
Sunday, July 14, 2024

July 14, 2024

            It is a good morning for both us, and Donald Trump. They are saying on the TV that Donald Trump is still alive due to the hand of God being on him. I think they are right.

            Yesterday events: we did go out for lunch yesterday, there was a lot of conversations and some real good food. We were surprised when we arrived that the restaurant a little before 12:00, to fine that the place was almost empty. With all the traffic on the streets we thought we would need to wait for a while, but we were seated quickly.

            I did get both of my emails working again, I should say Patrick got them working. 

            We did not do much of anything the rest of the day, heck we did not go to the cheap store so we may have missed out on an adult toy, that is my definition of things I buy. 

            We did sit outside yesterday enjoying the afternoon, when I got a text from my sister in Missouri saying, “Trump was shot”. I sent a text asking what happened, she responded I don’t know. Instead of getting up and going into the house to watch TV I called a neighbor and asked if he was watching TV, he was, he did not have any more information, so we sat there a while longer then headed into the house.

            Back in the homestead, my favorite wife and I watched the news to learn more about the shooting. There is a lot of crazy people in this world.

            Well, we have no plans for today, we may go to the cracker store for some breakfast but other than that, no real plans. We hope you have a good day, stay away from crazy people, and try to be safe in all you do. 

Some People be crazy!

Senior ole person who needs to get ready to go to breakfast, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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