
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 31, 2024

            It is a good morning here in the Ford Homestead, and we wish you a good morning too. Now I am starting this posting in the early morning, but I will not finish it until later. I have a doctor’s appointment at 8:00 so I will need to leave early to get there on time.

            My big plan for the day is to get cut on at the doctor’s office, and then come home. They have cut on me 3 times in the past removing skin cancers and that is what they are supposed to be doing today. Usually, these cuts are small and there is little if any pain with them.

            We did very little yesterday as a matter of fact, almost nothing. We sat outside yesterday afternoon, and the heat was present, and there was the occasional breeze. When the breeze stopped, we activated the fan, when the breeze started again, we deactivated the ole big fan. I can turn the ole big fan on and off from my chair.

            I do have an early morning photo to provide to you and some of the others who review these posting. The photo is of the sun trying to shine through the clouds.

            Well, I am back from the doctor and my back isn’t hurting right now. 

            New topic or should I say ole topic: Some of our neighbors have gardens and they share their harvest with us neighbors. This got me to thinking about gardens. Back in the olden days, and I am speaking of times about 70 years ago, my father George Ford worked at the cement company in Cape Girardeau Missouri. Now the cement plant has a lot of property, and they even had a swimming pool the employees can use, but more about the pool later. I want to talk about the property that the cement plant had, and that they allowed the employees to plant private gardens on this property. My Mom and Dad had a garden area on the property. I remember going with them to the garden and they did all the work while I played around, I might have been about 5 years old.

            My parents always had a garden if the yard where we lived was big enough for a garden. Now I was not into the gardens work as a youngster, but I did enjoy things from the garden such as corn on the cob and ripe tomatoes. Now why have I presented this to you, I found a photo on my phone of what appears to be a garden area in our back 40. I remember having a big garden in the back 40 but I do not remember this garden back in April of 2017, even though I have a photo.

            This was done before the #2 berry bed which is now next to the shed. I found the photo among the photos that transferred from the ole phone to the new, and there are photos all the way back to January 2004.

            I guess that is all for now, we hope you have a good day and please be safe in all you do.

Gardens be good!

Senior ole person who don’t hurt now, but maybe later, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 30, 2024

            This is next to the last day of the month, and we hope you have a good morning.

            My morning has started out by spraying some plants for my favorite wife, before the sun got to them. I had sprayed some yesterday afternoon after we had sat outside, but the sun was on the other plants, and I don’t like spraying anything on plants in the direct sun. 

            I think I had informed you that we had gone to the license place to get a new handicap tag for my favorite wife’s van. Upon arriving we found that we needed to have a new prescription from the doctor in order to renew the tag.

            Well, I went to the doctor yesterday and it so happens that my favorite wife and I use the same doctor, well she gave me the needed prescription and paper work to get the tags. We have filled them out and hopefully we will again venture into down town Waco today in an attempt to get the tags.

            The only other scheduled event for today is to get Alex at 11:30 from school. He is getting into ROTC as a freshman, and they have meetings today and tomorrow mornings. Wow, such a busy day, I hope I get time to take a nap sometime today.  I do need to pick up the sticks out of the front and back yards, it is odd how many sticks fall out of those trees. I do believe the squirrels have something to do with the debris.

            I did water all the potted plants yesterday, and the sprinkler system ran this morning. They say we are heading in to the hot and dry time, heck I thought we were already in it.

            Maybe I will have more to present tomorrow, we hope you have a good day and as always, stay safe in all you do.

Too much work?

Senior ole person who needs to take a break and get some rest? Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Monday, July 29, 2024

July 29, 2024

            I offer you a good morning, my dog Tres and I went out front this morning for the morning front yard check, it was still dark. I also took a flash light with us just in case we needed it. As I sit here at the computer I am having an optical migraine. The migraine last for about 20 to 30 minutes, and they mess up your vision during that time.

            I need to get ready to go to the doctor this morning for my annual physical, I have already seen the results of the blood and urine test on line, but I like to let the doctor tell me how good I did. I also go to the dermatologists on Wednesday to get cut on, she always seems to find something to work on.

            Yesterday in review: we did not do a lot, Patrick and Karla stopped by yesterday morning, on their way home from Dallas, they had been at a friend’s wedding. They did not stay long as they needed to get home and check on the cats.

