
Friday, September 30, 2022

September 30, 2022

            Allow me to start off with some work that I was allowed”, not forced, to preform yesterday, after returning from the doctor. This project has been on the list for a while so I decided to see what I could do to remove it from the list. This project was, “remove and replace an electrical outlet that is located on the back patio”, there will be photos.

            The old outlet was a ground fault receptacle, and it was put there by me a bunch of years ago. In the past (aka olden days) we had a swimming pool out back, and it is a very good idea to have a ground fault receptacle for the pool pump.

Now days, this receptacle gets used for the heat lamp that goes in the hot house during the colder months. The receptacle would work for a while and then for no reason quit, then I would get down on my hands and knees to reset said receptacle. If we sit out back having a cool drink, we often like to have the little fan on, and we have some decretive lights that look like red peppers. My favorite wife has suggested a small TV for the patio, as you may now understand, we need a working outlet on the patio.

Well, that is enough history, let us get to the work at hand. Now I have believed that one of the problems might have been bugs, and or little lizards, getting into the outlet box, causing the outlet to trip.

Yesterday I turned the breaker off and got down on my hands and knees to see if I could fix this problem, yes, I did have some prayer time while on my knees. Hay, ole people have a difficult time getting up and down, so when we get on our hands and knees we might as well pray. If we didn’t pray while we were down there, do you think we could get back up?

I went to the garage, moved some items out of the way, and I was able to get into the drawer that had a few supplies. One receptacle, one outlet cover made for the outside, one cover not made for the outside. I also procured some screws, and some tools.

Outside as I sat on the floor, I removed the old receptacle and found the outlet box was full of dirt, some of which you may see in the photo to follow.

            I checked to be sure the power was turned off, and I proceeded to disconnect the old receptacle. I then cleaned the outlet box out, and then installed the new outlet.

            I then attempted to install the weatherproof cover, but I could not get it installed. If I would have had an extra set of hands, I could have probably installed it, so without extra help, I installed the plastic cover. Ole senior retired people never get any help, photo to follow.

            The outlet is protected from the weather, but I will probably purchase a new easier to install weatherproof cover. Oh, by the way, it works! Yes, I did sweep the debris away.

            That was yesterday, then I rested!

Work but no pay!

Senior ole person who can still do some work, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Thursday, September 29, 2022

September 29, 2022

            Well, I am going to start this wonder filled article early this morning, but I will stop at some point and allow the Tres to take me for a walk, that is, when it gets light outside. After the walk, I will need to be heading out to the doctor's office to get the stitches removed. I have had no pain with this incision 😊, and hopefully removing the stitches will not cause this ole senior person to cry 😐.

            Well, we are back from the walk, and for some reason the Tres took us for a longer walk. I usually let him decide when to turn and head for home but this morning I told him it was time to turn and head for home.

            Now I am back from the Doctor visit. The doctor showed the nurse how to remove the stitches from my face. She explained that these stitches are not the normal stitches. It took a few minutes but they got them out.

            I did get a cup of coffee from the star coffee place on the way to the doctor visit. As I was sitting in the Ford's ole Chevy in the parking lot at the doctor's office attempting to drink my coffee, an ole man got out of a big pickup and went inside.

I did not see this truck arrive, it was parked on a slight angle, and there was a person who went over and wrote down the license number of the truck and place the note on the vehicle next to the pickup. I assume the pickup had hit the other vehicle.

Not sure what I want to do today, I do have a couple projects, I just need to get started on at least one. I don't need to get the kids from school today. Wow a free day!

Well, I guess I need to get started, hope you have a good day.

Birds are back?

Senior retired person who is not left in stitches, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

September 27, 2022

            Was the air conditioner on? Nope, it was just cool outside, it felt as if the air was on in the Ford’s ole pick up this morning. Heck, I even set the temp control at halfway between cool and warm

            As I was driving this morning, I have the vehicle radio on 60s music. Normally I have the Fox news on, but they talk about the same stuff all the time, yes, I know the oldies songs are a repeat from days past and yes, I have heard them all many times before, but I like the oldies! If you want to know, I have them playing right now as I attempt to enlighten some of you.

