
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Various subject matter 01.11.14

               Hello from the Ford Homestead, we are doing well. My spouse of 44 years has been taking down Christmas decorations from inside the house and that makes me happy. We will be happier when all the internal and external decorations have been removed and stored.
               As you may well know, I am considered, in some circles, a “computer expert”. My first wife’s pc stopped receiving emails. I took some time to first ponder the situation, then I sprang into action adjusting email setting. It only took a few days of trial and error for me to stumble on the problem little while and the email is again working.
               Speaking of computers I have purchased a new laptop. It has, “Windows 8” in it and it is a bit more difficult to use.  (Let me say “Windows 8” is a lot more difficult to use; I have to learn everything over again.)
The touch screen is kinda nice but I have to keep cleaning the glass, peanut butter and jelly smears. I will be saving money to get Word and other programs installed in an effort to make this pc more useable.
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               As I sat in the rocking chair near the door of the garage enjoying the warm sun, perfectly blue skis and 70 degrees, I noticed that the Red Oak and the Pecan trees did not have buds but the buds are starting to swell. It seems a little early to me for this to happen but I guess mother nature knows best (see photo below).
I also have a photo of Molly and Alex getting ready to take their afternoon nap (photo below).
Then there is a photo of Gabi (she did not know I was taking the photo) as she was getting a refreshing drink from the doll baby bottle.
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I wanted to get a pair of western style boots and I have gone to most every store in town. To be honest I don’t know why I want the boots but I do.  I could not find any that just caught my fancy. Speaking of fancy, some boots were too fancy and seemed a little feminine to me. I hope I wasn’t in the wrong department.               
Possibly I am too old for western style boots.
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Allergies have been knocking my socks off the last few days (at least I got my socks off).
I hope you have a good week and someone is nice to you.
Don Ford

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