It is Sunday and it will be a sunny day. It is also the last day of the month; we will be starting July tomorrow and there is a holiday coming up. We, retired seniors enjoy a holiday, we get to do nothing for a day, just like all other days. If you don’t have something planned to do when you retire, then don’t retire.
Our Saturday was more or less our normal routine, we went into Waco, had our usual lunch sandwiches at the usual place. The lady there said one day we will order something different, we said, “maybe”. We did go to the cheap store; they had 15% off the cheap prices. We did buy a cushion for the ole wooden rocking chair that sits on the driveway.
Returning home we did almost nothing for the rest of the day, and sitting around is boring. Heck it is so hot if you go outside to work you sweat so much you will become dehydrated in a short time. My favorite wife and I did sit outside for a while yesterday afternoon and yes, we had the big fan on which helped us with the excessive heat. Inside the house is boring, at least when we are outside, we hear the birds, we see planes flying over, we can wave at people as they drive by, and we can comment on the heat. I have a photo which I took yesterday while sitting outside.
The Tres and I did go for a short early morning walk this morning, the street gets too hot for the Tres’s feet on the pavement later in the day. There are a couple things I should do outside but I don’t really want to get out in the heat.
I have narrowed the choice for a new router downed to two units. I should make the choice today, but you know ole people, they might, and they might not.
We hope you have a good day, stay safe and be nice to others even if they are not nice to you.
Holiday coming.
Senior ole person who needs to decide, but what if he gets it wrong, Don the Ford
May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!