            We did attend Alex’s football game yesterday afternoon. It was a good game cause they won, 19 to 7. I have a photo, but you can’t see Alex as he was on the line waiting for the snap. 

            After the game I did go to the Bible study meeting.

            Subject alteration: Dave and Claire will be celebrating their 19th anniversary next week. Along with celebrating their wedding anniversary, I will also be celebrating my 19th anniversary of giving up tobacco. Two really good celebrations!

            Our Moon plant had blooms on it recently. I have been told that the plant blooms at night, but you can see the bloom the next day, although they seem to go away during the daylight hours.

            The dog lady up the street (I call her dog lady, as she rescues dogs) stopped by our house and she had a germen shepherd in her vehicle that she had rescued. He looked a lot like Tres, although he had a little more black on him. He was friendly and will be looking for a good home.

            I need to decide to do something other than sit here at this keyboard. Well, I guess I will stop now and find something to do, hope your day is full of goodness!

I need to go!

Senior retired person who is heading for the privy, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Monday, September 26, 2022

September 26, 2022

            I made it back to Monday again, yes, we survived the weekend. Our pot hound Tres took me for a walk this morning, he is good about keeping the walk on schedule. As we walked down the street, we noticed that Molly was following us, and ahead of us was one of the neighbors’ black cats. Tres does not care about Molly, but he is very interested in cats that he doesn’t know. During this morning’s walk, Tres pointed out that there was a pretty sunrise and that I should get a photo.

            I also included a photo of a white cloud taken yesterday, just after we had completed washing the Tres. There was some rain in the area, but we did not get any.

            There were three high school boys running toward us, they had yellow reflective vests on, I believe they were practicing for cross country events, Tres wanted to run with them. Tres and I continued the walk until he decided to turn and head back for home. Normally in our walks, I allow Tres to decide when to turn and head for home, he usually turns at the same location every day.

            Alex has a football game this afternoon and following the game I plan to attend the Bible study. This game is local, and I should not be rushed to get to the meeting.

            My favorite wife grilled steaks for supper last night, we also had baked potatoes and ranch beans with some jalapenos in the beans. Good Stuff!

Since no one asked, I have had no pain in my scar on my face. I did measure it and it is only 2 inches long.

Well, I guess that is it for now, hope you have a very good day!

Check your schedule!

Senior person who had a schedule one time, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Sunday, September 25, 2022

September 25, 2022

            It is Sunday, and I have nothing to report to the reading public, or to you. This morning when Tres and I went out to get the newspaper, it was still dark, but the sky was getting a little pink on the horizon. Tres and I noticed that there were birds singing, or chirping, all over the neighborhood. I always kind of think that they are all calling out to the sun to, “get up so they can start their day”.

            Tres and I went for a walk this morning, and Tres is scheduled to get a bath this afternoon. In an effort to efficiently provide Tres with a bath, my favorite wife and I went to the store and purchased a new hose for the back 40. As I have previously stated, “The ole hose has a leak in it, and I get wet using it”. Now I need to get rid of the ole hose and connect the new hose.

            We have put Tres and Molly on diets, and I have a photo of the two in the front yard.


            It looks as if Tres is getting ready to urinate on the tree, and Molly is watching.

Sunday, day of rest!

Senior person who gets little rest, ok I get lots of rest, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Saturday, September 24, 2022

September 24, 2022

            Today’s enlightenment is about fire trucks. Now I use to know something about fire trucks, heck I was a volunteer fireman for 12 years, and I have driven fire trucks many times.

            I don’t know if this is still a true statement but, when I was a fireman, anyone could drive a fire truck to the scene of the accident, medical emergency, or fire, but only a class A driver could drive it back to the station or during a training. Several of us volunteers took the driving test to be a class A driver (back then class A was a big truck driver).

            As a fire truck engineer (that is a driver / operator) we had to be very careful when responding to emergencies. We needed to get there to help without having any accidents, and one of the biggest problems when driving to the scene was intersections. Now one would think that an emergency vehicle with its lights flashing, and it siren sounding, would be easily seen and or heard by other vehicles, but unfortunately that is not always true.