            My favorite wife and I went to the cracker store for breakfast and the food was good, we did not have to wait to get seated. I did my usual reading from the bible yesterday, and I also read from Revelations. Later in the afternoon we sat outside away from the distractions of the TV. It was not too hot and there was a breeze.

            Habits: as one might know, I consider habits quiet often and this morning I was doing it again. I get up early, I turn the TV on to the same channel, I watch the same so-called news daily. I turn the volume off when the advertisements come on, as I have heard them too many times. I watch them with the volume off and I know what they are saying. My thought this morning is, “why don’t I change channels and watch a different so-called news?” There is something about not changing, it is like I would be wrong if I change channels. I have changed channels at times, and I find that I don’t like different people presenting the so-called news. I do so much at the same time and the same way so often, why don’t I change? Ole people be odd! 

            Well, I need to get going and get ready to go get my physical. We hope you have a good day, and that we all stay safe in all we do. 

Difficult to change!

Senior ole person who should change but probably will not, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28, 2024

            From the Ole Fords of Hewitt we wish you a good morning, yes even that other person, and we all know who it is. It is a little cloudy, so the sun isn't heating the area up, yet.

            What did we do yesterday, very little. We did go into Waco for lunch, I did stop at the booze emporium at about 11:50am, and it was not open. The lady that runs it does arrive late, occasionally, or should I say often. No booze for me.

            We stopped at the cheap store, we had one item in mind, we found one item but, we noticed the note on the carton that said it had been refurbished. Disappointed and with tears in our eyes we headed for home, but we were sidetracked as my favorite wife wanted to go to the local grocery store in Hewitt. She went in and shopped, and I sat outside in the truck all alone.

            My favorite wife did purchase a couple items and we headed for home where we did almost nothing until time to, "Wash the Dog". Lots of soap and water and then a rinsing, he seems to enjoy the baths. While washing the dog I took a photo, it was more interesting in real life, the photo was a little dark, I lightened it.

            A little while later we headed outside in an attempt to enjoy the nice conditions for a restful happy time. You might remember I did not get a bottle of adult beverage when we were in town, so I had to use a bottle that was given to me by a neighbor. We had been outside for a while when our neighbors from across the street called and asked if they could come over. I don't know why anyone needs to call; you are always welcome. Lively conversations, and even a couple about the political competition. 

            When the friends left, we reentered the homestead, and I had some leftovers for supper. Now you know about our fun filled day.

            Today what are the plans for the Fords? We hope to go to the cracker store for breakfast this morning, we are expecting Patrick and Karla to drop by sometime today on their way home from Dallas. They went to a wedding in Dallas and said they might drop by on the way home.

            Nothing else planned for the day, maybe another day of rest for ole people, (aka boring days). We hope your day isn't boring, and that you enjoy being nice to all the ole people, while you are practicing safety.

Dog washer. ☹😊😐

Senior ole person who says have a good day to all, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

July 27, 2024

            This day seems to be starting out nicely, Tres and I did go for a short walk, and the sun wasn’t up yet, so it was a nice short and cool walk, oh, by the way, Good Morning to you!

            I will attempt to keep this article short, so you can have time to do the necessary things, and reading this stuff is not necessary. Friday morning, I did get the yard man Alex and bring him to the Ford homestead. On the way to the homestead, we did stop at the star coffee place to get him and me a morning drink, in an effort to get the day started properly. We arrived at the homestead and he greeted his grandma, and then headed out back to get the walk behind mower. He does a good job of mowing the front yard and he did use the leaf blower to get the grass off the drive ways, the walks and the street

            Why did the Don emphasize that he got the grass off the street? Our neighbor had his grandson mow his yard a little later in the day and he blew the grass out in the street and left it lay there. This is the second time the neighbor’s grandson has done that, and it looks bad for the neighborhood. I believe, blowing grass into the street, and leaving it there is littering. When I see grass left in the street, I assume one of two things. It may have been done by a so-called professional who don’t care, or it may be a person who don’t mind living in a cheap neighborhood.

