
Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 11, 2024

            The sun is shining but it is still kind of cool outside this morning, so we say Good Morning to you, and the other readers also.

            Again, I have nothing to present to you in this posting. The main plan for today is to have lunch with some friends to celebrate my favorite wife’s birthday. Now this would be an early celebration as her birthday is not until next week on the 16th. How old will she be, I think she will be 21 years ole, again. (I am not allowed to say she will be three quarters of a century old.) If you don’t know what ¾ of a century is, ask your smart phone. Why do I even try?

            Having lunch with friends today means, we will not go out this evening for supper, aka date night. Now this is only one of the birthday celebrations that we will have for my Favorite wife, on Saturday we will have lunch with our sons and their families. Then next Tuesday we will be having lunch with other friends, which is the actual day of her birth. In truth we do not know if we will be having breakfast, or if it will be lunch on Tuesday, they have not told us yet.

            I have a birthday coming up next month, but…

            We did almost nothing yesterday, other than sit around and complain about being bored. I did water the flower pots and we did sit outside yesterday afternoon; it was nice but we did have the big fan running. Wow, ole poor people have an exciting life doing nothing and being bored.

            Well, I wish I had something interesting to discuss but I don’t. We hope you have an interesting day filled with blessings, and as always, please stay safe in all you do.

Bored stiff day.

Senior ole person who hopes lunch is good, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sending Hurricane Beryl our way…we were washed out for almost 2 days. Sunnier today!