            As drivers of emergency vehicles there was another device that seemed to get a lot of attention, the air horn on the vehicle. I assume that people hear the air horn and think an 18-wheeler is about to hit them.

            Now I should say, the above has little to do with what I want to report to you today. This morning at about 8:00am, my favorite wife and I were in the Ford’s ole Chevy going to the cracker store for breakfast. We had stopped at the traffic light (red light) on Hewitt Drive and Sun valley Road.

            That is when we saw a fire truck coming on Sun Valley Road to the intersection with all its lights on, siren sounding, and the airhorn blasting. Traffic was stopped as the fire truck began to continue through the intersection. That is when an SUV came through the traffic light, it suddenly swerved to miss the fire truck, and almost hit a vehicle head on, that was stopped in the turn lane, then the SUV continued on into a parking lot of a store where it stopped.

            The SUV driver evidently, did not see, or hear, the emergency vehicle. Luckily there was no one hurt, but how can you not see of hear an emergency vehicle?

            That is it for now, I need to make a drink, and get outside for a while, we hope the rest of your day is fun and safe.

Pay attention when driving!

Senior retired person who has driven fire trucks many times, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Friday, September 23, 2022

September 23, 2022

            Fall started yesterday, at least that is what the prognosticators were saying. How was the first day of fall for the ole Fords, he asked with a smirk on his face. My favorite wife trimmed some flowers in the front yard and also pulled weeds out of all the flower beds in the back 40 yesterday morning. I watered the flowerpots and berry beds, I used the string trimmer to remove any unwanted weeds and grass, then I mowed the back 40. We finished around noon.

            I did find a peanut shell in the back 40, and I am wondering if our birds are visiting the neighbors to get a peanut, or if the neighbors’ birds are bringing the peanut with them when they visit us?

            Later in the day, as I waited for the Alex after school, I had the windows down in the ole truck and there was a slight breeze, the temp was officially 101 in Waco yesterday. I am probably the only person who does not sit there with their vehicle running, air conditioner on, as we wait on the kids.

            My favorite wife and I did sit outside yesterday afternoon attempting to solve all the world’s problems, we did not succeed!

            I want to say thanks to everyone who asked how I was doing after the surgery, wait a minute, no one even asked how the ole retired senior person who is on a fixed income was doing. Since no one asked, I am not going to tell you that I did remove the bandage this morning, and there was no bleeding, and I am not telling you that everything looks good.

            Let’s adjust the topic: I have a photo taken yesterday which I have given the title, “Sign of the time”.

            Why is it a sign of the times he asked, the tree has no leaves, could it be due to the lack of rain, and the clouds float around in the sky refusing to provide a drop of rain for the drought-stricken people here in Texas. (The limbs with no leaves are from last year’s winter freeze, and are on the neighbor’s tree, but the drought isn’t helping.)

            Well, I guess I should stop with my writing, and possibly take the dog for a walk, hope your day is wonder filled!

Act like you are happy!

Senior person who may take it easy today, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Thursday, September 22, 2022

September 22, 2022

            Good morning or afternoon, whichever it is for you.  I was going to post the photos of my face before and after the surgery that occurred yesterday. I then thought that even though the scar isn’t that big or bad, some would not like to see it. I am writing this on Wednesday afternoon, and I am still feeling good, no pain as of yet.

            The Doctor was a nice young lady and at this time I think she did a good job. Let’s see if everything goes good this week (no infections or pain) and on Thursday next week they will remove the stitches. The numbness has worn off, and I can feel the area where they cut me, but not any pain as of yet. I am not sure about sleeping yet, I might spend part of the night in my recliner, you know, I don’t want to have the bandage come off due to some moving around in the bed.

            Lest see what else happened yesterday, I did go get Alex from school but not Gabi as her mother picked her up.

Today Thursday: I did get a good night sleep, actually it was better than usual, and the doctor has called this morning to see how I am doing. I have walked the dog, went to the teller machine for the weekly stipends, acquired a coffee and a breakfast burrito. Did I ever tell you that my favorite wife and I share the breakfast burrito, (halfcees). 