            Enough of that, I should not criticize others. Let’s get back to the work load that was placed on, “The Yard Man Alex”. After manicuring the front yard, and he even use the leaf blower on the front porch which makes both me and my favorite wife happy, I asked if he wanted to weed eat the ditch. Alex responded positively, so we headed out back. He got the new string trimmer and check the oil, (remember it is a 4-cycle motor). It was decided the oil was low so we changed the oil. Now the instructions say to change the oil every 6 hours of run time. The unit uses 2 ounces of oil. I know that don’t seem like much oil, but it works. Oil changed; gas tank filled, he headed out back to the ditch and started trimming. A minute or so later, he stopped, the string had run out.

            This was the first time for the both of us to put string into the trimmer, it took a few minutes but we finally got the string in and Alex went back to work. After he had trimmed an area, I went behind him and sprayed some weed killer on anything green. He got down into the heavy weeds in the bottom of the ditch and was possibly two thirds of the way done when I decided to get the other string trimmer that neither I or Alex likes, and help out. The ditch finished, we put the tools away and brushed the grass trimmings off both of us.

            After we had washed up I asked if he thought he would enjoy some chicken from the Bush chicken place. He did not take long to answer in the affirmative. We drove over to the chicken place and got a couple orders of chicken. Returning home we had lunch. The total cost of the mowing, trimming, morning drinks for two, and the lunch for two, was a bunch of money.

            I dropped Alex off at home and when doing that I picked up the small garden tiller and brought it home. My favorite wife wants to move some flowers from pots into the ground so the tiller, even though it is a little tiller, will make breaking up the ground easier than with a shovel. I did clean the tiller up as it was dusty from sitting, and I started it and ran the small amount of gas that was in it, out of it. I need to get some fresh gas for the tiller and get started on the project.

            What will we do today no one asked: the usual Saturday events, sandwich shop for lunch, may stop at the cheap store and then sit around and say it seems to be a long ole day.

            Well, I guess that will be all for now, we hope your day is interesting and fun, we hope everyone stays safe in all we do.

Too much work?

Senior ole retired person who needs a break from writing, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26, 2024

            Good morning to you, good morning to me, good morning to the world, and good afternoon to that person who reads this later in the day. 

            We received a little over ½ inch of rain yesterday. I had walked out to the mail box to get the mail and there were drops of rain starting to fall. It took a couple minutes to turn into real study rain, and finally it came down like one of those ole Missouri rains. That little over ½ inch rain helped the grass and everything that grows outside. In the last 3 days we have totaled 1 and 1/16 inch of rain.

The rain kept me from doing any outside work, I did call Alex to see if he wanted to come over today and mow our front yard, he said he would, but we will need to see how quickly the grass dries, I don’t like to mow wet grass as it, in my opinion, leaves the yard looking less than manicured.

            The rain stopped and the sun came out and it looked like a normal summer day. The rain has provided the area with a bunch of humidity which makes it difficult to sit out in the afternoon without the big fan running. Speaking of sitting outside, we did sit out on the front porch and there was a lite breeze the entire time, it was nice to reflect on things, and enjoy an adult beverage.

            I did check on the #2 berry bed with the new posts, and I installed a piece of wood between an old short post and new taller post, this should help keep the wires tight that hold the berry vines up. I wanted to address the other new post, but it was so hot in the sun with the high humidity, so I decided to put things away. Maybe I will finish the project today.

Yesterday was the first time I have used a power saw in the shed with the power inverter, which is powered by a 12-volt battery, which is charged by a solar panel. The saw worked just like it was connected to the house electric.

I don’t know how you stand on the people who were protesting the last couple days, but taking down the American flag, tossing it on the ground, then putting up flags of terrorist, these people who are supporting terrorism should be… well I will allow you to decide how you would address this.                      Peaceful protests are good, but violent protests are not.   


Let’s get to a different subject: this info is about paper handkerchiefs that come in a box and the name begins with a “P”. I have recently observed a situation in a box of those paper snot rags, that I first thought was a machine error, now I believe it is intentional. With over ¾ of the box used up, the last of the product is doubled over. Now you take ½ inch of paper and fold it over, you then have 1 inch of paper. Doing this means the amount of paper that goes on top, to fill the box, is less than if all the paper was laid flat. That means we get less paper snot rags, and they charge us the same amount of money. Yes, I could be wrong, but am I?

