
Friday, July 26, 2024

July 26, 2024

            Good morning to you, good morning to me, good morning to the world, and good afternoon to that person who reads this later in the day. 

            We received a little over ½ inch of rain yesterday. I had walked out to the mail box to get the mail and there were drops of rain starting to fall. It took a couple minutes to turn into real study rain, and finally it came down like one of those ole Missouri rains. That little over ½ inch rain helped the grass and everything that grows outside. In the last 3 days we have totaled 1 and 1/16 inch of rain.

The rain kept me from doing any outside work, I did call Alex to see if he wanted to come over today and mow our front yard, he said he would, but we will need to see how quickly the grass dries, I don’t like to mow wet grass as it, in my opinion, leaves the yard looking less than manicured.

            The rain stopped and the sun came out and it looked like a normal summer day. The rain has provided the area with a bunch of humidity which makes it difficult to sit out in the afternoon without the big fan running. Speaking of sitting outside, we did sit out on the front porch and there was a lite breeze the entire time, it was nice to reflect on things, and enjoy an adult beverage.

            I did check on the #2 berry bed with the new posts, and I installed a piece of wood between an old short post and new taller post, this should help keep the wires tight that hold the berry vines up. I wanted to address the other new post, but it was so hot in the sun with the high humidity, so I decided to put things away. Maybe I will finish the project today.

Yesterday was the first time I have used a power saw in the shed with the power inverter, which is powered by a 12-volt battery, which is charged by a solar panel. The saw worked just like it was connected to the house electric.

I don’t know how you stand on the people who were protesting the last couple days, but taking down the American flag, tossing it on the ground, then putting up flags of terrorist, these people who are supporting terrorism should be… well I will allow you to decide how you would address this.                      Peaceful protests are good, but violent protests are not.   


Let’s get to a different subject: this info is about paper handkerchiefs that come in a box and the name begins with a “P”. I have recently observed a situation in a box of those paper snot rags, that I first thought was a machine error, now I believe it is intentional. With over ¾ of the box used up, the last of the product is doubled over. Now you take ½ inch of paper and fold it over, you then have 1 inch of paper. Doing this means the amount of paper that goes on top, to fill the box, is less than if all the paper was laid flat. That means we get less paper snot rags, and they charge us the same amount of money. Yes, I could be wrong, but am I?

Well, I guess I will stop enlightening the public and think about today’s projects. I know I will need to get our yard man Alex a cold drink from the Star coffee store, and then turn him lose on the yard.

We hope you all have a good day, please be nice to us ole people, and as always, “stay safe in all you do”!

Observant ole person.

Senior retired person who has an imagination, but sees things clearly, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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