
Saturday, March 8, 2025

March 8, 2025

            We made it to Saturday again and I am wondering where the rain is. We were supposed to have started receiving rain last night about mid night and ending this morning some time. As I see it, we did not get any rain. Oh, did I wish you a good morning, well allow me to say good morning to all.

            Allow me to quickly lists the things I did yesterday. I went to a store to get 2 air filters for the furnace, I was surprised the displayed price was not the actual price, I got them for about half off. Back at home I went out back to consider cutting a limb out of the tree and realized that I needed to water the flowers in the hot house. Hot house plants watered I also watered the black berry beds. Then I water the flower beds, was I attempting to avoid the tree limb trimming? Bird bath filled with water I then headed to the shed to get the ladder and pole saw.

            Several items were removed from the shed so I could get to the ladder and then I decided to get the weed killer out and spray some weeds along the fence. That completed I then decided that since it was not windy, I would spray the weeds in the ditch, was I trying to avoid the limb removal, or was I just being distracted by easier work. I sprayed an area in the ditch which is about 6 feet wide from the fence into the ditch.

            Nothing else to distract me, (I do have a problem where I start one thing and do several other things) I started to cut the limb from the tree by positioning the ladder in a place where I could reach the limb with the pole saw and also be out of the way when it falls. This is a manual pole saw about 18 feet long when extended fully. Have you ever tried to work with a pole saw that is 18 feet long, it is difficult to handle.

            I started the sawing process by climbing on the ladder, only two steps up the ladder and after about one minute I rested. Understand that I am pushing and pulling the pole saw handle above my head and that is difficult and tiring for an ole senior person. It probably took about 15 minutes to cut the limb as I would pause and rest quiet often. In the olden days when I was a real person it would have taken 2 or 3 minutes to remove the limb.

            I did get the limb down and then I started the process of cutting it into small pieces, each 10 inches or less. I cut these into small pieces so they will easily fill the bottom of the trash can. Long pieces take up more room in a trash can. Photo of the remaining part of the limb I cut, and a photo of the limb that is hanging in the tree.

            That completed I put things away. It was then happy time and I was too tired to do anything other than sit down and have a beverage. My favorite wife and I along with a friend sat outside and talked about being old and tired. A bunch of the topics were about doctors and medical conditions. I was able later to wash my ole body and get into the Fords ole bed.

            Today we plan to have lunch with Alex and his family celebrating his 15th birthday. Then if the weather is good, I will have him here at the ford house to do some yard work and tree limb removal this afternoon.

            I will stop for now, we hope you have a good day and stay safe in all you do.

Tree butcher the Don.

Senior ole person needs a rest from thinking about all he did yesterday, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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