what they crossed over. There was a designer who was working for the federal government attempting to design the new interstate highway system (yes those same people that you voted into office and who can’t blow their nose without having instructions on the handkerchief). She thought it might be confusing to call the bridges a, “Passover” thinking the people might think of the Jewish Passover, so she coined the term, “overpass”.
Now you know why they are called an, “overpass”.
For that person that thinks I am wrong, go look it up.
Today I drove both Alex and Gabi to school. After dropping The Alex off we headed for The Gabi’s school. I attempted to sing an old song from when I was a kid and Gabi spoke up saying, “grandpa, that song is from the olden days, we have different songs to sing now”.
How do you like that, a reminder from my granddaughter that I am from the olden days?   
Don’t pass over a chance to compliment someone today.
Don Ford