
Friday, July 12, 2024

July 12, 2024

            Well, I should say Good Morning to you but, the morning is almost over as it is after 11:00am as I am entering this data.

            I got started working this morning after the Tres and I went out front and checked the front yard out. I decided to water the flowers in pots early morning so I started out front. I had decided to pull weeds from the #1 berry bed this morning and knowing that the weeds seem to come out of the wet ground easier than dry, I decided to water the #1 bed at the same time as watering the flowers out back. I got the #1 bed watered and I could not stop myself from watering the #2 and #3 beds also. I got the flower pots watered and headed out back to pull a few weeds.

Now I picked the #1 bed to pull weeds from, as it had less weeds than the other beds. Once I was on my knees and started on the weeds, I noticed some dead parts in the bushes, so I decided to remove the few dead limbs. I was surprised how many dead limbs there were, even though most of them were small, they did help fill up the container I was using to put the pulled weeds in. Unfortunately, I was working too slow and the sun was shining on me and the #1 bed before I finished. I don't like to work in the sun.

That work completed I then noticed several sticks in the back 40, so I decided to remove them which took a little time. I decided to also get the sticks and debris out of the front yard too, which took more time. At some point I had completed the work and I was able to drag my ole body into the homestead to cool down and drink some water. After the cool down period and shower, I came in here to the ole computer. I was able to get one sentence entered when my son Dave called and wanted me to pick him up from work.

I was able to get Dave home safe and my ole body back to the Homestead. It was almost 11:00 am so I got a sandwich for my lunch and then started this posting. What a morning!

Yesterday, my favorite wife and I had lunch with some friends as a celebration of Donna's Birthday. The lunch was good and the conversations were lively. Tomorrow we will have lunch with Patrick, Karla, Dave, Claire, Gabi and Alex, this will be the second birthday celebration for my favorite wife. The third celebration will be on Tuesday and it will be at a local restaurant at 10:00am, yep, we will be having breakfast at this one.

Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have a good day and please stay safe in all you do.

Birthday meals. 😊

Senior ole person who needs a nap after all this work and writing, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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