
Saturday, July 13, 2024

July 13, 2024

            It is the 13th, but it isn’t Friday the 13th, does that make it a good morning? As usual we have no plans for today, except to go out to lunch with the family. Patrick and Karla will drive up from Pflugerville TX, and Dave, Clair, Gabi and Alex will drive over from the other side of Hewitt TX. We will all venture into Waco and hopefully find a place to have a bite to eat for lunch. We always enjoy a get-together with the family.

            That is all the real plans for the day, we hope the lady at the sandwich shop where we go most Saturdays, don’t miss us too much.

            We did get the dog washed yesterday, and by that comment I mean, my favorite wife and I washed the dog yesterday afternoon. I thank he likes the washing process; he does not try to get away from us when he sees us get the hose and our benches that we sit on. Speaking of the dog, I have a photo taken yesterday afternoon when we were sitting outside.

            Tres was laying there and Molly the cat came over and lay down with him, they get along pretty good. The part of a foot you see in the photo is from my favorite wife, her and a friend were sitting on the ole swing.

            Speaking of sitting outside yesterday afternoon, the weather was warm but there was an off and on breeze, we did not have the big fan on. We had some lively conversations about the last book in the Bible, “Revelations”. Now I can’t say we came up with any completely correct answers, although there were some good thoughts and many questions. One question of mine that I will present, and if you have the answer, you are welcome to inform me. The New Jerusalem will be located on the new earth, and it will be, “1500 miles long, 1500 miles wide and 1500 miles high”. My question is, “Why will there be very high walls around the New Jerusalem?”


            Different topic: I have been seeing and hearing too much about the president and the fellow named Don who wants to be president again. A little info is enough for me. News isn’t news when you hear the same thing said by different people time and time again. I guess I need something more to do, maybe we have the TV on too much.

            Speaking of radio, was I speaking of radio? My favorite wife would like to know of a radio station that plays olden day Christian music a lot of the time. When she is in the van, she likes to hear some music that she remembers from childhood days. Do you have any suggestions for local channels?

            Well, I need to quit for now and let my ole body relax from all the data entry. We hope you have a good day, that you are nice to, you know who, and that we all stay safe in all we do.


Senior ole person who has a good imagination, but… Don the Ford 

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

1 comment:

John Snider said...

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY Donna! Hope that Don spoiled you!