
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July 23, 2024

            It is a good morning here in Hewitt Texas. We got almost a ¼ inch of rain yesterday, I don’t know if we got any additional rain last night. My sprinkler system ran this morning adding to the rain from yesterday.

            I did go outside yesterday to work on removing the rest of the dead from the #2 berry bed and as soon as I started, that is when the rain began. The rest of the day I was trying to find something to do while staying dry.

The cool weather is nice, and it may stay cool a couple more days. I want to get back outside and work in the #2 berry bed, I would like to clear the grass out of the bed and basically remodel the bed. I would like to put a couple taller post in the bed which would help the vines to not hang down and out over the yard. I have not developed a plan to do this yet although I have the post and could start any time. That type of work will cause my arms to be bleeding, do to working with all the stickers.

I would like to get out back in the ditch and spray some more weed killer, there are weeds that are trying to come back from the previous weed killing. I want to wait until the rain is not being predicted, to do the spraying.

Let’s see if I have a photo to share with you. Yes, I do, enjoy.

            Sun rise in Hewitt Texas; this was taken yesterday or the day before.

            New phone problems: for some reason I lost about half of the phone numbers I had on the ole phone during the transfer from one phone to the other. I will be getting some numbers from my favorite wife’s phone today. I am hoping for a call from friends or family in Missouri as I have lost almost all those numbers. 

            We hope you all have a good day; please stay safe in all you do.

No phone book.

Senior ole person who needs to get moving, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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