
Friday, July 5, 2024

July 5, 2024

            Hello to you all, we hope your day is starting out good, it is still hot here, but we are supposed to get a break in the heat this coming week.

            This morning, I have already been outside watering the plants in the pots, so I am sitting here hot and sweaty trying to put a few words into this posting. I will head over to get our yard man Alex this morning, I have asked him to mow the front and back yards today.

            I have a couple photos, one is of me as I sat outside yesterday with my celebratory glasses on, one is of the blooming flowers taken this morning and one is of almost no clouds taken yesterday. There is a part of a cloud in the center of the blue sky.

           This morning as I was brushing my teeth, yes, I do brush my ole teeth, I thought of a friend who worked for the same company I did. Now this friend lived in Indiana and would come to Texas a couple times a year, he was in charge of all the equipment in the centers. His name is Wayne and when he would come in the summer months he would always say, “you can’t get a cold shower here in Texas”.           

Now the reason I brought this up, this morning I turned on the cold water to brush my teeth and the water was not cold, it was warm. Wayne was right, you can’t get a cold shower in the summer time here in Texas.

Well, I need to get going so I will say have a good day, be careful in all you do and try to stay cool.

Alex, the yard man!

Senior ole person who is glad Alex is doing the work, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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