Well, I guess I will stop enlightening the public and think about today’s projects. I know I will need to get our yard man Alex a cold drink from the Star coffee store, and then turn him lose on the yard.

We hope you all have a good day, please be nice to us ole people, and as always, “stay safe in all you do”!

Observant ole person.

Senior retired person who has an imagination, but sees things clearly, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

July 25, 2024

            I will wish you a good morning and we hope the rest of the reading public have a good morning also. Since you have not asked if we have plans for the day, I will not enlighten you to our plan to go down to the license place to renew the handy cap tag. I don’t like going into down town Waco as things do change and I don’t go there very often. No, I will not get lost, it isn’t that big of an area. We have discussed if we get back into Hewitt early enough, we might have breakfast at the George restaurant. 

            Other plans for the day, none. The front yard needs to be mowed but I worked too hard yesterday so my ole body will not be able to do the work. I could call our yard man Alex, but I do not know when we will be back at home.

            I see that only one of you is wondering what the Don did yesterday, to make his ole body tired. Well to the one person I will explain, and the rest of you can skip this and the next two paragraphs, you do know what a paragraph is, don’t you? I started the day out by removing the remaining dead from the #2 berry bed, which meant I was on my knees crawling around and getting up and down a bunch of times. Yes, I was praying, as I moved around. How many times did I say ouch, I lost count, but it was a bunch, and there was blood on my arms. At one point I looked at the solar panel on the side of the shed and there was blood on it.

After the removal of the dead vines, I then removed the weeds and grass, and that was not easy, more crawling. I also got the string trimmer and trimmed around the outside of the bed in hopes of keeping some of the weeds away and making it look better.

Then I installed two 7-foot-tall metal posts, one at each end. I had planned to use some PVC pipe between the to post, which were about 14 feet apart, but it was too flexible and drooped in the middle. I did go to the hardware store and bought some clothes line wire. I used the wire to connect the two post, and the wire will help keep the berry vines off the ground. The clouds kept the sun away for ¾ of the project but the last part was in the sun, and I do not like working in the sun. I still need to do a couple more things but it does not need to be done today.

Different subject: I was talking with my sister in Missouri yesterday and we were discussing the fact that I had lost a bunch of phone numbers during the transfer from the ole phone to the new. She said I should have a list written down of the phone numbers. I said I do have a list but I do not know where it is. As I was saying that I looked at the shelf next to the desk and I saw an old folder, I reach for the folder as we were speaking and it had the phone numbers in it. Wow, glad I was talking with my sister. Later in the day I added the phone numbers to my new phone. Sadly, a couple of people on the list have passed away.

Well, I need to get going, we want to go early to the license bureau. We hope your day is fun and interesting, please stay safe in all you do.

Ground crawler.

Senior ole person who gots to go into Waco, Don the Ford 

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

            I have been outside this morning and it seems as if we will have another Good Morning. We hope your day is starting out in a manner that delights you.

            Allow me to report on the rain amounts here at the Ford's homestead. For a two-day period, we have ½ inch of water in the Ford's ole free rain gage. We would have liked to get double that amount, but we are happy that we got the ½ inch. 

            What did the Don do yesterday, basically nothing. It was a lot of sitting around and being bored. My favorite wife and I sat outside yesterday afternoon on the front porch enjoying the cooler temp.

            Today I hope to get out back and work on the #2 berry bed. I still have some dead vines to remove and there is a bunch of grass and weeds that I need to pull. I want to remodel the bed with taller post but I have not developed a plan yet. If the sun is shining on the bed, I will not be working in it, I do my best to stay out of the sun.

            Speaking of sun, I get to go to the skin doctor next week and get cut on, now you know why I try to stay out of the sun. I should have stayed out of the sun when I was a young person, but I didn't.

            I was just thinking, why do my neighbors not come over and help me pull weeds? Then I thought, why do I not go help my neighbors pull their weeds. To answer both questions, "weed pulling is work"!

            I am still trying to get phone numbers for the new phone, for friends and family. If you want to text me your phone number I will check and see if I still have it.

            I wish I had something interesting to say, but I don't, so I will just say see you later and hope your day is fill with goodness, and please stay safe in all you do.

Weed puller.

