
Saturday, March 8, 2025

March 8, 2025

            We made it to Saturday again and I am wondering where the rain is. We were supposed to have started receiving rain last night about mid night and ending this morning some time. As I see it, we did not get any rain. Oh, did I wish you a good morning, well allow me to say good morning to all.

            Allow me to quickly lists the things I did yesterday. I went to a store to get 2 air filters for the furnace, I was surprised the displayed price was not the actual price, I got them for about half off. Back at home I went out back to consider cutting a limb out of the tree and realized that I needed to water the flowers in the hot house. Hot house plants watered I also watered the black berry beds. Then I water the flower beds, was I attempting to avoid the tree limb trimming? Bird bath filled with water I then headed to the shed to get the ladder and pole saw.

            Several items were removed from the shed so I could get to the ladder and then I decided to get the weed killer out and spray some weeds along the fence. That completed I then decided that since it was not windy, I would spray the weeds in the ditch, was I trying to avoid the limb removal, or was I just being distracted by easier work. I sprayed an area in the ditch which is about 6 feet wide from the fence into the ditch.

            Nothing else to distract me, (I do have a problem where I start one thing and do several other things) I started to cut the limb from the tree by positioning the ladder in a place where I could reach the limb with the pole saw and also be out of the way when it falls. This is a manual pole saw about 18 feet long when extended fully. Have you ever tried to work with a pole saw that is 18 feet long, it is difficult to handle.

            I started the sawing process by climbing on the ladder, only two steps up the ladder and after about one minute I rested. Understand that I am pushing and pulling the pole saw handle above my head and that is difficult and tiring for an ole senior person. It probably took about 15 minutes to cut the limb as I would pause and rest quiet often. In the olden days when I was a real person it would have taken 2 or 3 minutes to remove the limb.

            I did get the limb down and then I started the process of cutting it into small pieces, each 10 inches or less. I cut these into small pieces so they will easily fill the bottom of the trash can. Long pieces take up more room in a trash can. Photo of the remaining part of the limb I cut, and a photo of the limb that is hanging in the tree.

            That completed I put things away. It was then happy time and I was too tired to do anything other than sit down and have a beverage. My favorite wife and I along with a friend sat outside and talked about being old and tired. A bunch of the topics were about doctors and medical conditions. I was able later to wash my ole body and get into the Fords ole bed.

            Today we plan to have lunch with Alex and his family celebrating his 15th birthday. Then if the weather is good, I will have him here at the ford house to do some yard work and tree limb removal this afternoon.

            I will stop for now, we hope you have a good day and stay safe in all you do.

Tree butcher the Don.

Senior ole person needs a rest from thinking about all he did yesterday, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Friday, March 7, 2025

March 7, 2025

            It seems as if we are starting a good morning and possibly a very warm day in the 80s. I do not need to take the kids to school this morning as their parents are taking the day off. Next week is spring break for the kids, so, I will have a week of vacation?

            Yesterday was a long, and do very little day. we did go into town for a short time, I want to purchase a chronological bible. I did get one and I would have liked the large print version but did not find one. it will take a while to get use to the chronological bible and I will not be giving up my regular bible. Since I am on the subject of bibles, when I do my homework for bible study, I use the bible app on the cellphone as it small, and easy to get from one book, chapter and verse to another.

            We are supposed to have lunch with Alex and family tomorrow to celebrate his birthday, and I plan to bring him to our house after the lunch to get him to do some yard work. Yes, he and I have already discussed the work and he has agreed. Looking at the back 40, there are lot of winter grass, aka weeds and the mowing process will start soon.

            Today I need to go to the store and get air filters, of the correct size, for the furnace. We did sit outside yesterday for a while, it was a little cool and breezy, today it is said to be 82 degrees this afternoon and the outside sitting should be much more enjoyable. Good weather usually brings a friend or two at happy time.

            Since I have nothing to do, I guess I will stop writing and get onto my ole recliner and act as if I am watching the so-called news. We hope you have a good day and please stay safe in all you do.

Vacation for the Don.

Senior ole person who don’t know what to do, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Thursday, March 6, 2025

March 6, 2025

            Good morning to all, it is a cool good morning but it should get warm as the day proceeds.

