
Monday, July 22, 2024

July 22, 2024

            We have another good morning here at the homestead, even though we have not received a helpful amount of rain. We hope you are having a good morning. So far, I have had one response to yesterdays posting, there was a word that was used incorrectly and I saw it before I posted the article. The word was incorrect in the first post and I left it in the second post.

            Today I get to go to the doctor to give some blood for my upcoming physical next Monday. Other than that, not sure what I will do today.

            Yesterday morning before the sun got up, I watered the flowers in pots. It was supposed to have rained yesterday so I assume the neighbors were wondering why I was watering the flower pots. Well, it did not rain, it did sprinkle a little bit. Later in the day I became tired of sitting in the house so I went outside and picked up sticks from the front yard, then I went to the back 40 and did the same. That completed, I decided to remove dead vines from the #3 and #2 berry beds. I filled the trash can I was using twice before I stopped, and I am not done. I had at least 10 places on my arms that were bleeding when I stopped the work.

            Photo from the #3 berry bed.

            Very unusual to have berries on the vines this time of the summer.

            I then helped install another whirley gig for my favorite wife, and it this process I was again attacked by stickers from a rose bush and there was blood again on my arm. Photo of whirley gig.

            My favorite wife and I did sit out on the front porch, enjoying the cooled temps yesterday afternoon, and we were hoping it would rain but it did not.

            My new phone does not have all the phone numbers from the ole phone, heck I did not have my grandkids phone numbers, I have them now. I can save the number when some one calls me.

            That was our day as you can see, not a lot to do. We hope you have a good day and please be safe in all you do.

Nothing to do.

Senior ole person who needs to remember doctor appointment, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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