Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
As you know we are originally from Missouri and we are now Naturalized Texans. There are some differences when comparing “Missouri Speak” to the articulation of words from other states.
One example of southern Missouri speak is; “jah ea jet” to which the proper response could be “no jew”. As you can see the correct articulation would be “did you eat yet”, “no did you”.
How about the Missouri word “ka-mera”. Yes you got that on correct “come here”.
Most of you know what “tar” is; it is a black sticky substance used to patch roads and sometime roofs. When it gets on your car it is hard to get off. In Missouri there are a couple other uses for the word “tar”.
1. You have a “flat tar” on your car (tire).
2. The antenna is on the “radio tar” (tower).
3. I worked hard today and I am “tard” (tired).
When I was a child I remember dad building things with “tober4” boards. No one ever told me they were 2 by 4s. I was in the 8th grade shop class before I understood 2 by 4.
Did you eat your samich. I like Ham and Cheese samiches (sandwiches).
Improper articulation of words may be the reason I can’t spell. Attempting to spell a word the way you think it is “pernounce” (pronounced) may cause problems.
Another reason I can’t spell is I learn by seeing and listening. Imagine being in grade school and you are taking a spelling test. The teacher gives you the word “ran” and then she says, “The cat ran after the mouse”. In my head I would visualize the cat chasing the mouse but the word “ran” would not be in my head.
Missourians seldom believe anything they are told and often say, “You have to show me”. That is why Missouri is called “the show me state”.
How many words do you articulate incorrectly?
From the non-spelling mind of Don Ford
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012
End of the world
You may remember that I have commented about the end of the world. It is said that some prophets of old have predicted the end of the world in 2012. It is also said that the Mayan Calendar predicts December 21st, 2012 as the end of the world. The Mayan calendar ends on that day so the present day people that are "in the know", say it was the Maya's prediction that the world would come to an end.
I have told you of the shriveled black pecan that was still on our tree. In the past I have wondered if it could be, when that shriveled black pecan finally falls to the ground, will that be the day the world ends? Below is a photo of that pecan from January, 2011.
As an update to the above, that shriveled black pecan is still on the tree and the tree is starting to bud out, see below.
That stubborn pecan may stay there forever.
Have a good day.
Don Ford
Monday, March 26, 2012
Flowers for a nice day
I was in the yard thinking about a new lawn mower. I would like to have a rider to reduce the walking when mowing (what did you say, maybe I need the exercise). You could be right but I saw a few flowers blooming and I took some photos.
I know what you are thinking “Ford is an excellent photographer”.
From the camera of Don Ford
All rights reserved, any reproduction or distribution without written permission is prohibited.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
One neighbor’s lawn is mowed
As I sit here thinking about my day I am happy to say that one of my neighbors had their lawn mowed today. I was in the computer room early this morning when I observed a yellow pickup pull up in front of the neighbor’s house. Yes I have some cameras on the outside of my house and I can keep an eye on things without being outside. I thought the truck was the fellow that comes through the neighborhood picking up junk metal.
Last Monday morning I was sitting in my favorite rocker on the driveway near the garage door having a cup of coffee when this fellow stopped and asked if I had anything to haul off. I have given him items in the past so he will stop and ask when he sees me outside. I had nothing this time but I knew the neighbor had an old tiller in his yard so I told him about the tiller. The neighbor was not home so I did not go into his yard to get the tiller. The junk man said he would come back later.
Two guys got out of the pickup and carried some tools to the neighbor’s back yard. First they started cleaning up the limbs and other debris, putting some of the items in a pile and some in their pickup. They repaired the chain link fence and dug up parts of old fence post from a privacy fence that is long gone. They worked at this most of the day. About 3:30 they started weed eating and mowing the yard. They must have missed some debris as the fellow using the mower kept hitting items as he mowed. To my surprise they mowed part of the ditch; this has never been mowed by anyone that has lived in that house. The two fellows did a good job but my yard looks better. Now if the other neighbor would clean up his yard it would help make me happy.
Donna was at her garage sale again today and I am left at home all alone. She called a few minutes ago saying they were closing down but she did not know when she would be home. They were going out for supper and then she was going to the grocery store. I told her that was ok I could just eat another cold sandwich like I had for lunch.
