
Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 20, 2024

            A good morning to you and a good morning to the others, the day is starting out sunny and bright. I need to go to my son Daves house this morning as he has the Ford’s ole trailer loaded with some items that we will take to the dump site today.

            What the Don did yesterday: early in the morning before the sun was shining on the back 40, I set the sprinklers up for the #2 berry bed and the #1 berry bed. I am trying to keep things a live until we get some rain. I then posted the blog for yesterday. After the posting I decided to pull some weeds from a front flower bed. I did get my knee pads so I could crawl around without injuring my ole knees.

            My favorite wife headed off to town leaving me alone here at the homestead. I kept watching for the mail person to deliver my new phone. I got a notice from the USPS that morning that the phone and a second package was out for delivery. Using our security cameras I observed the mail person, stop at the mail box, place an item inside the box and then drive away. It did not look as if he put a package in the box. I spring up from my seat here at the Fords’ ole desk and I sprinted to the front door, or, I may have dragged my ole body out of the chair and stumbled to the front door. I walked down the walkway to the mail box and I excitedly opened the mail box. I saw it, the card from the city asking if we had checked our sprinkler heads for any damage.

            No phone and no second package. With tears in my eyes, I was able to get to the Ford’s ole recliner and as I sat there, I was feeling as if I was being mistreated, you know, they don’t like us ole people, so they treat us bad.

            Yesterday at the happy time we headed outside for some time of meditation. Most of my meditation was why the USPS would send me conformation for two packages to be delivered and then not deliver either of them. Also, our friend came over and we had some lively conversations about how bad the USPS is, I mean we had some fun discussions about various topics. It was a good day, and it did get better. As we sat there enjoying the afternoon and a beverage, a USPS truck came down the street. This truck was stopping at various houses and taking packages to the door. Yes, he stopped at our house and we got the two packages, my new phone and something that my favorite wife had ordered. I now take back some of the things I said about the USPS.  

            I did get a call from Dave saying I did not need to pick him up from work yesterday, that Claire will get him. He also informed me that Claire will be going to work at Do it Best. She had interviewed a few days ago and will be working in receiving. She does have to give 2 weeks’ notice to her present employer. My first job at HWI / DIB was in receiving.  

            Plans for today, well we want to go to town and get a lunch sandwich, and then go to the cheap store to see if they have anything that catches our interests. We may go to the shoe store and get a couple items that we could not purchase yesterday, they were put on hold for us due to the computers being shut down.

Well, I guess that is it for today, we hope you have a good day and that your packages come as scheduled. Also, Please stay safe in all you do.

New phone, ole person.

Senior ole person who had survived without a phone for days, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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