            I went to the dentist yesterday and my ole mouth was num for over 3 hours, so no lunch for this senior person. Later in the morning I did go to the store and purchased some fertilizer for the front yard along with some air filters. Now I had a note in my pocket showing the size I needed. You guessed it, I bought the wrong size.

Back at the home stead, I went to the front yard and removed small limbs due to the winds on Tuesday. The removal of said limbs took a while and I believe some of the limbs were from the neighbor’s tree. I broke the limbs into small pieces and filled a 5-gallon bucket which I dumped, and then finished the removal process. Our neighbor has a big broken limb in the tree and it is over the end of her driveway and part of the street.

Speaking of limbs, I have a broken limb in the back 40 and I need to get it down. I think we can use the long handle manual pole saw. I am considering having Alex do the work as long as I can be sure he does it safe. I just thought, they are having a birthday lunch for Alex this Saturday so no Alex and I may need to do the work myself.

I did also remove the limbs from the back 40 and there was a lot more downed limbs and also bigger limbs than in the front yard. I did use the hand saw to reduce the size of a few limbs. All in all, a couple hours of yard work for an ole senior person.

We did have supper out yesterday afternoon and upon returning to the homestead we sat outside for a while enjoying the quiet neighborhood.

I will stop for now; have a good day and please stay safe in all you do.

Yard man Don.

Senior ole person who needs to take a break from all this data entering, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

March 5, 2025

            We have a cool good morning for you and me today. we hope everyone has a good day filled with friends and family.       

            We did get the Alex to school yesterday morning, and we did get to the doctor’s office without any problems. Back at home I was able to get a short nap and then do my daily reading from the bible. At the bible study Monday evening I learned that there is a chronological bible. As I understand it, that bible has the same info but it is in chronological order. I was told that it is like reading a story as it happened and not one book at a time. Hopefully, I will be able to afford a chronological version.

            The wind was blowing yesterday, and we saw trash carts blown over, tree limbs downed, and a storage container in our back 40 is blown over, along with a bunch of small limbs, photo to follow.

            Yes, Tres likes to be in all my photos.

The repair person did not get here on time but was about an hour late. He did repair the dryer and now it works. I did go to my doctor yesterday afternoon and she listened to what I had to say and checked me out. She recommended that I be seen by an ear eyes and nose specialist and have them check my throat. I don’t know when they will call for a checkup. 

            What do I have planned for today, well my big plan after getting the Alex to school is, going to the dentists. Yep, during my last cleaning they said I have two fillings that need to be replaced. That will be fun.

            I will stop for now and hope that we all have a safe and a good day for all.

Less wind today.

Senior ole person who needs to get going, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

March 4, 2025

            We wish everyone a safe and good morning even though it is raining and the storm seems to have passed over Hewitt. We have a little over ¼ inch of rain in the Fords new rain gage.

            My favorite wife and I both have doctors' appointments today, hers is this morning, so she will go with me to take the grand kid to school and then head out to her doctor. Mine is at happy time this afternoon (5:00pm). We also have an appointment this afternoon with a dryer repair man, our clothes dryer needs some attention. Speaking of doctors, I get to go to the dentists tomorrow morning.

            Well, you know our plans for today. we hope you have a good day and stay safe in all you do.


Senior who needs to get going and hopes the wind takes it easy today, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Monday, March 3, 2025

March 3, 2025

            I wish I had something to talk about but as usual I don't, although I do want to wish you a good morning.

            Sunday was just a normal day, we did go out to lunch, and it was good, we did rest a bit after lunch before going outside and working. My favorite wife decided to go outside and clean some dead items out of a couple flower beds, I helped by picking up some of the dead items and putting them in the trash container, which I still need to take out to the street.

            I will likely stop entering data in a few minutes as I need to go get the kid or kids for school. My favorite wife clearing items out of the flower beds caused me to decide to remove some items from the yard. The wind was blowing very hard and there are more limbs down in the neighbor's yard, so I checked and removed debris from the front and back of the house including the Poopa-Loopa.

            I have a photo of an Easter Lilly that is in bloom.

            Work completed we sat outside for a while then back inside for a short rest period (nap) and then later we went back outside and enjoyed the nice weather, but the wind was annoying.

