Well, we are now into the third month of this year and the year seems to be going by too fast, oh, I should wish you a good morning.
Three blind mice, Three blind mice,
See how they run, see how they run,
They all ran after the farmer’s wife,
She cut off their tails with a carving knife.
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As three blind mice.
Wow, were did that come from? If you are old enough you will know that was a childish song that we ole people learned as a kid.
Yesterday's events: very little happened here at the homestead until late in the afternoon when we went outside to sit for a nice relaxing afternoon away from the TV and other distractions. A good friend came over and we discussed bible study as her son is now a participant in the study, we discussed Revelations and the things we understood and did not understand along with other bible topics.
Example of one discussion; 1Timothy 5:23 which states, “No longer drink water excessively, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach, and your frequent ailments.” Now you see why you need to read the bible; you will learn things that only those of us who read the bible know.
Today I plan to get the Alex over here and work him until he gets tired, or until it is time to go to lunch. Wait a minute, he and I go to the coffee place for a cup after I pick him up this morning, and I pay for the drinks, then I pay him to do the yard work, then I buy his lunch, it sounds like someone is getting a very good deal.
We need to get the ditch weeds trimmed and maybe we will have time to build a bird house or two before lunch. Yes, we take my favorite wife with us to lunch, and we no longer make her ride in the back seat.
I have a couple photos to show you, one is of our baby pecan tree that the squirrels planted, and it is now about 3 feet tall. Yest Tres had to be in the photo.
The second photo is of an oddly shaped cloud we saw this morning, and it isn’t something from a jet plane. It kind of reminds me of a snake in the sky.
I guess I will stop and say, have a good day as you stay safe in all you do.
Get started working.
Senior ole person who will supervise but hopefully not work, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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