
Sunday, July 7, 2024

July 7, 2024

            Good morning to you and happy Sunday to us all. I have already watered all the flowerpots around the outside of the Ford homestead this morning, I even watered the berry beds in anticipation of no rain from the hurricane. Yes, they are saying we will get a bunch of rain, but what they say, and what happens, is often two different things. We do need the rain very bad as the ground is cracking open due to lack of moister.

            Yesterday’s events: as usual I worked on the blog, then I did my daily reading from the bible, and we then headed into Waco for a lunch sandwich. We arrived at the sandwich place and the lady started our order without asking what we wanted. The price was $13.99, and I wanted to get rid of some change, so I gave the lady a twenty-dollar bill and a dollar in change. She took the money and gave me a ten-dollar bill, a penny, and the receipt. I told her to keep the penny and put the money and receipt in my pocket. We got our food and drinks and sit down at the table.

            After a couple minutes I thought to myself, did she charge us the right amount, and I pulled the money and receipt out of my pocket. I don’t know why but she had given me $10.00, when she should have given me $6.00. I took the receipt and the ten-dollar bill back to her and said you did not charge me enough. She looked at the receipt and agreed, she corrected the error by taking the $10.00 bill and giving me $6.00. It is always best to be honest in all we do. An error in your favor don’t make it right.

            Leaving the sandwich shop we went to the cheap store. We got a couple items, one for my favorite wife and an adult toy for me. I got another solar powered device. This device can be used for two things. One, is a lantern with a white light, which will come on at dark and go off at sunup. Two, is an insect zapper, that has a blue light, it comes on at night and goes off at day light. Like I said, it is an adult toy. I set it outside in the sun to get it fully charged. Photo…

            Different topic: it was 4:19am on a Saturday morning, the Don was in bed but not asleep. He was laying there on his right side when a lite came on in the bedroom, which caught his attention. The Don opened his eyes and looked around. The TV was on, but it showed it did not have a signal. The Don reached for the control to turn it off and he saw the clock was flashing 4:19. TV turned off the Don assumed the power had been off, so he reached for the Ford’s ole kind-of smart phone to check the time, it was 4:19am. The Don then looked at the other clock which is located on his favorite wife’s side of the bed, and it was not flashing. The flashing clock reset, the Don wondered why his favorite wife’s clock was not flashing, there obviously had been a quick power failure.

            Later when the Don was awake and out of the bed, he noticed that the clock on the microwave was blinking but all the other clocks were ok. Now the lawn sprinklers were running when the “quick power failure” occurred, and the Don noticed that although the front yard was watered, the sprinklers had not watered in the back 40. Quick power failure stopped the sprinklers.

            Why did I elaborate on the above topic, I see it as odd that some things were affected, and some were not.

            We did sit outside yesterday afternoon; it was hot, but not as hot as earlier in the week. There was a good breeze, so I did not activate the big fan. 

            We will likely go to the cracker store for lunch today as my favorite wife don’t want to cook, and I don’t want to wash the dishes.

            I guess I will stop for now, we hope you have a very good and safe day. 

Rain coming. Really? 

Senior ole person who after he eats lunch, likes a short nap, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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