Senior ole person who need to get stared, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July 23, 2024

            It is a good morning here in Hewitt Texas. We got almost a ¼ inch of rain yesterday, I don’t know if we got any additional rain last night. My sprinkler system ran this morning adding to the rain from yesterday.

            I did go outside yesterday to work on removing the rest of the dead from the #2 berry bed and as soon as I started, that is when the rain began. The rest of the day I was trying to find something to do while staying dry.

The cool weather is nice, and it may stay cool a couple more days. I want to get back outside and work in the #2 berry bed, I would like to clear the grass out of the bed and basically remodel the bed. I would like to put a couple taller post in the bed which would help the vines to not hang down and out over the yard. I have not developed a plan to do this yet although I have the post and could start any time. That type of work will cause my arms to be bleeding, do to working with all the stickers.

I would like to get out back in the ditch and spray some more weed killer, there are weeds that are trying to come back from the previous weed killing. I want to wait until the rain is not being predicted, to do the spraying.

Let’s see if I have a photo to share with you. Yes, I do, enjoy.

            Sun rise in Hewitt Texas; this was taken yesterday or the day before.

            New phone problems: for some reason I lost about half of the phone numbers I had on the ole phone during the transfer from one phone to the other. I will be getting some numbers from my favorite wife’s phone today. I am hoping for a call from friends or family in Missouri as I have lost almost all those numbers. 

            We hope you all have a good day; please stay safe in all you do.

No phone book.

Senior ole person who needs to get moving, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Monday, July 22, 2024

July 22, 2024

            We have another good morning here at the homestead, even though we have not received a helpful amount of rain. We hope you are having a good morning. So far, I have had one response to yesterdays posting, there was a word that was used incorrectly and I saw it before I posted the article. The word was incorrect in the first post and I left it in the second post.

            Today I get to go to the doctor to give some blood for my upcoming physical next Monday. Other than that, not sure what I will do today.

            Yesterday morning before the sun got up, I watered the flowers in pots. It was supposed to have rained yesterday so I assume the neighbors were wondering why I was watering the flower pots. Well, it did not rain, it did sprinkle a little bit. Later in the day I became tired of sitting in the house so I went outside and picked up sticks from the front yard, then I went to the back 40 and did the same. That completed, I decided to remove dead vines from the #3 and #2 berry beds. I filled the trash can I was using twice before I stopped, and I am not done. I had at least 10 places on my arms that were bleeding when I stopped the work.

            Photo from the #3 berry bed.

            Very unusual to have berries on the vines this time of the summer.

            I then helped install another whirley gig for my favorite wife, and it this process I was again attacked by stickers from a rose bush and there was blood again on my arm. Photo of whirley gig.

            My favorite wife and I did sit out on the front porch, enjoying the cooled temps yesterday afternoon, and we were hoping it would rain but it did not.

            My new phone does not have all the phone numbers from the ole phone, heck I did not have my grandkids phone numbers, I have them now. I can save the number when some one calls me.

            That was our day as you can see, not a lot to do. We hope you have a good day and please be safe in all you do.

Nothing to do.

Senior ole person who needs to remember doctor appointment, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

July 21, 2024

            Good morning, please take the time to read this entire article, it was written by me August 17, 2015, that is 9 years ago. 


48  what?      08.17.15

            I know, it seems like a dumb title for an article that is written by me, the master of the word.  

I see that there is one person that has already jumped to the conclusion that my, “meaningful” yet challenging title, is referencing the number of States prior to the addition of Alaska and Hawaii.

It is true that when I was a children (yes I know I did not say child, when you have had as many personalities as I have, one should refer to me in the plural, children) there were only 48 states and they were contiguous, meaning they were connected. 

But my title does not have to do with the number of states during my childhood.

I am of course, referring to the number of days without rain here at, “The Hewitt Triangle”, aka Central Texas.

Does it seem odd to you, that we had a month of rain (the month of June it rained every day, I thought I was back in the state of Washington) and now we have gone 48 days (assuming we make it through today without rain) without rain?

Believing we will have gone 48 days counting today, we will have broken the old record set back around 1918, for the longest period of consecutive days without rain.


Different subject; I have replaced the non-working security camera yesterday afternoon. It works and I got a thumbs up from my first spouse, noting that it had a good picture.