            I have no real plans for today, I might go over the bible study homework to verify that it is complete.

            Tomorrow my favorite wife and I will need to get the kids and take them to school, as Donna has a doctor's appointment at 9:00, so we will need to head out to the doctor as soon as we drop the kids off at school. The next day I get to go to the dentist.

            Well, I guess I will stop for now, we hope you have a fun and safe day.

Spring is coming.

Senior ole person who don't like the time change that is coming, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

March 2, 2025

            A very good Sunday morning to one and all. The day is starting out at 56 degrees and the day is said to be warm and pleasant for ole senior people, and even if you aren’t old or senior, we hope you have a good day.

Let’s review yesterday’s events: Alex trimmed the weeds in the ditch and along the fence inside the yard, I helped a little bit. I also watered the plants in the hot house during the time Alex was working on the ditch. When we had completed the work in the back 40, we went to the garage where Alex put together a scrap wood bird house. This was his first time building a bird house. I was allowed to supervise the work and when he completed the project he took the bird house home.

            Also, Alex discovered that we had his birthday present in the garage. He seemed to be happy that he received a set of 45-pound weights for his barbell set. He is into power weightlifting at school.

            We went into town for lunch and after lunch we went to the cheap store where we purchased a new lawn mower. Alex thought it was a good mower that he can use around flower beds and areas where the riding mower can’t go. I do have a photo.

            This mower is environmentally safe, it doesn’t use gas or electric batteries. I did try it out and it seems to work as expected.

            My favorite wife and I sat outside for a couple hours yesterday afternoon, the temp was 82 and the sun was hot. Since the weather was hot, we did also wash the pot hound Tres. The neighborhood was very quiet with very little traffic as we enjoyed the quiet time. The birds were making a lot of noise and going in and out of the bird houses.

            Speaking of bird houses, I did put together the last scrap wood bird house yesterday. We gave a neighbor a bird house and we gave two to a friend day before yesterday. We now have three bird houses available.

            Plans for to today; rest and relax after lunch and we will likely be outside this afternoon for a while enjoying the nice warm weather. Also, I did not do my bible study homework yesterday so I will need to do that today.

            Maybe I should stop for now, please stay safe in all you do and have a very good day.

Yard work supervisor.

Senior ole person who had a very good day yesterday working with Alex, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

March 1, 2025

            Well, we are now into the third month of this year and the year seems to be going by too fast, oh, I should wish you a good morning.

                        Three blind mice, Three blind mice,

                        See how they run, see how they run,

                        They all ran after the farmer’s wife,

                        She cut off their tails with a carving knife.

                        Did you ever see such a sight in your life,

                        As three blind mice.

            Wow, were did that come from? If you are old enough you will know that was a childish song that we ole people learned as a kid.

            Yesterday's events: very little happened here at the homestead until late in the afternoon when we went outside to sit for a nice relaxing afternoon away from the TV and other distractions. A good friend came over and we discussed bible study as her son is now a participant in the study, we discussed Revelations and the things we understood and did not understand along with other bible topics.

            Example of one discussion; 1Timothy 5:23 which states, “No longer drink water excessively, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach, and your frequent ailments.” Now you see why you need to read the bible; you will learn things that only those of us who read the bible know.

            Today I plan to get the Alex over here and work him until he gets tired, or until it is time to go to lunch. Wait a minute, he and I go to the coffee place for a cup after I pick him up this morning, and I pay for the drinks, then I pay him to do the yard work, then I buy his lunch, it sounds like someone is getting a very good deal.

            We need to get the ditch weeds trimmed and maybe we will have time to build a bird house or two before lunch. Yes, we take my favorite wife with us to lunch, and we no longer make her ride in the back seat.

            I have a couple photos to show you, one is of our baby pecan tree that the squirrels planted, and it is now about 3 feet tall. Yest Tres had to be in the photo.

The second photo is of an oddly shaped cloud we saw this morning, and it isn’t something from a jet plane. It kind of reminds me of a snake in the sky.


            I guess I will stop and say, have a good day as you stay safe in all you do.

Get started working.

Senior ole person who will supervise but hopefully not work, Don the Ford


May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!