I need to water all the flowers and berry beds, and I need to trim all the grass in the back 40, along with mowing the back 40. It is going to be very hot today, so I may do part but not all the work. I need to replace an electrical outlet on the back patio, it will not stay on, it is a ground fault receptacle and for some reason it will not stay on. I think the bugs and small lizards get inside the outlet and that tripes it.

I have a couple other projects I need to do such as, clean off the trailer and take it to Dave’s house. He has a tree he needs to cut down, and that would allow him to load the trailer as he cut the tree. I need to get a new hose as the old hose in the back 40 has a hole in it and I get wet when I use it.

I want to apply some sealer to the driveway, we have the sealer and have never used it, so I want to see how it works, and then decide if I want to seal the walks.

            I have decided to add two photos to this posting from back in 2010. These photos are of Gabi and Alex, hope you enjoy them. 


            It looks like Gabi and Granny are dancing, and Alex is… I am not sure what he is doing. Do you think he can still do that.

Toe jelly good!

Senior ole retired person who hopes everyone has a good day, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

September 21, 2022

            I am back from the doctor, I have a few stitches in my face, all went well. They did tell me to not mow the back 40 today. I was there for about 2.5 hours, the entire time I was laying on the bed. They did give me a cup of coffee while they were checking the specimen, I think I dozed off for a while.

            I have a photo of Alex while he was standing on the sideline at Mondays football game. He is number 77.


            I do not have anything else for this posting, hope you have a good day!

100 degrees again?

Senior ole person who don’t like the heat or cold, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

September 20, 2022

            I just got back from the doctor, and he said I would likely be ok. I wish he had told me if there was anything wrong with me! I asked for, and received, a flu shot. I did get a cup of coffee after leaving the doctor’s office. Now I am putting this info into the computer for your enjoyment.

            Topic swap: I did get the weeds trimmed and grass mowed yesterday (front yard only).

            We did go to Alex’s football game in Temple Texas yesterday afternoon. Alex’s team did not win, but they learned a lot. It was hot, there was no shade in the bleachers, (maybe that is why they are called bleachers) we had an umbrella that my favorite wife and I sat under. 

I did make it back to Hewitt in time to drop my first wife off at home and go to the Bible Study Meeting. I was not the last person there; a couple other men were arriving at the same time as me. This was my first complete meeting and now I know how everything works.

Arriving home after the meeting, since I had no supper, I was able to convince my present spouse to give me a bowl of ice cream. I then went to bed. 

Let us alter the subject matter: I did work on my secret project yesterday, this time I completed the project. It seems to be working ok and if I continue to like it, I might change the Plexiglas into ¼ inch plywood, which might be a little prettier. As usual, when I do any projects, I have supervisors watching all my work, Molly was on the work bench. Photos to follow

            The Plexiglas lays on the desktop, the computer weighs enough to allow me to pull the keyboard 6 to 8 inches away from the desk. Now the dog can lay under the desk, and I can still access the keyboard.

            I do need to mow the back 40 but I am not sure I want to get out in the heat. I go to the skin doctor tomorrow, and I have no idea what she will do. It could be a lot of looking, or there could be some cutting.

            Well, I guess that is it for now, we hope you have a safe and productive day.

I need to study!

Senior retired person who needs a nap before lunch, Don the Ford           

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Monday, September 19, 2022

September 19, 2022

            Well let’s see what happened yesterday, it was mostly a day of rest. I did water all the potted plants and the black berry beds, I did begin a project with a sheet of Plexiglas. You may have guessed that I did not complete the project, since I noted that I said begin, there was an error, and I became irritated, which told me to stop and when I am in a better mood begin again.

            No, you don’t need to know what the project was, if I am able to complete said project, I will then enlighten you and the reading public.

            My wife and I did sit outside for about an hour yesterday afternoon, the neighborhood was very quiet. If it had not been for a squirrel and a couple birds, there would have been “Total silence”, ok not total silence, since I was talking a lot.

            I do have a scheduling problem today. Alex has a football game in Temple Texas at 5:00pm, it should be over by 6:00pm. I have a Bible study meeting at 6:45pm. I am not sure I can get to the study group on time, I guess it is possible, I could arrive a few minutes late. Who knows, we will see how everything goes.

