Those of you with good memories, who have regularly read my astonishing posts, will remember that I have vacuumed the front yard in years past.
The other day a neighbor asked me when I was going to vacuum my yard, as he was kind of trying to make fun of the fact that I have vacuumed the yards in past years. Not being bothered by this question, I explained that I have been planning on getting the vacuum out, but I don’t believe it is time. You see, I use the vacuum to remove some of the millions of acorns that cover my yard. These acorns are still falling, so removing what is on the ground will help, but there are more to fall.
Having nothing special to do yesterday, I brought the Ford’s vacuum out and began vacuuming the front yard. I worked about an hour and covered an area of about 10 foot by 10 foot. That area of the yard actually looks better now, and has many less acorns to step on.
As I was vacuuming yesterday, a car pulled up and stopped in front of my house. In the vehicle was a young man and his 2 year old daughter, both were staring at me, as if I were a senile senior person. I turned off the vacuum and greeted my audience. The first question from the male subject was, “what are you doing?” I had prepared my answer, as I knew or at least assumed that someone would stop and ask the question.
I smiled and responded with, “you know how dry the weather has been, we haven’t had rain in about a month, my yard and grass are very dry! I am vacuuming the dust off the grass so it will look better!” With the look of being somewhat surprised, the driver said, “I have never seen anyone do that before”.
I smiled and explained, “I was just kidding, I am vacuuming the acorns up from the yard. He said, “Oh that makes more sense than removing the dust”.
From the 10 by 10 area, I had almost a full red wagon of acorns and other debris to toss in the trash container.
I guess I will vacuum more today.
Although I have seen one red oak tree here in Hewitt that has turned orange and red, The Ford’s red oaks are still green and still dropping acorns.
If you haven’t voted early, get out and do it. There will be long lines on Nov 8th.
Do you want to be happier? Stop listening to the candidates!
Don Ford