Different subject:

If you do not read this part of the article,

you may never understand why it happened to you. 

Yesterday, I used the power of positive thinking to disrupt, irritate, and aggravate myself. I have many thoughts about positive thinking, positive attitudes, believing in something and it can also be considered as faith.

Let us not consider this as a sermon, although it is, let’s just consider my remarks as an opportunity to learn. 

It is amazing to me, that I had not considered this subject, in this orientation, prior to yesterday.

My spouse of 46 years and I had ventured out for brunch, and on our return trip home we stopped at the, “local tea house”, Bushes Chicken for a couple teas. These are large 32-ounce drinks in a Styrofoam container that we procured at the drive through. Arriving home, my first wife entered the house ahead of me, I followed with several items in my hands, one of which was the ice tea. As I approached the door, hands full, I decided to balance the tea on top of another item I was caring. This balancing act allowed me to open the door.

In my mind I thought, “I will probably drop this tea”. I skillfully open the door and stepped inside, still thinking, “I will probably drop this tea”!  I dropped the tea.

Later in the day, when I was calm and no longer using words that were totally appropriate for the moment, but not for continued use, I decided to install the new security camera.

One of my first positive thoughts was, “I will probably have trouble running this wire”! I gathered the needed tools and step stool and began the work, about one third of the way through the process, I needed to walk back into the garage where I noticed that I had not directed the wire properly!  My positive thoughts were working, I had to remove the wire, pulling it all back to the beginning, and then start again.

I recognized that my positive thoughts, believing that I would do something wrong, were coming true. Starting from the beginning again, I ran the wire in the proper places. I was thinking about the day and I thought, “I will probably drop a tool or a screw into the flowers below. I did, again my positive thoughts were working, not for me but against me.

I marked the three locations for the holes needed for the anchors use to hold the camera in place. I decided to double check the locations before drilling the holes. The marks were correct, I thought, something will probably go wrong with this too.

I drilled the holes, inserted the anchors and began to insert the screws through the camera base into each anchor. Yep, you got it right, the last anchor was off center.

All I needed to do now was to get some wire ties and secure the wire to other wires and call it quits. I walked into the garage and reached for an open package of black 11-inch wire ties. The entire contents of the package spilled on the floor and in between some items making it difficult to get to all the wire ties.

It was at this point that I just began to laugh. I was no longer upset, I was now thinking that I had cause all these mishaps, with my positive thoughts.

The moral to this story is:

Use positive thoughts to believe you can’t, and you won’t!

Use positive thoughts to believe you can, and you will!

Consider your thoughts, they will have an effect! 

Don Ford        (The above was from 08/17/2015)


Positive can be negative!

Senior ole retired person who tries to be positive, positive, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!


Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 20, 2024

            A good morning to you and a good morning to the others, the day is starting out sunny and bright. I need to go to my son Daves house this morning as he has the Ford’s ole trailer loaded with some items that we will take to the dump site today.

            What the Don did yesterday: early in the morning before the sun was shining on the back 40, I set the sprinklers up for the #2 berry bed and the #1 berry bed. I am trying to keep things a live until we get some rain. I then posted the blog for yesterday. After the posting I decided to pull some weeds from a front flower bed. I did get my knee pads so I could crawl around without injuring my ole knees.

            My favorite wife headed off to town leaving me alone here at the homestead. I kept watching for the mail person to deliver my new phone. I got a notice from the USPS that morning that the phone and a second package was out for delivery. Using our security cameras I observed the mail person, stop at the mail box, place an item inside the box and then drive away. It did not look as if he put a package in the box. I spring up from my seat here at the Fords’ ole desk and I sprinted to the front door, or, I may have dragged my ole body out of the chair and stumbled to the front door. I walked down the walkway to the mail box and I excitedly opened the mail box. I saw it, the card from the city asking if we had checked our sprinkler heads for any damage.

            No phone and no second package. With tears in my eyes, I was able to get to the Ford’s ole recliner and as I sat there, I was feeling as if I was being mistreated, you know, they don’t like us ole people, so they treat us bad.

