One of my many activities as a retired person is listening to talk radio. I do become weary when hearing the same comments over and over. I have a hypothesis as to why the talk show hosts repeat themselves so often.
Before you ask the questions, “why did I use the word hypothesis, and did I know how to spell it” I will proactively address this.
1. I do know how to spell it; it is just as it sounds.
2. I hear this word use several times each day between 1:30 and 2:00pm. The kids show “Dinosaur Train” is a cartoon which I turn on for Alex to watch. One of the characters in the cartoon uses the word frequently. I also use the show to let me know when it is 2:00 pm as that is Alex’s nap time.
Yes, I take a nap too!
It is my opinion that talk show hosts repeat themselves many times in order for those of us, “low information listeners” to be able to remember what they have said.
There is a theory (notice I did not use the word hypothesis again) that states, “Repeating information ten times will cause the average person to remember the information”.
What was the original reason that I sat down at the PC to compose this article? The term, “Trailer Trash and Red Necks” was used in part of one of the talk shows.
At first, as I assume many of you would do, an image came to mind of toothless, poor, illiterate people who lived in a trailer outside of town or in the poor part of town. There would be a couple broken down old vehicles next to the trailer and there was probably chickens and dogs running loose in the yard. The image of how those people lived kinda make you happy that you are so much better than “those people”.
The thought in the above paragraph was running through my mind when a sudden realization hit me like a ton of bricks.
My spouse of 44 years and I had purchased a trailer about a year after we were married. We lived in the country and had chickens running loose in the yard. The big ole gray rooster just hated my son Patrick and would come running when Patrick came outside. (There is more to the story of the rooster and chicken with dumplings but that can be in a later article.)
We had a nice yard and garden but we did not have junk cars in the yard. We even had a small pond behind the trailer.
After living in the trailer for a few years we sold it and built a house on the property.
If there is a reason for this story it might be, remember where we came from and be less critical of others.
I hope your memories are all good.
Don Ford
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