
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

            I have been outside this morning and it seems as if we will have another Good Morning. We hope your day is starting out in a manner that delights you.

            Allow me to report on the rain amounts here at the Ford's homestead. For a two-day period, we have ½ inch of water in the Ford's ole free rain gage. We would have liked to get double that amount, but we are happy that we got the ½ inch. 

            What did the Don do yesterday, basically nothing. It was a lot of sitting around and being bored. My favorite wife and I sat outside yesterday afternoon on the front porch enjoying the cooler temp.

            Today I hope to get out back and work on the #2 berry bed. I still have some dead vines to remove and there is a bunch of grass and weeds that I need to pull. I want to remodel the bed with taller post but I have not developed a plan yet. If the sun is shining on the bed, I will not be working in it, I do my best to stay out of the sun.

            Speaking of sun, I get to go to the skin doctor next week and get cut on, now you know why I try to stay out of the sun. I should have stayed out of the sun when I was a young person, but I didn't.

            I was just thinking, why do my neighbors not come over and help me pull weeds? Then I thought, why do I not go help my neighbors pull their weeds. To answer both questions, "weed pulling is work"!

            I am still trying to get phone numbers for the new phone, for friends and family. If you want to text me your phone number I will check and see if I still have it.

            I wish I had something interesting to say, but I don't, so I will just say see you later and hope your day is fill with goodness, and please stay safe in all you do.

Weed puller.

Senior ole person who need to get stared, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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