
Monday, July 1, 2024

July 1, 2024

            It is now the first day of July, we do have a holiday this week, and we wish you a good morning. It will be another hot and steamy day, which this ole person does not like. I guess as we get older the heat and or cold affects us more than you real people.

            I just noticed on one of the security cameras a cat in the neighbor’s yard, so I zoomed in to see if it was our cat Molly. It was not Molly, but Molly was sitting in our yard watching the other cat. 

            Yesterday I did go outside and work in the back 40. I worked on the flower bed where Alex and I had removed a cactus last week. I was trying to get it cleaned out and leveled up some. My favorite wife wants to move a big flower in a pot, that is on a wooden stand that I had made, into this area and then plant some flowers in the bed where we move the big flower from. Yes, it was hot, I was partially in the shade but it was still super-hot and humid. I had a T-shirt on and I told my favorite wife that it could not be more wet if I had been in the shower.

            We did sit outside yesterday afternoon and I took my binoculars with me as I wanted to check out the jets that fly over each afternoon. I saw one jet yesterday, and it was almost out of sight when I noticed it. I assume that there are less flights going over on a Sunday afternoon. A neighbor lady came by and sit with us as it was her birthday and we had some lively conversations.

            I did order a router for the homestead; it should be here tomorrow. My favorite wife has a doctor’s appointment this morning, and after the appointment I may offer to take her to breakfast, if I can find enough money, and other than that, no real plans for the day.

            We hope your day is pleasant and interesting, while you are staying safe in all you do.

Too hot for seniors!

Senior ole person who don’t like the excessive heat. Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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