
Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August 13, 2024

            The sun isn’t up yet, but I think it is a good morning here at the Ford’s Homestead, and we wish you a good morning too.

            As you might know, I did work outside yesterday mowing and trimming. The reason I brought this back up is sweat, the clothes I had on were soaked. I do not mean damp, but they were soaked and it took a long while for them to dry before I could put them in with the dirty clothes. 

            A happy event occurred yesterday, The Don got an early birthday cake and a funny birthday card. The cake is a Rum Cake and it is GOOD! My favorite wife got one of these cakes for her birthday and she shared it with others, I do not plan to share this cake, it is mine, all mine. The birthday card was funny as it compared ole people with ole cars, and it was correct.

            Today’s activities: I do need to get Alex from football practice this morning, I need to water the flower pots and I might get the riding mower out and mow parts of the back 40. Other than that, not any real plans.

            We did sit outside yesterday afternoon and it was hot. We did have the big ole fan on for most of the time, but not all the time. There were some good breezes blowing for a while and we enjoyed mother nature providing the breeze.

            Cat subject: molly the cat has been staying outside and in the garage for quite a while. We put her out do to the fact that she would hide under a bed and not come out, it was as if she was afraid of everyone. Lately she has been coming into the house and checking things out but not staying too long before wanting to go back outside. She does act normal now, not afraid of people, as a matter of fact she wants to be petted a lot. I guess one day she will come back in and decide to stay inside.

            Well, I need to get started on watering pots, you do know the term Pot has a couple different meanings. After watering the pots, I will see if I want to get on the riding mower, or not. We hope you have a good day and please stays safe in all you do.

Pots or Pot?

Senior ole person who needs a piece of cake before I get started, Don the Ford

May today be better than your best day, but not as good as tomorrow!

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