
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

August 6, 2024

            As this day starts off, I see it as a good morning, and we wish everyone a good morning. Why did the Don start off with that comment? Allow me to attempt to answer that question.

            Yesterday morning I thought, “wow this is a good morning”, it turned out to be an odd day. I had a couple small plans for the day, and they were all demolished when I learned that I had no internet and no home phone. I tried unplugging things and then restarting them, to no avail. The router supplied by the company I get the internet and home phone from, was dead.

            I called to see if there was anything they could do to get me back online and after they checked the connections from their end they said, you need a replacement. He said I had 3 options; I could take the dead router to their store in Waco and get a replacement, they could ship me one and it would ship in a day or so, or they could send a repair person to our house the next day, arriving at the same time I needed to get Alex from football practice. Well, I decided to go to the store.

            The store opened at 10:00am, I arrived a few minutes after 10:00 and I was number 12 in line waiting to get served. There were 8 service desks, but only one person working. The customer he was working with took about 30 minutes, which meant I and the other people were waiting.

            I waited for approximately 1.5 hours, and I had to leave to go get Alex from football practice. I dropped Alex off at home and I went back to the store. I was now 15th in line to be served. They did have a couple more people working so I only had to wait another hour to get served. The problem wasn’t the people who were working, it was the company did not have enough people working.

            I took the new router and headed for home arriving a little after 1:00pm. I installed the unit and there was an app that showed up on my phone with some instructions that I could not make work. The app wanted to send me a text message with a code to help activate the unit, but it wanted to send it to my home phone number, I can’t get text messages on the house phone. Then it wanted to call me on the home phone with the code number, which wasn’t working, and it would not call me on the cell phone.

            I finally called them again and after a long wait I was able to talk with a human and he was able to get everything back online and working.

            Different topic: we did sit outside yesterday, and our neighbors came over and sat with us. It is always good to have friends to talk with.

            Two more topics: our trees both the oak and the pecan have a sticky substance on their leaves, maybe you can tell me why do they have this sticky stuff?

            I have a photo of a plastic pipe that I installed years ago to keep people from running over our water meter. Now the meter had been run over twice, one time it broke my line the other time it broke Steves line. Now the plastic pipe is easily seen and should keep cars away from the meter. I have a photo which shows that there has been tires rubbing against the plastic pipe.

            Well, I guess I will end this for now, we hope you have a good day and please stay safe in all you do.

Better day!

Senior ole person who needs to get started or he will not get done, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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