
Thursday, March 6, 2025

March 6, 2025

            Good morning to all, it is a cool good morning but it should get warm as the day proceeds.

            I went to the dentist yesterday and my ole mouth was num for over 3 hours, so no lunch for this senior person. Later in the morning I did go to the store and purchased some fertilizer for the front yard along with some air filters. Now I had a note in my pocket showing the size I needed. You guessed it, I bought the wrong size.

Back at the home stead, I went to the front yard and removed small limbs due to the winds on Tuesday. The removal of said limbs took a while and I believe some of the limbs were from the neighbor’s tree. I broke the limbs into small pieces and filled a 5-gallon bucket which I dumped, and then finished the removal process. Our neighbor has a big broken limb in the tree and it is over the end of her driveway and part of the street.

Speaking of limbs, I have a broken limb in the back 40 and I need to get it down. I think we can use the long handle manual pole saw. I am considering having Alex do the work as long as I can be sure he does it safe. I just thought, they are having a birthday lunch for Alex this Saturday so no Alex and I may need to do the work myself.

I did also remove the limbs from the back 40 and there was a lot more downed limbs and also bigger limbs than in the front yard. I did use the hand saw to reduce the size of a few limbs. All in all, a couple hours of yard work for an ole senior person.

We did have supper out yesterday afternoon and upon returning to the homestead we sat outside for a while enjoying the quiet neighborhood.

I will stop for now; have a good day and please stay safe in all you do.

Yard man Don.

Senior ole person who needs to take a break from all this data entering, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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