
Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28, 2024

            From the Ole Fords of Hewitt we wish you a good morning, yes even that other person, and we all know who it is. It is a little cloudy, so the sun isn't heating the area up, yet.

            What did we do yesterday, very little. We did go into Waco for lunch, I did stop at the booze emporium at about 11:50am, and it was not open. The lady that runs it does arrive late, occasionally, or should I say often. No booze for me.

            We stopped at the cheap store, we had one item in mind, we found one item but, we noticed the note on the carton that said it had been refurbished. Disappointed and with tears in our eyes we headed for home, but we were sidetracked as my favorite wife wanted to go to the local grocery store in Hewitt. She went in and shopped, and I sat outside in the truck all alone.

            My favorite wife did purchase a couple items and we headed for home where we did almost nothing until time to, "Wash the Dog". Lots of soap and water and then a rinsing, he seems to enjoy the baths. While washing the dog I took a photo, it was more interesting in real life, the photo was a little dark, I lightened it.

            A little while later we headed outside in an attempt to enjoy the nice conditions for a restful happy time. You might remember I did not get a bottle of adult beverage when we were in town, so I had to use a bottle that was given to me by a neighbor. We had been outside for a while when our neighbors from across the street called and asked if they could come over. I don't know why anyone needs to call; you are always welcome. Lively conversations, and even a couple about the political competition. 

            When the friends left, we reentered the homestead, and I had some leftovers for supper. Now you know about our fun filled day.

            Today what are the plans for the Fords? We hope to go to the cracker store for breakfast this morning, we are expecting Patrick and Karla to drop by sometime today on their way home from Dallas. They went to a wedding in Dallas and said they might drop by on the way home.

            Nothing else planned for the day, maybe another day of rest for ole people, (aka boring days). We hope your day isn't boring, and that you enjoy being nice to all the ole people, while you are practicing safety.

Dog washer. ☹😊😐

Senior ole person who says have a good day to all, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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