
Saturday, July 27, 2024

July 27, 2024

            This day seems to be starting out nicely, Tres and I did go for a short walk, and the sun wasn’t up yet, so it was a nice short and cool walk, oh, by the way, Good Morning to you!

            I will attempt to keep this article short, so you can have time to do the necessary things, and reading this stuff is not necessary. Friday morning, I did get the yard man Alex and bring him to the Ford homestead. On the way to the homestead, we did stop at the star coffee place to get him and me a morning drink, in an effort to get the day started properly. We arrived at the homestead and he greeted his grandma, and then headed out back to get the walk behind mower. He does a good job of mowing the front yard and he did use the leaf blower to get the grass off the drive ways, the walks and the street

            Why did the Don emphasize that he got the grass off the street? Our neighbor had his grandson mow his yard a little later in the day and he blew the grass out in the street and left it lay there. This is the second time the neighbor’s grandson has done that, and it looks bad for the neighborhood. I believe, blowing grass into the street, and leaving it there is littering. When I see grass left in the street, I assume one of two things. It may have been done by a so-called professional who don’t care, or it may be a person who don’t mind living in a cheap neighborhood.

            Enough of that, I should not criticize others. Let’s get back to the work load that was placed on, “The Yard Man Alex”. After manicuring the front yard, and he even use the leaf blower on the front porch which makes both me and my favorite wife happy, I asked if he wanted to weed eat the ditch. Alex responded positively, so we headed out back. He got the new string trimmer and check the oil, (remember it is a 4-cycle motor). It was decided the oil was low so we changed the oil. Now the instructions say to change the oil every 6 hours of run time. The unit uses 2 ounces of oil. I know that don’t seem like much oil, but it works. Oil changed; gas tank filled, he headed out back to the ditch and started trimming. A minute or so later, he stopped, the string had run out.

            This was the first time for the both of us to put string into the trimmer, it took a few minutes but we finally got the string in and Alex went back to work. After he had trimmed an area, I went behind him and sprayed some weed killer on anything green. He got down into the heavy weeds in the bottom of the ditch and was possibly two thirds of the way done when I decided to get the other string trimmer that neither I or Alex likes, and help out. The ditch finished, we put the tools away and brushed the grass trimmings off both of us.

            After we had washed up I asked if he thought he would enjoy some chicken from the Bush chicken place. He did not take long to answer in the affirmative. We drove over to the chicken place and got a couple orders of chicken. Returning home we had lunch. The total cost of the mowing, trimming, morning drinks for two, and the lunch for two, was a bunch of money.

            I dropped Alex off at home and when doing that I picked up the small garden tiller and brought it home. My favorite wife wants to move some flowers from pots into the ground so the tiller, even though it is a little tiller, will make breaking up the ground easier than with a shovel. I did clean the tiller up as it was dusty from sitting, and I started it and ran the small amount of gas that was in it, out of it. I need to get some fresh gas for the tiller and get started on the project.

            What will we do today no one asked: the usual Saturday events, sandwich shop for lunch, may stop at the cheap store and then sit around and say it seems to be a long ole day.

            Well, I guess that will be all for now, we hope your day is interesting and fun, we hope everyone stays safe in all we do.

Too much work?

Senior ole retired person who needs a break from writing, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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