
Thursday, July 25, 2024

July 25, 2024

            I will wish you a good morning and we hope the rest of the reading public have a good morning also. Since you have not asked if we have plans for the day, I will not enlighten you to our plan to go down to the license place to renew the handy cap tag. I don’t like going into down town Waco as things do change and I don’t go there very often. No, I will not get lost, it isn’t that big of an area. We have discussed if we get back into Hewitt early enough, we might have breakfast at the George restaurant. 

            Other plans for the day, none. The front yard needs to be mowed but I worked too hard yesterday so my ole body will not be able to do the work. I could call our yard man Alex, but I do not know when we will be back at home.

            I see that only one of you is wondering what the Don did yesterday, to make his ole body tired. Well to the one person I will explain, and the rest of you can skip this and the next two paragraphs, you do know what a paragraph is, don’t you? I started the day out by removing the remaining dead from the #2 berry bed, which meant I was on my knees crawling around and getting up and down a bunch of times. Yes, I was praying, as I moved around. How many times did I say ouch, I lost count, but it was a bunch, and there was blood on my arms. At one point I looked at the solar panel on the side of the shed and there was blood on it.

After the removal of the dead vines, I then removed the weeds and grass, and that was not easy, more crawling. I also got the string trimmer and trimmed around the outside of the bed in hopes of keeping some of the weeds away and making it look better.

Then I installed two 7-foot-tall metal posts, one at each end. I had planned to use some PVC pipe between the to post, which were about 14 feet apart, but it was too flexible and drooped in the middle. I did go to the hardware store and bought some clothes line wire. I used the wire to connect the two post, and the wire will help keep the berry vines off the ground. The clouds kept the sun away for ¾ of the project but the last part was in the sun, and I do not like working in the sun. I still need to do a couple more things but it does not need to be done today.

Different subject: I was talking with my sister in Missouri yesterday and we were discussing the fact that I had lost a bunch of phone numbers during the transfer from the ole phone to the new. She said I should have a list written down of the phone numbers. I said I do have a list but I do not know where it is. As I was saying that I looked at the shelf next to the desk and I saw an old folder, I reach for the folder as we were speaking and it had the phone numbers in it. Wow, glad I was talking with my sister. Later in the day I added the phone numbers to my new phone. Sadly, a couple of people on the list have passed away.

Well, I need to get going, we want to go early to the license bureau. We hope your day is fun and interesting, please stay safe in all you do.

Ground crawler.

Senior ole person who gots to go into Waco, Don the Ford 

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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