It is a good morning here in the Ford Homestead, and we wish you a good morning too. Now I am starting this posting in the early morning, but I will not finish it until later. I have a doctor’s appointment at 8:00 so I will need to leave early to get there on time.
My big plan for the day is to get cut on at the doctor’s office, and then come home. They have cut on me 3 times in the past removing skin cancers and that is what they are supposed to be doing today. Usually, these cuts are small and there is little if any pain with them.
We did very little yesterday as a matter of fact, almost nothing. We sat outside yesterday afternoon, and the heat was present, and there was the occasional breeze. When the breeze stopped, we activated the fan, when the breeze started again, we deactivated the ole big fan. I can turn the ole big fan on and off from my chair.
I do have an early morning photo to provide to you and some of the others who review these posting. The photo is of the sun trying to shine through the clouds.
Well, I am back from the doctor and my back isn’t hurting right now.
New topic or should I say ole topic: Some of our neighbors have gardens and they share their harvest with us neighbors. This got me to thinking about gardens. Back in the olden days, and I am speaking of times about 70 years ago, my father George Ford worked at the cement company in Cape Girardeau Missouri. Now the cement plant has a lot of property, and they even had a swimming pool the employees can use, but more about the pool later. I want to talk about the property that the cement plant had, and that they allowed the employees to plant private gardens on this property. My Mom and Dad had a garden area on the property. I remember going with them to the garden and they did all the work while I played around, I might have been about 5 years old.
My parents always had a garden if the yard where we lived was big enough for a garden. Now I was not into the gardens work as a youngster, but I did enjoy things from the garden such as corn on the cob and ripe tomatoes. Now why have I presented this to you, I found a photo on my phone of what appears to be a garden area in our back 40. I remember having a big garden in the back 40 but I do not remember this garden back in April of 2017, even though I have a photo.
This was done before the #2 berry bed which is now next to the shed. I found the photo among the photos that transferred from the ole phone to the new, and there are photos all the way back to January 2004.
I guess that is all for now, we hope you have a good day and please be safe in all you do.
Gardens be good!
Senior ole person who don’t hurt now, but maybe later, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!