Wow, I need to change the Calander, and yes, ole people still use Calanders, so they know what day and month it is.
The first day of May is starting out nice, the weather seems to be good this morning, so we want to wish you a good morning and hope you have a good day. I get to take the kids to school today as Claire has to go to work early the first of each month. We will likely go to the star coffee place and get everyone a drink, and they might talk me into getting them a breakfast burrito also.
Well, we went to the star coffee place and got the kids a drink and we stopped at the burrito place and procured burritos for the kids, we made it back to our house safely, we will venture forth in a little while to take them to school.
What did I do yesterday, actually nothing. I did check the berry beds to see if they were progressing and they are, I even have a photo and I know you are getting tired of the photos, but I get to decide what to post.
Some of the berries are starting to turn from green toward Black.
My favorite wife and I did get to sit outside for a while yesterday and were visited by some friends, but they stayed in the vehicle as we talked. While we were standing near the vehicle talking, I noticed some blooming flowers and yes, I have photos, but you don’t have to look if you don’t want to.
Well, I need to get the kids back out into the Fords ole Chevy and take them to school.
We made it to the schools ok and dropped the kids off safely, and I am back home.
I need to be pulling weeds, but the ground is still too wet for me to be crawling around on, and we are supposed to get 1 to 3 inches of rain over the next couple days. I guess I will stop for now, maybe I will find something interesting to do, maybe not, either way we wish you a good day, be happy in all you do and please stay safe.
Flower photographer.
Senior ole person, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!
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