
Thursday, July 4, 2024

July 4, 2024

            It is a good morning here at the Ford's Homestead, and we hope you are having a good morning also. Yes, I know, a couple of you don't get up early, so, we hope those of you who arise later in the day, you have a good day

            Did we do anything yesterday…        if memory serves me, we did do something, but what did we do. Ole people's memory is good when thinking about the olden days, but not good about yesterday. Wait a minute, something just popped into my head, we did do something. Oh, we did go to the Wally world to get a few food items and some dog food, then we went to the HEB grocery place and purchased a few items. We did not get a lot of stuff, but we spent $100 at each store.

            I do have a photo that I will share with you, it was taken yesterday as we sat outside in the afternoon. Before I post the photo, I will say, it was hot yesterday but there was a good breeze as we sat outside, so we did not need to have the big fan on. Now the photo is of a cloud, and it has an eye in it like a hurricane, so is this cloud a start-up to a hurricane over the state of Texas?

            I heard what you just said about the photo, you are welcome to your opinion, but you should watch your language. You might need some soap to wash that mouth out.

            As that one person who reads my posting knows, I have a new router and even though it is working, I have been having problems with the ring doorbell, not connecting to the router. I believe I have tried at least 10 to 20 times to get it to connect, and each time it would say it was connected and then it wasn't. I simply got tired of trying and left it sitting over night by my chair in the front room.

            Yesterday morning after watering the flowers and berry beds, I came in for a short rest before heading out to the stores. I saw the ring doorbell sitting there so I thought I will try it one more time. Well, it all happens the same way as the previous tries, with one exception, the darn thing connected, and it is now working. I did nothing different other than let the device lay on the table by my chair overnight. The doorbell has been reinstalled at the door.

            Today is July 4, 2024, so we do wish you a happy 4th of July. We hope you have plenty of good food and maybe even have some friends or family to visit with. Be care full if you are around anyone with fireworks. We do not have a lot of kids in our neighborhood, so we are hoping that the fireworks stay away, and no one gets injured, or any fires get started.

            They are saying we have a possibility of some rain the next few days, but I am going with the possibility that it doesn't rain, so I ran the sprinkler system this morning. Everywhere I look the ground is cracking open, due to no rain.

            Well even though us ole people have nothing to do today, we hope you do have plans and please stay safe in all you do.

Nothing doing. 😊

Senior ole retired person who might enjoy another, "do nothing day", Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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