            Yesterday at the happy time we headed outside for some time of meditation. Most of my meditation was why the USPS would send me conformation for two packages to be delivered and then not deliver either of them. Also, our friend came over and we had some lively conversations about how bad the USPS is, I mean we had some fun discussions about various topics. It was a good day, and it did get better. As we sat there enjoying the afternoon and a beverage, a USPS truck came down the street. This truck was stopping at various houses and taking packages to the door. Yes, he stopped at our house and we got the two packages, my new phone and something that my favorite wife had ordered. I now take back some of the things I said about the USPS.  

            I did get a call from Dave saying I did not need to pick him up from work yesterday, that Claire will get him. He also informed me that Claire will be going to work at Do it Best. She had interviewed a few days ago and will be working in receiving. She does have to give 2 weeks’ notice to her present employer. My first job at HWI / DIB was in receiving.  

            Plans for today, well we want to go to town and get a lunch sandwich, and then go to the cheap store to see if they have anything that catches our interests. We may go to the shoe store and get a couple items that we could not purchase yesterday, they were put on hold for us due to the computers being shut down.

Well, I guess that is it for today, we hope you have a good day and that your packages come as scheduled. Also, Please stay safe in all you do.

New phone, ole person.

Senior ole person who had survived without a phone for days, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Friday, July 19, 2024

July 19, 2024

            Good dry Friday Morning. The needed rain has passed us by, the sprinkler system helps but a good rain would be better.

            Yesterday’s events: I did go to get my haircut on Thursday morning. I usually go about 9:30 but I went earlier yesterday at 9:00. I pulled into the parking lot and there were a couple people standing at the door, they had not opened the doors yet. I sat in my truck until I saw them open the door, then I proceed to go check in. There were two hair butchers there, and four customers, I was fourth in line. Usually when I go on Thursday there is no waiting time. My hair is now cut.

Returning home I did nothing but sit around and nap. Dave called about 1:00 so I went and picked him up from work. Returning to the homestead, I decided to check the yard for dog POOPA-LOOPA. Tres has not been feeling well and his droppings have not been solid. While removing the droppings I observed some limbs that had fallen out of the tree, so I decided to pick them up, and after that I decided to mow the back 40. Some grass was growing some was not, but I mowed it all and then did some trimming. Completing said task, I then cooled off and took a shower.

My favorite wife and I went out for supper, the food was good and the service was very good. Returning home we set outside for a while. It was still hot even though it was a little cooler than a couple days ago.

 Felt in my pocket for my phone several times over the last couple days, but it was not there. The new phone is supposed to be here today and I hope I will be able to get the info off the ole phone onto the new phone.

I did also set up the sprinkler to water the #2 berry bed. Everything is very dry and the ground is cracking open. We did not get a noticeable amount of rain from the cold front that came through last night, and we might get some rain this Sunday, but I am not holding my breath.

Plans for today, I have one and that is to receive the new phone and get it working. There are things I could do like get a new pair of shoes, but that means I would need to go shopping, and I don’t like that kind of shopping. Shopping in a hardware store is good shopping.

Well, I might get outside and run the sprinkler on the #2 berry bed. We hope you have a good, day and please be safe in all you do.

Sprinkler manager.

Senior ole person who is without a cell phone, we have a house phone, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

July 18, 2024

             Well, I heard the rain last night, one time it was very lite and one time it sounded like a down pour, although what I heard did not last long. This morning when Tres and I went outside to review the front yard, we noticed that the grass was wet. I then headed for the Free rain gage to see how much we received. If there was any water in the free rain gage, I could not see it, so I watered the flowers in the pots. 

            Now I am back in the house sitting here at the Fords ole computer entering data, so I will enter, “Good Morning to you, you are my favorite”!

            Yesterday was a do-nothing day, I did take the trailer over to Daves house, I did let Tres ride with me in the Ford’s ole Chevy, and most of the rest of the day I was trying to find a cell phone I could afford. I went on line and I checked with the stores that sell my type of phone, the close’s store that had one I could afford was 35 miles away. Ole people can’t be expected to drive that far one way, so I ordered one on line. I thought $999.00 was a lot to pay for a phone, but it had good cameras on it. The phone I ordered is $800.00 cheaper, and should be here tomorrow, it is on its way from Dallas.

            Plans for today, get the hair on my ole head trimmed, and stop by the teller machine and get our weekly ($5.00) stipend.