            I need to trim the front yard today, the ole jasmine vines are taking over and need some trimming. It will not hurt to trim some of the grass, heck if all goes well, I could mow the front yard.

            Yep, the back 40 needs to be mowed also, but that is not in the plan for today. most of the neighbors can’t see the back 40, so it does not need to be manicured.

            I think I have a photo of our dog begging for a bite of food.

            As you might be able to see, my favorite wife was eating and Tres was closely observing, in hopes of a bite or two.

            Well, that is it for today, I need to get to work, hope your day is safe and filled with Joy.

Get to work or don’t eat!

Senior ole person who needs to eat, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Sunday, September 18, 2022

September 18, 2022

            Let's see what happened yesterday…

            Patrick, Karla, David, Gabi and Alex came to the Ford Homestead. Tres was very happy as he had different people who would pay attention to him, you know, rubbing his back.

            We did all go out for lunch at a restaurant that has horn in its name. The service was much less than expected, they did not get all our orders right, service was slow, the food was good, and we enjoyed each other's company. Returning to the homestead, we did get to continue discussing many subjects without having our phones in our hands, you know, talking to each other not texting! 😊

            When everyone left, I was able to get a short nap and then I had time to read from the bible. After my reading was completed, I prepared a couple seats outside for me and my favorite wife. As we ventured out to the chairs on the driveway, we noticed a vehicle pull up in front of the homestead. I then acquired another chair as a friend dropped by for some chat time (aka happy hour).

            We discussed old times, as we have known each other for more than 40 years. Some of the old-time memories are fun to bring up. I did get a photo of a cloud, but no rain.

            At 6:00pm I excused myself and went into the house, it was time to eat my leftovers from lunch and turn the 3 stooges on. I was surprised I did not remember seeing one of the 3 stooges shows, so it was kind of fun watching.

            A little later my first wife came into the house saying that someone who was driving down the street and they stop and pointed out the neat sunset that the two ladies were not seeing. So, they got out of their chairs and took a look, then my present wife came into the house and informed me of the beautiful sunset. I went out and looked and there were some pretty clouds in the sky, I wish I had been outside earlier to see more of the sunset. I might have a photo or two.

     Well, I guess that is it for now, we appreciate you, and hope your day is wonder filled!

Take time to enjoy!

Senior retired person who likes to enjoy, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

September 17, 2022

            Well, yesterday was a do-nothing day. As I have already noted in the previous posting, I did pull weeds from the #1 berry bed.

            The rest of the day was a do-nothing day. I did read a little and attempt to work on the notes for the Bible Study meeting, which meets on Monday evenings. My present wife and I did sit outside yesterday afternoon and wave at a few neighbors as they were returning home.

            I don’t think I noted that my favorite wife had an MRI this past Thursday, we will not know the results until we see the doctor in a week or so.

Speaking of doctors, I have two appointments next week, one is a follow up, I think they will check my ears again. This visit is with a nurse practitioner. One other time I had a nurse practitioner, and he caused my ear to hurt for a whole week. 

            The second is with the skin doctor. My recent visit with the skin doctor indicated that I have a skin cancer on my left cheek. Not sure if they will be cutting on me this time or getting me ready to be cut on. I guess there were too many sunburns as a kid and teenager, part of that would come from working on farms hauling hay.

            Yesterday afternoon one of the residents on our street ran his sprinklers system 3 minutes on each area, and that was a little before the approved time. This unapproved running of the sprinklers allowed the resident to see that each sprinkler head was operating as expected. It also added a little water to the dry yard. I do have a photo.

            I also set up a portable sprinkler in an area that does not normally get watered and ran it for 30 minutes. This was done after the approved time. Yes, the entire system ran this morning starting about 3:30am.

            Our son Patrick and his wife Carla will be coming up to visit today, they also visit with Carla’s parents. We will likely go out to lunch, and we expect Dave, Claire, Gabi and Alex to go along also.

            Note: we have a pecan tree, all the pecans have now been removed by a squirrel. I have swept up the driveway several times because of the pecan debris (pieces not eaten) and the grass is full of the pieces of the pecans. I am saying, there are no longer any pecans on the tree. 

            Well, I guess that is about it for the Fords, we hope your weekend is pleasant, fun and safe.

