
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

July 10, 2024

            It is morning again here at the Ford’s Homestead. It seems to be a good morning as I do not have any big plans for the day.

            I did a couple things yesterday; I did go out and pull weeds from the big flower bed. This flower bed is not difficult when working on the outside, but the inside is difficult. It took 1.5 hours of me being on my knees, to pull the weeds. I do have a photo looking down the center of the bed. Now someone should wonder why we have the blocks in the center of the flower bed. Allow me to “splain Lucy”. When we first got Tres, we learned very quickly that he would go through the center of the bed instead of going to the outside when he needed to bark at someone. The blocks are there so he doesn’t run through the dirt or mud when it rains and bring it into the house.

            After the work and a cool down period, I was allowed to take a shower before I headed out to the post office. My favorite wife had ordered, and item and they sent her the wrong size, so we needed to return it. Leaving the post office, I went to the cleaners, and I had some shirts that needed to be cleaned. When I arrived back at home, I did my daily Bible reading before going to the Ford’s ole recliner and taking a short nap.

            I picked Dave up from work and he was eating a popsicle, evidently, they provide popsicles and some ice cream for the staff to help them stay cool in the hot days of summer.

            Cloud photo: I found this cloud interesting, you might if you have an imagination. I can see a couple different faces of dogs, one smaller and one large. Take a look and see if you can see something.

           I do need to get outside this morning and water the flowers, but the sun is shining on the front of the homestead so it will be hot for an ole person to work.

            A couple months ago I had to purchase a new VCR which is used to record the video of the security cameras, and when I installed it, it wasn’t recording the way I want it to. It was only recording when there was movement, and I want it to record all the time like the old one did. Yesterday I reset the VCR and took my time in the setup, now it is recording all the time.

            I did wash my ole red cap that has, “Make America Great Again” on it, I might even wear it in public.

            I guess I don’t have anything interesting to present to you, so I will say, “Have a good day, be safe in all you do, and be nice to ole people.”

Big imagination.

Senior ole person who needs to water the flowers, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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