            Change of topics: I am getting tired of all the politics that are on the so-called news. I made up my mind a long time ago who I was going to vote for.

            Photos of flowers for that one person who ask, “where are the flowers”. First, we see the group of flowers but the Ford’s ole Chevy, then we see blooms from two different plants in the group, then we see the red blooms.

            Well, I guess that will be it for now, I need to prepare myself to go to the hair butcher. We hope you have a good day and stay safe in all you do.

Blooms Blooming.

Senior ole person who takes photos of flowers, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

July 17, 2024

            Hello and good morning to all, we hope your day is starting off well, and for that one person who reads this late in the afternoon, we hope you have had a good day.

            Yesterday in review: the birthday party for my favorite wife was a big success with several friends present. We are very thankful for our friends, yes, even ole people have friends. We did not do much after the party we just kind of took it easy the rest of the day until happy time.

My favorite wife and I went outside as usual to enjoy the sweltering heat, we had the big fan on, and a friend dropped by. Why would a friend drop by, you asked, well I will enlighten you and that other person. As I had noted in yesterday’s posting, my favorite wife was given a very good Rum Cake and we had talked about it at the party. So, the visitor wanted to try the cake. It wasn’t long until two other visitors dropped by, wow it seemed as if we were having a party again. Then a few minutes later we had another visitor stop by and they all got some cake. Four visitors and the two of us made (4+2=6) a total of 6 people sitting outside eating cake.

Different subject: as you might know, my favorite wife’s phone had some problems, and now it seems to be working fine. Now my phone will not charge even though I left it on the charger all night, it lost 10% of the charge during the night. It is down to 30% now. I guess I will need to purchase a new phone, darn-it!

Plan for today is to get the trailer out of the back 40 and take it to Daves house. Dave has some items that need to be hauled off this Saturday, so I will park it in the back of his drive way where he can load the items on the trailer. The main problem with this process is the Dog Tres. When I open the gate to the back 40 Tres thinks he should have access to the back seat of the Fords ole Chevy. He will probably get to ride to Dave’s house with me when I drop off the trailer.

Different topic: I need to get some more weed killer and get back to work in the ditch behind the homestead. The city is not doing its job very well this summer.

Speaking of flowers, was I speaking of flowers, we have a new flower blooming and the person who gave us the flower wants a photo of the bloom. I guess my favorite wife will let me use her phone camera.

No other plans for the day, we will wait and see what happens.

We hope you have a good day, be nice to everyone today, and be safe in all you do.

Trailer mover.

Senior ole person who needs to get started before it gets hot, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

July 16, 2024

            Good morning to one and all, and happy birthday to My favorite wife. We do have a plan for this morning and it is to get to the restaurant on time for breakfast. We will be meeting some friends there for a breakfast celebration of my favorite wife's "75 birthday".

            Let's review yesterday: I did get our yard man Alex to come over and mow the front yard, pull weeds from a flower bed, and trim the back yard. only parts of the back 40 need to be mowed so I might do that this week.

            A neighbor and good friend came to the Ford homestead yesterday with a present for my favorite wife, and they also brought a Rum Cake. I think this was the first time that I have eaten Rum Cake, and it is extremely good. When you have a piece, you then want another piece, it is that good!

            Uninteresting news: my favorite wife's cell phone has started receiving emails again. We were sitting outside yesterday afternoon when the phone made a noise and she checked it to see what was going on, she had a bunch of emails. This morning, she checked it again and it has more emails on it.

            We talk about kids and adults looking at their phones all the time and they do, but we the people who don't look that often at the phones, still rely on them a lot. When something stops working it is very irritating to us, so we are in some ways like the people we talk about, who look at their phones all the time. Not doing what you normally do, can be very irritating.

            Let's see if I have a photo that I can present to you. First, we have a cross that my favorite wife had purchased and I located it on the post of the front porch.

            Then we have a photo of another flower, this flower produces both pink blooms and white blooms with a yellow center.

            I have this morning watered the berry bushes and the flower pots out back, wow to much work for an ole senior person.

            Well, I need to get dressed for the breakfast birthday meal. We hope you have a good day, and please stay safe in all you do.

Breakfast. 😊

Senior ole person who must be hungry, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!