
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

July 2, 2024

            I just looked at my Calander and it was still June; ole people never do things right. Good morning, even though it is later than usual, it is after 9:00 as I start on this posting. Why am I starting later than usual, I decided to take a shower and attempt to clean my ole body. You know ole people need to try and wash away the dirt and the ole dead skin from their bodies, I also had some blood on my arm. Now if you cared about the Don, you would have asked why he had blood on his arm, but you don’t care so I am not going to tell you that I had been outside on my hands and knees maybe praying, but for sure pulling weeds from the round flower bed. There is one good sized rose bush in the round flower bed, and it may have attacked my arm.

            Yep, my favorite wife wanted that flower bed weeded, so I went out early morning, aka before 7:00am, and began the grueling work of pulling weeds. These weeds are mixed in with some flowers that cover most of the bed, so it is difficult to get to the roots of the weeds, aka Johnson grass. It was only 80 degrees as I was working, but the sweat was dripping off my ole body. I had thought I would get a bandana and tie it on my head to absorb the sweat and keep it out of my eyes, but as ole people do some times, I forgot the bandana and I had a lot of sweat in my eyes. I did a pretty good job of it, even if I say so myself.

            New router installed, most things are working, the one thing I really wanted to work was the ring door bell and I can’t get it to pair up. I just thought of something I might try, it can’t hurt even if it doesn’t work.

            Plans for today, none. After working this morning, I might get on the ole recliner and rest a while. I don’t need to go any where so another nothing to do day. I will say we need some rain; I have the sprinkler system turned on, but a good rain would be better.

            Well, we hope you have a very good day, and if you can, be nice to at least one person today, while you are trying to be safe in all you do.

Weed Wacker.

Senior ole Weed Wacker extraordinaire, who is already tired, Don the Ford 

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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