
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 30, 2024

            This is next to the last day of the month, and we hope you have a good morning.

            My morning has started out by spraying some plants for my favorite wife, before the sun got to them. I had sprayed some yesterday afternoon after we had sat outside, but the sun was on the other plants, and I don’t like spraying anything on plants in the direct sun. 

            I think I had informed you that we had gone to the license place to get a new handicap tag for my favorite wife’s van. Upon arriving we found that we needed to have a new prescription from the doctor in order to renew the tag.

            Well, I went to the doctor yesterday and it so happens that my favorite wife and I use the same doctor, well she gave me the needed prescription and paper work to get the tags. We have filled them out and hopefully we will again venture into down town Waco today in an attempt to get the tags.

            The only other scheduled event for today is to get Alex at 11:30 from school. He is getting into ROTC as a freshman, and they have meetings today and tomorrow mornings. Wow, such a busy day, I hope I get time to take a nap sometime today.  I do need to pick up the sticks out of the front and back yards, it is odd how many sticks fall out of those trees. I do believe the squirrels have something to do with the debris.

            I did water all the potted plants yesterday, and the sprinkler system ran this morning. They say we are heading in to the hot and dry time, heck I thought we were already in it.

            Maybe I will have more to present tomorrow, we hope you have a good day and as always, stay safe in all you do.

Too much work?

Senior ole person who needs to take a break and get some rest? Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats to Alex on joining ROTC!