
Monday, July 29, 2024

July 29, 2024

            I offer you a good morning, my dog Tres and I went out front this morning for the morning front yard check, it was still dark. I also took a flash light with us just in case we needed it. As I sit here at the computer I am having an optical migraine. The migraine last for about 20 to 30 minutes, and they mess up your vision during that time.

            I need to get ready to go to the doctor this morning for my annual physical, I have already seen the results of the blood and urine test on line, but I like to let the doctor tell me how good I did. I also go to the dermatologists on Wednesday to get cut on, she always seems to find something to work on.

            Yesterday in review: we did not do a lot, Patrick and Karla stopped by yesterday morning, on their way home from Dallas, they had been at a friend’s wedding. They did not stay long as they needed to get home and check on the cats.

            My favorite wife and I went to the cracker store for breakfast and the food was good, we did not have to wait to get seated. I did my usual reading from the bible yesterday, and I also read from Revelations. Later in the afternoon we sat outside away from the distractions of the TV. It was not too hot and there was a breeze.

            Habits: as one might know, I consider habits quiet often and this morning I was doing it again. I get up early, I turn the TV on to the same channel, I watch the same so-called news daily. I turn the volume off when the advertisements come on, as I have heard them too many times. I watch them with the volume off and I know what they are saying. My thought this morning is, “why don’t I change channels and watch a different so-called news?” There is something about not changing, it is like I would be wrong if I change channels. I have changed channels at times, and I find that I don’t like different people presenting the so-called news. I do so much at the same time and the same way so often, why don’t I change? Ole people be odd! 

            Well, I need to get going and get ready to go get my physical. We hope you have a good day, and that we all stay safe in all we do. 

Difficult to change!

Senior ole person who should change but probably will not, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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