
Friday, July 19, 2024

July 19, 2024

            Good dry Friday Morning. The needed rain has passed us by, the sprinkler system helps but a good rain would be better.

            Yesterday’s events: I did go to get my haircut on Thursday morning. I usually go about 9:30 but I went earlier yesterday at 9:00. I pulled into the parking lot and there were a couple people standing at the door, they had not opened the doors yet. I sat in my truck until I saw them open the door, then I proceed to go check in. There were two hair butchers there, and four customers, I was fourth in line. Usually when I go on Thursday there is no waiting time. My hair is now cut.

Returning home I did nothing but sit around and nap. Dave called about 1:00 so I went and picked him up from work. Returning to the homestead, I decided to check the yard for dog POOPA-LOOPA. Tres has not been feeling well and his droppings have not been solid. While removing the droppings I observed some limbs that had fallen out of the tree, so I decided to pick them up, and after that I decided to mow the back 40. Some grass was growing some was not, but I mowed it all and then did some trimming. Completing said task, I then cooled off and took a shower.

My favorite wife and I went out for supper, the food was good and the service was very good. Returning home we set outside for a while. It was still hot even though it was a little cooler than a couple days ago.

 Felt in my pocket for my phone several times over the last couple days, but it was not there. The new phone is supposed to be here today and I hope I will be able to get the info off the ole phone onto the new phone.

I did also set up the sprinkler to water the #2 berry bed. Everything is very dry and the ground is cracking open. We did not get a noticeable amount of rain from the cold front that came through last night, and we might get some rain this Sunday, but I am not holding my breath.

Plans for today, I have one and that is to receive the new phone and get it working. There are things I could do like get a new pair of shoes, but that means I would need to go shopping, and I don’t like that kind of shopping. Shopping in a hardware store is good shopping.

Well, I might get outside and run the sprinkler on the #2 berry bed. We hope you have a good, day and please be safe in all you do.

Sprinkler manager.

Senior ole person who is without a cell phone, we have a house phone, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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