I accomplished a couple things today while I was all alone (are you feeling sorry for me yet); I painted the bathroom door, I mowed my yard, I picked up a couple small piles of twigs and put them in the trash can, I took two showers and I watched a black and white movie during lunch. I did not get a nap today. L
Tejas met a new dog this afternoon, his name was Teddy. Teddy was loose and running through the neighborhood causing all the dogs in their pens to bark continually. Tejas has never met a dog that he doesn’t like. Teddy was very friendly and decided to hang around with Tejas. Teddy was well groomed so I knew he had an owner. Tejas, Teddy and I waited in the front yard for about 20 minutes then the minivan pulled up looking for Teddy. The fellow said Teddy had gotten out twice today. The fellow would not come in the yard saying he did not want to get bitten by Tejas.
Now I must start thinking about bed time. Good night all.
From the never ending thoughts of Don Ford
All rights reserved, any reproduction or distribution without written permission is prohibited.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Follow up to;
Plumbing; is it a Necessary Evil?
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Plumbing; is it a Necessary Evil?
Monday, March 19, 2012
Stick #15
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Focus of Photo
The subject in the photo, although a handsom older gentelman, is not the focuse of this photo. How did you like the use of the word “focus” when talking about the photo.
Anyway, back to my original thought, my 5 year old grand daughter took this photo at my request. I wanted to get a photo of me with the walking stick. Gabi is smart beyond her years, she takes after her grandpa (me).
Don Ford
Friday, March 9, 2012
Retired Not Starved
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Ford Curse
The Ford Curse
No one knows exactly when it started but it is believed to have started around the time that the King of England banished the Fords from England to Ireland. I don’t know all the reason but as I understand it, members of the Ford Family irritated the King of England in some manner and he sent them to Ireland.
What; you want to know if Ireland had a choice or if they were happy; I don’t know if Ireland had a choice or if they were happy to have the Fords, check the history books. Ireland is most likely where the Fords acquired the red hair and possibility their temper. I know it is hard to believe that any Ford would have a temper, but… My mother told me that as a boy my dad had fire truck red hair and a face full of freckles. A man that knew my dad as a boy said, “Your dad would rather fight that eat”. Although there was red hair in our family my boys did not get the red hair. Some relatives with the red hair considered it a curse but that is not the, “Ford Curse”.
The phrase, “Ford Curse”, may have been around for years. Most recently it was brought back to life by Claire Ford. Claire married into the family (wife of David) and even though not a blood relative, the Ford Curse will attach itself to anyone with the name Ford.
To explain in more detail the “Ford Curse” can and will bestow its self to non-Fords. This is done through frequent association with any member of the Ford Family. As an example, last year in late May early June time frame, during a week-long vacation ride through New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado, an outsider was cursed. Jason and I rode our motorcycles through parts of 5 states and I must say it was very pleasant riding with temps ranging from 40s in the morning to highs of around mid-70s during the days. Obviously it was somewhat cooler at 11,000 feet where we were above the snow line in the Rocky Mountains. As nice as it was at higher altitudes, it was hotter than blazes riding in Texas on the last day of the ride.
We visited the Grand Canyon which was on my bucket list. Jason was able to see the house where his family lived, in New Mexico, when he was born. During or ride to the Grand Canyon we experienced cross winds that were at 40 mph and gusting higher. If you have ever ridden a motorcycle in cross winds you will understand that it is not comfortable and not safe. Motor homes and vehicles pulling camping trailers were also having trouble staying on the roads in the cross winds and there was dust or sand in the air.
At some point in time I had explained to Jason about the “Ford Curse”. I believe we were in Clovis New Mexico which was the last night of the ride when Jason acknowledged the curse. As you can imagine, although I was somewhat surprised, it was not a complete shock to me that the Ford Curse has acquired a new victim. Some of you may know I ride at least weekly throughout the summer months with Jason, Wayne, Glen and others, so naturally I had assumed at least one if not all of them may succumb to the “Ford Curse”. Jason is the only rider in our group that does not have a Gold Wing motorcycle. I don’t believe that has much if any bearing on why the “Ford Curse” picked him.
Ø I have noticed that the youngest Fords show more evidence of the curse.
Ø Age seems to reduce the consequence of the “Ford Curse”.
Ø The “Ford Curse” usually manifests itself when sitting at the table.
Ø It will manifest itself when sitting in a recliner.
The “Ford Curse” defined; “the inability to keep food or drink that should go into your mouth, off your clothing.”
Now that you understand the “Ford Curse” you may experience the effects and liabilities of having food or drink on your clothing.
From the never ending thoughts of Don Ford
All rights reserved, any reproduction or distribution without written permission is prohibited.