Squirrels bad!

Senior person who might become a squirrel hunter, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Friday, September 16, 2022

September 16, 2022

            Good morning, as it is still morning, and I am writing this soon to be boring blog posting. Why is it boring, it is boring cause it is about me. This morning the Tres and I went for a walk very early as I wanted to be out in the back 40 pulling weeds before the sun begin shining on the number 1 bed.

            I was there, I did pull weeds, and I finished my work just as the sun began to focus on the end of the #1 berry bed. Work completed, I put the tools away, dumped the weeds into the trash container, and came into the homestead. I am now looking at the #1 bed via a security camera and the sun is not shining on it. I guess there may be some clouds around.

            Please allow me to provide you with a photo or two, of which I will attempt to explain.

            Photo #1, you may see the #1 berry bed at the top of the photo, what I find interesting about this photo is the new berry plant growing in the yard, close to the center of the photo, about 8 feet from the #1 bed. This is not the first time this has happened. Photo #2 is a closer look at the new berry.

            I have now cooled down from all the strenuous weed pulling, and I need to get a shower. Before I go get cleaned up, I have a photo of the Tres I would like to share.

            Tres will get on that footstool and expect to be petted. He will move around in an effort to position his body in the correct way to get the most rubbing from Granny Ford.

            Well, it is now clean up time, we hope your day is clean and safe.

Get clean all over!

Senior retired person who needs both a wash job and a nap, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Thursday, September 15, 2022

September 15, 2022

            I do not have a lot to present today, but I do have a couple comments. Allow me to begin with the price of gas here in Hewitt Texas. As I drive around our town, I am able to occasionally look at signs along the street (ole people need to stay focused on the street, not the signs). Yesterday I saw a gas price at one station of $2.95 per gallon, and that is what I had paid for gas a few days ago. At three other stations the price of gas was $3.14 per gallon. For some reason some of the stations are increasing the price.

            It was nice and cool again this morning as the Tres and I went for a walk. I should note that when I opened the door from the fords ole office to the garage, there was a strong smell of a skunk, and I do mean strong. I believe a skunk had ventured into the garage during the night. I did get down on the floor and look under the van and then around the garage to see if I could see a skunk, thank goodness I did not find one.

            Tres and I walked before the sun came up, and we did not see or smell a skunk during the walk. My favorite wife has been leaving the garage door up a little each night just in case Charlie the cat, was to return. 

            I did get my hair cut yesterday, and when I say it was cut, I mean it was cut! During the summer months I like the sides and back to be short, making it seem a little cooler. Some of the hair cutting personnel give me a haircut as if I were just getting into the army, others allow a little more hair to the point of being able to have a part in my hair. I can’t part my hair this time.

            Well, I guess that is it for now, hope you have a good day.  

Cool hair Don!

Senior retired person who is getting a cup of coffee, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

September 14, 2022

            I have a comment about odd service. I ordered an item a couple weeks ago (August 31), I was told via email that they were extremely busy and it could take 7 to 10 days to ship.

I got notice that it was picked up at Corpus Christy TX at 9:14am on the 12th.  

I have notice on the 13th, that it is in Memphis TN and should be delivered by 8:00pm on the 14th.

They sent it from Texas to Tennessee, then bring it back to Texas, and it may be delivered tomorrow. “Odd service”!

Allow me to swap topics: when I was attempting to do some work yesterday, there was something attempting to hinder my efforts. Ole people, trying to be productive, and everything is trying to keep us from working. Review the photo!

Was it a ghost that did this, or was it just the hose not liking me, you may decide.

Not one person asked to see a photo of the newly butchered ditch behind the Ford’s homestead, but I will provide a photo anyway.

            The uncut weeds and grass are on the neighbor’s property. The city does not take very good care of the ditch.

            Pecans disappearing, I have thought the pecans on the Ford’s ole tree were probably not going to be good, due to the dry weather. Now most of the pecans are gone from our tree, due to the squirrels, and I do have a photo. Look at the center of the photo.

            I thought you would like more photos and less words. Hope you have a good day.

Happy time will come!

Senior ole person who is going to try a little happy hour every day, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!