It only took a couple seconds to know what I was going to do! Yes, I know that for the average person, it would not have even entered their mind, but as we all know, “I am not average”!
This story began seven weeks ago when I had ordered three items from Best Buy. Two of the items arrived as scheduled but one did not. The last item was a $4.99 SD card, and was not needed as quickly as the other two items. After three weeks I called Best Buy to see what happened. They had no idea why I had not received the item and said they would send another, next day delivery. They also said they would put ten dollars back on my card. I said it was not necessary to give me the $10.00, I just wanted the item I had ordered.
They noted that the $10.00 was their way of making up for the lost item. I finally agreed. The replacement SD card arrived the next day and the ten dollars was put back on my card.
Yesterday, some seven weeks later, I received the first SD card via “Snail mail”. Now I have an SD card that I did not pay for. I told my first wife that I was going to take it to the Best Buy store as it is not mine. I try never to cheat anyone, as I don’t want to be cheated. Heck, twice I have received an extra $20.00 from the ATM at my bank and have given it back both times.
Now that I think of it, the people at the bank looked at me funny, when I gave their money back!
Anyway, I will drive over to the best buy and give them their SD card back this morning.
Very different subject:
I was relaxing in the recliner the other day as I clicked through the few channels I occasionally watch, when I saw these so called mountain men, in a small boat with a small motor, leading several horses, one with a colt, into a lake. The idea was to get the horses to swim behind the boat to the other side. Since I had not watched the entire made up show, I was assuming they could not ride around the lake as it was too far.
They made it to the other side and did not lose any of the horses. I was wondering what kind of boat the camera crew were in, probably a very big boat as they need camera personnel, the director, first aid personnel, and of course someone to provide the food for those people not on film.
I digress, seeing the horses swimming across the lake reminded me of a time before I was old enough to drive. A friend named Steve had a horse. The horse was about 13 hands tall and was built like a work horse, heavy and muscular. Steve and I rode this horse a lot and one day it was decided to ride the horse across the pond (tank for the Texans in the reading group) that was in the field behind his house.
Steve rode the horse into the water and it willingly swim across the pond. Then it was my turn and I must say it was an odd filling as the water passing by my legs had a tendency to push me to the back of the horse. It was fun and the horse did not seem to mind. Before that one person asks, yes we rode bare back, only a nut would ride a horse in to water with a saddle on!
That was all, I just remembered riding a swimming horse and wanted to share the experience whit you, my favorite reader! Yes you are my favorite!
What? A question? Ok, what is your question? Ok, you are correct, most people probably do not know that a hand is a measurement used when explaining how tall a horse is. At least it was used when I was a kid. A hand is said to be 4 inches, so 13 hands is 4 X 13 or 52 inches. That was a good question! Keep asking good questions, and “you”, may become my favorite some day!
I wanted to go to Best Buy to give them their property but I had repaired an area above the garage door and we could not shut the door due to a large clamp. My present spouse went to town and I had to stay at home to guard the Homestead.
I will attempt to go to the store tomorrow morning and follow up with more input (tell the rest of this story).
Our Grounds Manager pulled weeds today and the black berry garden looks much different. Photos to follow, one is before and two is after.
The grounds manager did good work today!
May all your weeds be removed!
Don Ford
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